Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 640 : Chapter 348 The Ignored Existence

[Volume 57] Chapter 640: Chapter 340 Eight Neglected Existence (1)


Chapter 340 Eight Neglected Existence

After Gao Fei, Chief of Staff Shen Yingxiong and others arrived at the Nanchang City Defense Command to complete the handover, they learned of the situation of the No. In front of the map, his brows were furrowed. Although Gao Fei knew about the Nanchang Battle in history, this does not mean that history will develop along the original track. You must know that history is very accidental and has non-repeatability. An accidental incident touched the flashpoint of the incident, so it is entirely possible that the target of the Japanese attack was Changsha instead of Nanchang.

The charm of the art of war lies in its contingency and unpredictability. Gao Fei knew that Neiji Okamura also had a one-fifty-thousandth map in his hands. He stole Sun Chuanfang's military map and hid in the On the warship of the Japanese Yangtze River Fleet, he was rewarded with a large sum of money for being a thief, not ashamed but proud, but God's retribution was also very fast. The child died of scarlet fever, and his wife also died one after another. Okamura Ningji The most glorious thing in this life may be to often brag about the thrill of stealing the map.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 64048

Gao Fei looked at the Japanese army on the map. The Chinese defenders standing in front of the Japanese Sixth Division, the [-]st Division, and the [-]th Division suffered heavy casualties. A large amount of chemical poison gas was used, but the three Japanese troops echoed each other and did not advance fast, and Kitano's Japanese tank group did not go deep?Could it be that the Japanese are really aiming at Pei Gong by Xiang Zhuang's sword dance?

Perhaps, strategy and tactics are just like this. This is also the principle of the military family. Everyone understands the truth that the truth is false, and the false is true. However, it takes extraordinary wisdom and courage to make timely decisions. It is either Nanchang or Changsha. From the perspective of geographical location, Changsha is more important, but Nanchang is also a place that must be defended, otherwise the Japanese will be divided into several theaters, and the beginning and the end cannot be considered.

And Xue Yue also has his own set of theories in the use of troops. On the one hand, he respects Chiang Kai-shek's guidance, and on the other hand, he tries to let Chiang Kai-shek give him less guidance. On the surface, the number of troops in the ninth theater is more than that of the Japanese army. , but these troops were exhausted after the Battle of Wuhan, and a large number of recruits were replenished. Since the Japanese army controlled the air, it became very dangerous to replenish the army. The materials destroyed by the Japanese were even more than the troops received, so Xue Yue thinks The initiative of the campaign was not in the hands of the squadron. When he judged that Okamura Ningji's goal was Nanchang, he formulated a plan for defensive counterattack, because this seemed to be more conducive to the squadron's strength in defense .

As a result, the direction of the Japanese army's attack seemed to have played a big joke on him. Xue Yue began to adjust his troops urgently, and Nanchang's defense became less tense in an instant.

Gao Fei, who had already led the main force to Nanchang, took over the overall defense of Nanchang. The two regiments of the No.30 Second Army were placed on the outer line of the city defense by Gao Fei to fill the vacancy for the main force of the 32nd Army to deploy reinforcements. All the important positions were forced to be abandoned by Gao Fei, because Gao Fei really didn’t have that many troops. To defend Nanchang, at least an entire army was needed to effectively take care of the outer positions. A heavy cannon hit would be enough for Gao Fei to drink a pot.

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