Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 627 : Chapter 339 Hawk Faction Distribution Center

[Volume 57] Chapter 627: Chapter 330 Nine Hawks Distribution Center (1)


Chapter 330 IX Distribution Center

"It's a good idea to sell it to the traitors and those bastards!" Shen Yingxiong responded immediately, and asked about the refining process, analyzed the sales channels, etc. Gao Fei and Cai Wenzhi were dumbfounded, and Zhang Lingfu seemed reluctant at first. Participated in the war, but couldn't help it when I heard that the profits were huge. These days, officials must have some money in their hands. At critical times, the death squads offer rewards, and money is inseparable from the compensation for the martyrs who died in battle.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture

From a proposal immediately formed a process of production investment?Then to sales?Gao Fei felt that his thinking mode could not keep up with Shen Yingxiong and others.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 62739

Cai Wenzhi coughed next to him and said, "Everyone! Today we are holding a military meeting! Don't stray too far from the topic, only if you kill enough little Japanese, it seems that you can refine fat from corpses to make soap and lubricating oil, right?"

Huang Junjie waved and said: "Nanjing Xiaguan Japanese army slaughtered tens of thousands of innocent people and more than [-] wounded soldiers. If God opens his eyes, give me a chance, just one chance! Brother, I will definitely come to him for the Tokyo massacre!" We Chinese are the most respectful of etiquette, coming and going is not indecent!"

In Goofy's memory, historians deny that the German Nazis used the remains of murdered Jews to make soap in large quantities during World War II, but they also think that the Nazis may have done this kind of experiment?In other words, this so-called technology is probably unreliable, but the rumors that the corpses of enemy soldiers were used to refine oil during the First World War, it seems that it is not groundless, but the guys under my team actually discussed it. With such enthusiasm, it can be seen that the team Chiang Kai-shek built for himself is all extreme nationalists!

However, the heinous crimes of massacres committed by the Japanese during the war cannot be covered up. Gao Fei took a deep breath and said, "The massacres instigated by the Japanese are just like Yue Fei's destructive burning, killing and looting when he resisted the Jinnan invasion. Just like the massacres of the Crusaders, the Mongol invasion, and the Huns who plundered the city, they intended to destroy China. What is my countermeasure against such an enemy? Then it is to kill everyone What is the difference between killing an enemy with one knife and cutting zero with a thousand knives? What is the difference between shooting and burying alive and lighting sky lanterns? The difference is that the former wasted a precious bullet. , the fertile land of the latter, in my personal opinion, there is no difference, but when you really do it, please do it cleanly and beautifully, whether you can make soap with Japanese corpses, this is a technical problem The transportation of corpses and so on are all problems. As Brigadier Huang said, it is not rude to come and go. They are barbaric to us. Why should we treat them with civilization? We are more barbaric and cruel than the enemy. We are cruel Can defeat the enemy!"

Gao Fei glanced at his watch and waved his hand: "At noon, everyone will eat at my place first, and after eating, let's talk about the focus and goals of the next training plan."

When three large pots of green vegetables were served with a stewed grass carp, Shen Yingxiong and Huang Junjie who were present were slightly taken aback. In Changsha, Hunan, grass carp is the food of poor families. It's better than Gao Fei's division headquarters here, and the steamed buns are made of cornmeal?Could it be that the teacher deliberately made things difficult?Originally thought that there would be at least a table of Changsha's famous Baxian, but several people were stunned when they looked at Gao Fei who was eating with gusto?

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