Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 665 : Chapter 363 The Violence Failed to Be Made

[Volume 57] Chapter 665: Chapter 360 1 The Violence Fails to Be Done, but Gets Fucked ([-])


Chapter 360 The Third Chapter

It can be said that the Germans were the pioneers in the use of mustard gas in the world. Scientific knowledge is productivity and combat effectiveness. This sentence is worthy of the name for the Germans. The bombs have different code names, "Yellow Cross" is an erosive agent bomb, "Green Cross" is a suffocating agent bomb, and "Blue Cross" is a sneezing agent bomb. The Japanese gas research is also developed on the basis of the Germans. Speaking of which, the logo of the three-color cross is also used.

The Japanese chemical special forces wearing a full set of rubber chemical protective suits are working hard like hamsters to carry the steel cylinders with the yellow cross mark?Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 66563

The [-]st Battalion of the [-]st Regiment of the [-]st Brigade of the Defender Huang Junjie is located on the [-]st and [-]nd lines of defense. The artillery observation station discovered the unusual movement of the Japanese early in the morning?The yellow cross and the Japanese chemical defense soldiers in fully sealed chemical protective suits?What do the Japanese want?

So the artillery observation station immediately reported to the brigade headquarters of the first brigade. Huang Junjie, who was studying and adjusting the deployment to deal with the attack that the Japanese army might launch at any time, was shocked when he heard it. He ignored the contact with the division and directly called Pao Shi In the headquarters of the first battalion of the regiment, because the first battalion of the artillery division was previously designated as the support firepower of the first brigade in the east of the city, how to use and master it was all up to the first brigade to decide.

Xie Wenhua was working with the First Heavy Artillery Battalion of the Tenth Artillery Regiment when he received an urgent call from Huang Junjie. The Japanese wanted to release poison gas?Poison gas is a thing that the Chinese army suffers a lot, because the Chinese army generally does not have gas masks, so when encountering poison gas released by the Japanese army, they are often forced to launch a counterattack and fight to the death, otherwise the whole army will be forced to fight. Annihilated, during the Nanjing Defense War in Zijin Mountain, even the German elites like the teaching corps suffered a lot from the poisonous gas of the Japanese.

Therefore, Xie Wenhua was very impressed with the Japanese poison gas. The heavy artillery firepower that was originally planned to be hidden was forced to be exposed in advance. There is no way to expose it. Once the Japanese army releases poison gas on a large scale, the officers and soldiers on the front line will be in danger. , because many officers and soldiers are still not used to wearing gas masks for combat aiming and shooting. The most important thing is that the gas masks of the new division have seven or eight types, many of which are old-fashioned and second-hand. You must know that gas masks are a kind of Consumables like military uniforms, in fierce battles, and poor storage in peacetime will directly lead to their damage.

Therefore, Xie Wenhua made up his mind that even if the existence of the heavy artillery group was exposed, the Japanese would not be allowed to release poisonous gas!Therefore, Xie Wenhua decided to use all twelve German-made 150mm heavy howitzers to fire a round of high-explosive shells, followed by two consecutive bursts of anti-personnel grenades, and finally three rapid-fire yellow phosphorus arson shells!

Either don't fight, if you want to fight, give the Japanese a powerful look!Little Japan is basically a guy who remembers to eat but not to beat. The harder you beat him, the more he will admire you. If you show kindness to him, he will backhand you, thinking you are weak and deceitful?

On the other hand, Nogi Ohara of the Japanese army is nervously calculating the release amount and release time, and must closely monitor key sensitive data such as wind direction, wind speed, and temperature, because there are very strict requirements for releasing mustard gas, and it is required to be familiar with the seasonal weather conditions of the day, etc. !So casting poisonous gas is definitely not a very easy and fast thing, just take the poisonous gas and release it with the wind?That's what neuropathy does.

Otherwise, Little Japan doesn’t need to snatch county annals and other information every time it goes. What it needs is to analyze the local climate characteristics, cultural and geographical environment, etc. The Japanese are too smart to some extent, so they are called dumb. Second-hand melon!

Nogi Ohara was actively preparing, when suddenly, a thunderous sound startled him?Immediately afterwards, there was a sharp whistling sound in the sky!

boom!The violent explosion knocked Nogi Ohara down to the ground. The German-made high-explosive grenade with a 150mm caliber hit the ground, forming a large pit more than one meter deep and six meters in diameter. It was shaken soft, more than 6000 irregular pieces of shrapnel of different sizes flew across the sky, and there were almost no dead ends in the killing. Dozens of Japanese officers and soldiers who had not reacted within tens of meters were knocked down and jumped up. The smoke column is tens of meters high?

With the continuous falling of earth and rocks, human bodies and broken limbs fell down like rain, Ohara Naogi stared at what happened in front of him dumbfounded, while Shui Yang Bing Cao was shouting desperately what?Ohara Nogi couldn't hear anything, his eardrum was pierced by the impact of the explosion just now.

boom!boom!Boom!The Chinese artillerymen gritted their teeth and fired revenge shells at the Japanese army. They dared to poison our robes with poisonous gas. The cannons in our hands would never agree!Six rounds of shooting can be described as very fast. The Japanese poison gas camp was blown upside down. Nogi Ohara may not understand until his death that he who was blown to pieces is nothing more than ordinary Japanese soldiers, and there is nothing noble about him. Death It is equal for all.

The anti-explosive grenade set off a column of smoke tens of meters high, and the anti-personnel grenade exploded in the air above the Japanese soldiers. The shrapnel fired smashed the Japanese soldiers crawling on the ground, whose mouths and noses were bleeding from the shock of the high-explosive bombs, into a sieve. The terrifying yellow phosphorus set fire The bombs turned the Japanese army's position into a sea of ​​flames. A large amount of gas with a light green, strong garlic smell and the high-temperature flames were constantly chemically reacting, like deflagration, constantly flashing white fireballs in the air!

Many Japanese soldiers in rubber chemical protective clothing were burned into a ball of fire before they could take off their chemical protective clothing. There were endless screams, and the air was filled with the smell of scorching.

Xie Wenhua, who was watching all this with a telescope, was also very nervous. He knew that mustard gas was very unstable, flammable when exposed to open flames, high heat, and could react with oxidants. If things like this are used in practice, there may be big problems.

So Xie Wenhua was also watching everything nervously, and he was slightly relieved until the yellow phosphorus arson bomb really detonated the mustard gas, but the Chinese soldiers on the front line still had to wear gas masks just in case!

There are heavy artillery groups in the middle class in Nanchang City?Tokutaro Juni was stunned by the sight in front of him!How can this be?There was no mention in the intelligence of any heavy artillery with a range of more than seven kilometers in China. The shells just now were obviously fired from the city of Nanchang. Tokutaro Shii believed that the range of this heavy artillery was likely to exceed ten kilometers!

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