Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 700 : Chapter 389 Electric Shock the World

[Volume 57] Chapter 700: Chapter 380 Nine Electric Shocks (1)


Chapter 380 IX Shocking the World

After much deliberation, Chiang Kai-shek decided to send Gao Fei a confidential telegram, inquiring about the specific situation of Nanchang City Defense. Xue Yue also received Gao Fei's telegram at the same time. Now that the Japanese army is besieging the city with more than 11 troops, and three new divisions have been assembled near Wuhan, it is clear that Neiji Okamura of the No. [-] Army seems to be preparing to expand the battle situation?This made Xue Yue a little sleepy and restless. He pushed the release date in Gao Fei's telegram again and again, and now he was embarrassed to mention the word "relief". Can't give Goofy.fairyland

Gao Fei received a secret telegram from Chiang Kai-shek. Chiang Kai-shek asked Gao Fei if he could persist for ten to fifteen days, and asked Gao Fei if he had any other concerns to entrust to the rear. Alright, let Gao Fei rest assured and fight the Japanese invaders to the death.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 70089

Chiang Kai-shek's secret telegram gave Gao Fei a feeling of confessing his funeral?Although Chiang Kai-shek was asking if he could persist for [-] to [-] days, he was obviously not asking for Gao Fei's opinion, but a real order. If Gao Fei couldn't tell the difference, Gao Fei would be an idiot. Now, my three wives are all living well in Jiaoshan Villa in Chongqing. This is both a grace and a reminder to serve the country faithfully.

Chiang Kai-shek knew very well that the original battle plan had to be changed because of the sudden change in the battlefield situation. Nanchang, where the new division was firmly defended, had become the focus of this battle and the location of the storm. Whether the Japanese army could quickly conquer Nanchang was related to the Japanese army. Whether it is possible to successfully expand the results of the battle and turn the front of the army to point directly at Changsha, and annihilate Gao Fei's new division of the National Revolutionary Army can also really hit the morale of the squadron.

Gao Fei discussed with Shen Yingxiong repeatedly, and believed that if the battle situation was as bad as Chongqing said, then Nanchang's siege was not a matter of holding on for ten to fifteen days, but had to be prepared to hold on for one to two months. The outer positions of Nanchang City only persisted for eight days before giving up. This also made Gao Fei a little annoyed. He knew that the battle situation had changed. In the outlying positions, the original attack plan of the light armored regiment was also abolished. How long can they hold on to the isolated city?Under the indiscriminate bombing of the Japanese army, the seemingly solid defense of Nanchang City may completely collapse in an instant.

Gao Fei sent a telegram back to Chiang Kai-shek, saying: "As a reminder, in view of the huge changes in the war situation, the officers and soldiers of the new division of the Ministry of Defense are often appointed to teach the revolutionary soldiers that the country and the nation should be the most important thing. Don't dare to interfere with the overall situation with your own selfish power. The remaining officers and soldiers of the department should do everything they can to kill the enemy and serve the country. Leave the bullets to the enemy, commit suicide and die for the country with the Xingshi Xun sword bestowed by the commissioner, use the prestige of the Chinese warriors of the whole country, inspire the honor of the Chinese Communists, inspire morale and shock the enemy's courage."

Gao Fei's call back was nothing more than expressing his final determination before the battle. Chiang Kai-shek had already told him to entrust his unfinished thoughts to him, which meant that the war situation might be worse than he imagined. What could be worse than this situation?Gao Fei really couldn't figure it out, the isolated city was nothing more than low morale after a long battle, Gao Fei had a way to boost morale, but he believed that he didn't need to remind Chiang Kai-shek of this point, what the new division needed was honor!What is more needed is ammunition supplies.

At the same time that Chiang Kai-shek received Gao Fei's secret telegram, Okamura Ningji also received the secret telegram sent by Colonel Gao Fei, the commander of the Nanchang garrison in China, to the Supreme Commander Chiang Kai-shek. It was not used because the Japanese were waiting for the most critical moment. Once the squadron found out that their actions were exposed, they would naturally think of the password leak, and the hard-working password would become invalid. So Neiji Okamura has been waiting for a critical moment.

The Chinese defenders in Nanchang are already fighting trapped beasts. If you want to kill a wild beast that has fallen into madness, you must prepare yourself for scars. It is not difficult to see from the casualty reports after the suspension of the first general offensive of the regiment, the [-]st Division, and the [-]th Division that Gao Fei's new division is the first-class and absolutely elite main force of the Chinese Nationalist Government. How much shock would annihilating such an ace army bring to the PLA? □□ Whether Gao Fei, the hero that the government has always advocated, is captured or killed, it will deal a huge blow to the Chinese government.

However, the casualties paid by our own side are also too astonishing. More than 200 officers from the first lieutenant to the second lieutenant level have been killed. Surgery, life or death is uncertain, if Ryotaro Nakai has not been rescued, then the Central China Expeditionary Army will be considered to have done the limelight and contributed to the addition of another general to the Imperial Japanese Army.

What makes Okamura Neji most angry is the shriveled old man Dohashi, Okamura Neji really wants to put that bastard's old bastard in the furnace and burn it directly. Out of sight, out of mind, pure in heart, No.20 The Second Division participated in the attack on Nanchang City. In fact, Neiji Okamura was personally entrusted by the vice president of the Noble House, Yoshino Heiji, before deciding to invest the No.20 Second Division in the attack on Nanchang. Yoshino Heiji, who served in the No.80 Fourth Regiment, has some reasonable military exploits, and the No.20 Second Division is actually here to pick the fruit.

The three divisions that strengthened the heavy artillery tanks stormed for seven days. The tragic general attack killed both the attackers and the defenders. The No. 20 Second Division entered the battlefield as a new force and approached from the south of the city where the terrain is more advantageous. Before Okamura Ningji specially allocated almost all the rubber boats of the Central China Front Army to the No.20 Second Division. He hoped that Tuqiao could show his face once at a time. In the eyes of Tuqiao once, such an incompetent old guy will only have a counterproductive effect, causing more gangsters to take up arms and attack the imperial army.

However, Ningji Okamura never expected such a result. The Second Field Artillery Regiment of the No.20 Second Division of Dohashi was wiped out. More than a hundred officers and soldiers were attacked by Chinese gunfire in the waiting area, almost all of their troops were wiped out, and Yoshino Koichi himself was killed in battle.

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