[Volume 57] Chapter 682: Chapter 370 Five Bloody Wars Three Days and Nights (1) ([-])


Chapter 370 Five Bloody Wars Three Days and Nights (Eleven)

Machi □ Ryoki put his saber on the table and said: "I believe His Excellency Okamura Ningji will also make timely strategic and tactical adjustments, and quickly eat the new division, especially in this case, almost It is impossible, not to mention 72 hours, even a week may not be able to eat this piece of spiny fish, we are all members of the imperial army, bravery does not mean blindness and recklessness, a large number of casualties of officers and soldiers even if we Is there any point in capturing Nanchang? If the outside center is encircling us who are exhausted, His Excellency Neiji Okamura will also be in a hurry."

Miyata Toshijiro nodded and said: "His Excellency Okamura Ningji has realized that the strategic deployment of this battle against Nanchang needs to be adjusted, so I believe that the order will be issued soon, and please don't get too entangled. I have notified the two division heads of the 72st Division and the 68275th Division, Saito Yahei and Nakai Ryotaro, and asked them to adjust their attack focus and tactical deployment, so that they don't have to worry about the [-]-hour order." Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Shanhe [-]

Miyata Toshijiro didn't realize what he seemed to have said wrong, but the faces of Machi Ryoki, Tokutaro Tsuii, and Mitsuru Ushijima who were present were very embarrassed. Obviously, the Sixth Division was the last to know the news , Toshijiro Miyata, who looks very numb and seems a little stupid, is obviously pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Every time he storms the Sixth Division, he will lose at least a few hundred more loyal and brave soldiers of the Empire, especially the opponent's snipers against officers. The hunting and killing made the loss of the grassroots officers of the Sixth Division even more astonishing.

Miyata Toshijiro said with an expression of sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai: "Everyone, please don't worry, His Excellency Neiji Okamura has a complete plan. Many times to defeat the enemy in front of you, you don't rely on strength and fists, but wisdom. Important, people always like infighting the most! Hahaha!"

Toshijiro Miyata's laughter was very harsh in the ears of Ryoki Machi, Tokutaro Tsuii, and Man Ushijima. The first person is like this, so what about the Imperial Japanese Army?Is it the same?[-]. During the Mutiny on February [-]th, the ruling faction killed the Emperor and the Daoist faction killed the entire Kwantung Army to the brim with blood. Regardless of the facts, they only looked at the factions' remarks and used the butcher's knife. How is this Soviet Russia's great purge of counterrevolutionaries different?Almost all of them were killed by the Japanese army.

Under the situation that the Japanese fought fiercely under the city of Nanchang to no avail, Okamura Ningji thought of another front, and thought of the application of the strategic theory of using China to control China, so several hidden secret service teams were all activated. up.

Kakiko Kagemoto has always been very entangled in the issue of Gao Fei, because Gao Fei belongs to the kind of bastard character in the Chinese population who wants money for money and sleeps with women, but let Lao Tzu Traitor?Not to mention the door, there is not even a sewer. To put it simply, Gao Fei belongs to a guy who has never been offline to a certain extent. Kako Kageko, who has suffered a lot from Gao Fei, can always think of Kazuo Yamaki who always wants to be with him. Flying high and low as an idiot, not only did the kamikaze special forces suffer heavy casualties, but it also left an unreusable and incompetent story that made people laugh.

It is precisely because of the poisoning incident in Shanghai and the assassination incident in Peking that Kako Kageko was exiled to a certain extent. Determined to avenge her shame, she relied on her amazing beauty and changed her name to Cheng Yudie, and soon became the highest official of the National Government. Colonel Qian Weixing of the Military Command Department of the Military Commission pulled into the water.

After the two of them fooled around and made out, Kako Yingben asked Qian Weixing in a very measured and soft manner: "Mr. Qian, you and I have known each other for so long, are you sincere to me?"

Regardless of his appearance, Qian Weixing hastily swore: "By God, if I, Qian Weixing, have second thoughts about you, Cheng Yudie, I will die a terrible death. Let me go to the front line and be shot to death by little Japanese bullets."

Kako Kagemoto stared disgustingly at Qian Weixing's fat body. Perhaps China is not a match for my Great Japanese Empire because there are too many people like this and too few people like Gao Fei. He quickly kissed Qian Weixing coquettishly and said: "You are not allowed to say that, what should I do if you die! However, you and I have known each other for so long. I have a friend from the Transport Department, and his brother is Speculators need some rsquo;internal situation rsquo;, and I want to ask you for help, I wonder if you will help?"

Qian Weixing hesitated slightly and said, "My baby! I'm from the Military Command, and everything I touch is secret! If you leak it, you'll be imprisoned and beheaded!"

Yingben Jiazi put Qian Weixing's arm around her chest and shook vigorously coquettishly. Looking at Cheng Yudie's enchanting attitude, Qian Weixing, who was blinded by lust and rationality, ignored everything, so she said: " Baby, your business is my business, as long as you need what I know, I will tell you."

Therefore, every time Qian Weixing told Cheng Yudie about the important situation, Cheng Yudie always took out a stack of money and said, "Mr. Qian, this is a favor fee from my friend, please accept it as much as you want!"

Qian Weixing is a guy who is full of wine, sex, wealth, food, drinking, prostitution, gambling, and five drugs. Every time he collects money, he is very happy, and Kako is secretly proud of it. Qian Weixing will also be happy in his heart. , and the bills come into the account, why not do it?So he worked harder to provide Cheng Yudie with all kinds of important information, and he also brought in his cousin who worked in the staff department. The two sometimes went to Wushan with Cheng Yudie, or Cheng Yudie came forward to find him. It can be said that Qian Weixing's cousin is crazy and extremely happy for several women to fool around together.

Until two days ago, Yingben Jiazi thought the time was ripe, so she revealed her true colors. Once, after she handed over a wad of money to Huang Jun, she took out a registration form for Japanese secret agents and asked him to fill it in. Qian Weixing took a look. , Suddenly startled in my heart and said: "What's going on?"

Kako Kagemoto smiled slightly and said, "My surname is Qian, let me tell you, you are already a member of the Japanese Imperial Army, otherwise, who do you think gave you the money?"

The pale-faced Qian Weixing tremblingly said: "Isn't it the favor fee that your friend gave me? Why did you suddenly get involved with the Japanese? You must know that it is Japanese money, I will never accept it! I can Refunding those intelligence fees to them will cost you your head!"

Kako Kagemoto laughed loudly: "You idiot, this is a favor from the Imperial Japanese Army! The information you provided to the Imperial Japanese Army is very accurate! Director Kagezuo is very satisfied, especially the new division you provided The establishment and weapon firepower system information, so I decided to recruit you to join our organization, and better serve the Imperial Army in the future!"

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