[Volume 57] Chapter 680: Chapter 370 Three Bloody Battles Three Days and Nights (2) ([-])


Zhang Lingfu, who learned that the Japanese had sneaked into the position of the main peak of Mufu, unceremoniously gave the Japanese a heavy artillery fire. As a result, he involved half a squadron of the Japanese army and more than a dozen Japanese ambulance soldiers who were trying to rescue the wounded. It seemed that there was a military doctor of the Japanese army, Zhang Lingfu clapped his hands happily after hearing the news, but the subsequent battle seemed to be quite satisfactory, shelling, attacking, shelling, attacking again!However, sometimes the Japanese will have an idea, for example, after the retaliation of Mafu artillery fire, there will be another artillery fire, which will catch the Chinese defenders by surprise, or simply use people without firing artillery!

The Japanese can be said to be full of strange tricks, but both the Jiuling main position and the Mufu main peak position are solid. It seems very difficult for the Japanese army to break through the two positions. At least when the Chinese defenders still have a high will to fight, the Japanese There is absolutely no chance.

The long-term attack ahead suffered heavy casualties, and it can be said that they were unable to move forward. This made the Japanese army deeply disturbed, especially the commander of the Japanese Central China Dispatch Army in Shanghai. He was very happy, because No. 68073 depot was implicated, so he had a tie with Terauchi Shouichi who was implicated in the Peking incident, so he lost the opportunity to be the commander of the Chinese Expeditionary Army, so whether it was Terauchi Shouichi or Hata Junliu hated Gao Fei to death.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers [-]

Therefore, Hata Junliu sent an assassination team under the command of the one-eyed general Kagezuo Akira to sneak into Nanchang City during the melee, destroy Gao Fei's command organization, and assassinate Gao Fei himself. As a person, Yingzuo Zhenzhao and Gao Fei are even more feuding. They value their appearance very much and look in the mirror dozens of times a day. The very narcissistic Ying Zuo Zhenzhao was shot by Gao Fei Turning into a scarface and a one-eyed dragon is what he can't accept the most.

On the other hand, the body of a new soldier of the 11st Division was placed in the headquarters of the Japanese Sixth Division. Chief of Staff of the No. 11 Army Toshijiro Miyata, Chief of the Sixth Division Ryoki Machi and others No. 30 Brigade Commander Tokutaro Juni, and No. [-] Sixth Brigade Commander Ushijima Mitsuru and others all gathered in the headquarters.

The blocking of the attacks of the 150st Division and the 120th Division is undoubtedly a godsend opportunity for the 75th Division, but what is incomprehensible is that the artillery fire of the Chinese defenders seems to be very special for the [-]th Division. care?Often as soon as the troops are deployed, they will be suppressed by overwhelming artillery fire from the Chinese defenders, and most of the shells fired are heavy howitzers with a caliber of [-]mm and a caliber of [-]mm. The most are [-] mm caliber mountain artillery, and there are very few large-caliber field howitzers for artillery support.

Basically, if the direction of Jiuling and Mufu is bombarded by half a base of large-caliber field howitzers, then the Sixth Division in the east of the city will be hit by at least three to four bases of heavy artillery and howitzers. Under the fierce artillery fire, Machi □ Ryoki, as the division commander, has changed from shock to numbness.

The No.30 Sixth Brigade, which was attacking the east and southeast of the city, was ambushed by the Squadron. The Chinese soldiers who had infiltrated into the Japanese positions lay in ambushes under the noses of the Japanese army.

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