Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 500 : Chapter 249 Meeting of the Wind and Cloud

[Volume 57] Chapter 500: Chapter 240 Nine Wind and Cloud Meeting (1)


Chapter 240 IX

Gao Fei led his troops back to Wuhan, and went to the train station almost non-stop to meet Chiang Kai-shek's special train. As the security force appointed by Chairman Chiang himself, Gao Fei realized that there were indeed a shortage of more than [-] people in his first brigade. The second brigade was also transferred from Chongqing to Wuhan, and the manpower of the second brigade barely met Gao Fei's security needs.

In the past, Gao Fei could only know the specific arrival news one or two days after Chiang Kai-shek arrived, but now it can be a full week in advance, and the fifth column is directly under the Supreme Military Commission, and Gao Fei is the colonel and director of the Military Law Supervision Department , everyone can see that Chiang Kai-shek wants to take the fifth column as his garrison, because the performance of the fifth column is too sharp, such a weapon that can kill the enemy thousands of miles away at any time The sword must be held in one's own hands with the character of the entrusted seat.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 50049

In order to protect Chiang Kai-shek's safety, Gao Fei deployed an absolute security circle with a diameter of five kilometers near the train station. First, all idlers and even military police were cleared out within three kilometers. , all high-density trees were felled, snipers were deployed on the commanding heights, armored vehicles guarded [-] meters away, military police of different affiliations supervised each other, and members of the fifth column were all used within [-] meters.

Looking at the team members wearing field camouflage uniforms, combat vests, black leather military boots, German-style mountain infantry soft hats, and seven-kill sabers on their waists vigilantly guarding the periphery, Chen Cheng looked at the elite soldiers of the fifth column. He sighed: "It's no wonder that the committee has given so much trust to Gao Fei's fifth column. Such an elite team is the most elite unit I have seen since I joined the army."

A special train with three additional armored trains and an external three locomotives slowly entered the platform. There was no military band, only Chen Cheng and a few dozen generals were waiting on the platform. Gao Fei stood at the end of the queue, wearing black Chiang Kai-shek in the cloak walked down the special train in a neat military uniform, and the eight bodyguards from the imperial servants' room stood in front of four and four behind in several directions. Chiang Kai-shek waved with Chen Cheng and others with a smile on his face. At that time, Chiang Kai-shek suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Gao Fei hastily turned half-face to the left, and saluted: "Report to Chairman, Supreme Military Council, Captain of the Fifth Column, Colonel and Director of the Military Law Supervision Department, Gao Fei is ordered to perform the task of guarding security, respectfully ask for instructions!"

Chiang Kai-shek looked at Gao Fei, who was wearing a combat uniform, a weapon and a Lion Dancing Knife, nodded in satisfaction and said, "Why is Captain Gao Zong not disarmed in his battle robe? Could it be that Wuhan is no longer safe?"

Gao Fei snapped to attention and said, "Chairman of the report, as a soldier, you should always be prepared, and foreign invaders will not be chased away. Our generation of soldiers is always on the alert, and is always ready to sacrifice our lives for the country, the nation, and the leaders!"

If someone else said this, all the generals present would definitely be extremely disdainful, but when these words came from Gao Fei, a desperate Saburo, no one would question Gao Fei's rhetoric. Like Gao Fei, regardless of his own life and death, there are very few people who always put themselves in desperate situations without complaining. Therefore, when Chiang Kai-shek transferred the fifth column directly under the Supreme Military Council, many people were not envious, but It's because they don't have to worry that Gao Fei, the most dazzling battle star, will fall at any time.

However, for Gao Fei, the fate of a soldier lies on the battlefield where bullets fly and shrapnel roars. When the nation and the country are suffering, if everyone cherishes their own lives, then my country will perish!

Chiang Kai-shek took a deep breath and said: "Good job! The military should be like this. Before, there were always people who said that they would live and die with the city and sacrifice their lives for the country and the nation. In the end, they couldn't do what they said. Now I It hurts my ears to hear this, only what you Colonel Gao Feigao said, I am very comfortable listening to it, I like people who keep their word and do it, the quality of a soldier is honesty, do what you say, and do what you do!”

Chiang Kai-shek gave Gao Fei a very high evaluation. Many people knew very well that Gao Fei was worthy of his medal and lion dance knife in terms of his meritorious service.

But a year ago, Gao Fei was just a little-known little lieutenant. Gao Fei's promotion speed can be regarded as like an anti-aircraft gun. How many people fought bloody battles but were promoted to the first and second ranks, which is considered very lucky. There is almost no possibility of replicating such an example as Gao Fei. In the face of the fierce ground-to-air firepower of the Japanese army, it is a kind of great luck to be alive. People who have experienced life and death will not care so much about the so-called vanity.

Between the sprinkling of life and blood, everything is not important anymore!Undoubtedly, Gao Fei is very lucky. For a soldier who fought for the rest of his life, Gao Fei has reached the limit of a soldier from a lieutenant to a colonel!As a soldier with no background or background, Gao Fei has reached the so-called extreme.

In the meeting on the third floor of the Wuhan Garrison Headquarters, Gao Fei attended the meeting as a colonel and director of the Military Law Supervision Department, but Cai Wenzhi, who also had the same rank as a colonel, sat in the lower seat of Chen Cheng. Cai Wenzhi turned and glanced at the person behind him. Gao Fei nodded slightly.

Gao Fei's identity is the head of the Colonel of the Military Law Supervision Department, while Cai Wenzhi is the head of the First Operations Division of the Supreme Military Council. They are also the directors of the Supreme Military Council. Because of the difference, sitting in the first position of the commander of the Wuhan Garrison and attending meetings are two concepts. Gao Fei can only sit on the sidelines and listen, and Cai Wenzhi's suggestions will be taken seriously by Chiang Kai-shek.

There are more than 100 generals with shining stars in the conference room. When did Chinese generals become so worthless?I went to the bathroom and saw two lieutenant generals and five major generals?It turns out that the colonel is really a small sesame official!Gao Fei felt very depressed after paying the military salute seven times just to go to the bathroom.

However, Zhang Yongbo, the director of the General Affairs Department of the Military and Political Department, was more depressed than Gao Fei, because Gao Fei's unexpected salute in the toilet caused the director of the General Affairs Department to fall into the toilet.

With a sound of appointment!Gao Fei and the others immediately stood up. Chiang Kai-shek took off his military cap and cloak and handed it to Huang Tao, the adjutant in the attendant room. Looking around at the many generals, Chiang Kai-shek gently waved his hands and said, "Everyone, sit down! Sit down!"

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