Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 64: Chapter 28 Gendarmerie 2 Regiment

[Volume 3] Section 64: Chapter 28 Second Military Police Regiment (3)


You must know that the evaluation of the so-called super shooters is quite strict, and there are two types of sharpshooters, one is the real sharpshooter, that is, a natural shooter, and the other is an acquired shooter who has studied hard and practiced hard. And ballistic theory, combined with my own shooting experience accumulated with tens of thousands of rounds of bullets, the former is almost rare, while the latter requires the army to have extremely rich resources. If you know that tens of thousands of rounds of bullets are used for live ammunition shooting, it is enough to train Make at least 25 infantry companies.

Gao Fei had been busy for a full afternoon before finishing a corner of the sand table. Compared with the map of Nanjing he received from the Military Control Bureau, Gao Fei found that Nanjing City during the Republic of China and Nanjing City in later generations were almost two completely different cities. ?

The main rivers that pass through Nanjing City are the Yangtze River and the Qinhuai River. The Nanjing section of the Yangtze River starts from the south of Tongjing Town, Jiangning, and ends at the east of Yingfang Township, Jiangning. The territory is about 95 kilometers long. Jiang, Xiang and other fortresses are located.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 648

The Fortress of the Longzihao Fortress refers to the Wulong Mountain Fortress, the Tiger refers to the Qixia Mountain Fortress, the Lion refers to the Lion Mountain and the Jilong Mountain, and Jiang refers to the General Fortress and the Niushou Mountain Fortress. Most of these forts are the guards built to defend Nanjing during the Ming Dynasty. They were reinforced many times in the late Qing Dynasty. In the 22nd year of the Republic of China, Rehe suffered a disastrous defeat. The famous Northeast Army Marshal Zhang Xueliang went abroad. After the [-] Songhu Anti-Japanese War, the people of insight in the Nationalist Government realized that the Japanese army, which has the absolute advantage of land, sea and air force, can quickly land from anywhere along China's long coastline and quickly transport troops, so The "Wu-Fu Line", an important national defense project that survived in name only, was built.

However, these forts and fortresses around Nanjing City are really reinforced model fortifications. The entire "Wu-Fu Line" is imaginary, but the few fortresses around Nanjing City are built according to the German Military Advisory Group. The construction of the proposal, the combination of permanent fortifications and field fortifications for garrison defense, these fortifications are all real guys.

The Qinhuai River, which runs through the city of Nanjing, is more than 100 kilometers long. It is divided into two streams from the outside of the city to the outside of Wuding Gate in Nanjing. One is the main stream called the Outer Qinhuai River. , Outside the Dinghuai Gate, the Sancha River flows into the Yangtze River. It can be said that it is a natural urban barrier connecting the inside and outside of Nanjing City. Its tactical value is extremely high, such as cutting off all bridges, which can be defended by the defenders.

The other branch of the Qinhuai River in Nanjing is called the Inner Qinhuai River. Its waterway enters the city from Tongjimen Dongshuiguan, and it is divided into two branches at the Huaiqing Bridge. "Ten Li Qinhuai", this tributary passes through Wende Bridge of Confucius Temple to Shuiximen Xishuiguan and exits the city, and converges with the main stream.

From Gao Fei's point of view, the city of Nanjing has actually been divided into multiple areas of different sizes by the main stream and tributaries of the Qinhuai River. In conjunction with the undulating mountains in the urban area of ​​Nanjing, as long as the defenders have the determination to succeed and benevolent, they will die. The place where Nanjing City is located may not be impossible to defend the first battle, and perhaps it will be able to turn the tide. 7474581

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