Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 472 : Chapter 229 The Road to Retreat

[Volume 57] Chapter 472: Chapter 220 IX The Road to Retreat (1) ([-])


Chapter 220 IX The Road to Retreat ([-])

I understand Xu Gaocan's nervous high-flying very well. In the absence of anti-aircraft weapons, the Chinese army can almost only be the target of massacres by the Japanese army, navy and aviation!And these two Jeeps are very easy targets for the main Japanese shooting.

As soon as the two Jeeps drove into the woods, three Type 50 fighter jets of the Japanese army lined up in a triangular formation and strafed a section of road more than 47229 meters long. The Type [-] fighter jets were equipped with two [-]mm caliber ** Type machine gun, its firepower is fierce for the ground!Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers [-]

The 150-meter-long road was full of wailing and screaming crowds. Blood mist and splashed limbs could still be seen at a distance of more than [-] meters. The rate of fire is very fast, and the bullets it uses are all specially made destructive bullets. The prefabricated warheads developed for skinned and all-metal fighters, even if the caliber is not large, will cause very large damage to the human body. Incisions, even directly to the effect of amputation.

The road section of more than 50 meters is like hell. The corpses of the broken soldiers and the common people are superimposed on each other. The dead are pressing down the living. There are corpses and discarded boxes and sundries everywhere, and blood is slowly flowing along the roadbed, seeping into the ground.

Gao Fei had seen the tragedy of air raids, but he had never seen such a massacre. Some soldiers who were filled with righteous indignation also began to stop and stand where they were, fighting back desperately with the few bullets left in their outdated rifles. The second shot of the Japanese fighter plane The round-robin shooting has turned into a single-machine dive. Dozens of officers and soldiers who defended the last bit of insignificance and perhaps even negligible honor of the Chinese Communists fell in a pool of blood, and some wounded soldiers also picked up the blood-stained weapons of their sacrificed comrades. Keep shooting.

Gao Fei knew that all this was futile, except that the twin-linked mg34 general-purpose machine guns on the two Jeeps could threaten Type [-] fighter jets, the possibility of Chinese soldiers shooting down Japanese aircraft with rifles was the same as sinking aircraft carriers with grenade grenades. The possibilities are basically the same. After all, this is not a film and television work. This is a real battlefield where blood and blood are flying. These Chinese soldiers are just using their own deaths to buy time for the common people to escape!

At this time, a Japanese Type [-] fighter jet seemed to be staring at the truck full of Girl Scouts!The Type [-] fighter, which failed to straf, began to climb and rotate in a short distance. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for ground shooting firepower!Because this is the time when the Type [-] fighters have the lowest speed.

Dignity doesn't come without a price, Gao Fei patted the small glasses on the shoulder and said, "Rush out, kill it! Cover the evacuation of the people!"

The two Gies jeeps just started to speed up, Xu Yongyi looked at Gao Fei with a pale face and said, "Colonel Gao, you are the one summoned by the committee! Don't be impulsive! Don't be impulsive!"

Gao Fei said righteously: "As a soldier, if you don't stand up at this moment, what kind of soldier am I? Defending our home and country is bullshit. I can die, but I must die with the honor of a soldier!"

Xu Yongyi's face turned pale and said: "Brothers have a mission, and there are still beautiful wives and old parents at home. This is not a combatant, so I won't accompany you any longer. I'm really sorry! I'll invite you to dinner when I return to Wuhan camp."

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