Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 708 : Chapter 396 Bloody Battle on the City Wall

[Volume 57] Chapter 708: Chapter 390 Chapter 1 Bloody Battle on the City Wall ([-]) ([-])


Chapter 390 Sixth City Wall Bloody Battle ([-])

At this moment, Gao Fei's eyes were red and his nose was sore, but this kind of life and death was too much. There was a loud explosion.

The battalion that Feng Ren's family was in was the only one formed entirely by officers and soldiers from the security regiment. Gao Fei handed over the reinforced battalion of 70896 people to Huang Junjie, because the officers and soldiers of Feng Ren's family were all passionate and patriotic officers and soldiers in the security regiment, and they were all from Nanchang. People, fighting enthusiasm is extremely high.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers [-]

The reinforcements couldn't go up, and the artillery support couldn't be carried out. I could only watch them die heroically. The heroism of Feng Ren's family seemed to be used to it by the Chinese people, and they put it several times in front of training, weapons and equipment. The Japanese invaders and the Chinese Communists had no choice but to fight each other to the death, fighting with flesh and blood. People living in peaceful times could not imagine this kind of helpless tragedy.

After a brief and intense hand-to-hand fight, almost twice as many Japanese officers and soldiers as the defenders fell to their deaths in various postures. All the bunkers built by the defenders collapsed or were completely destroyed. The gunfire razed the ground, and sometimes you can see hands or feet stretching out of it, and fragmented human bodies and torn weapons are scattered all over the place.

The Japanese army that conquered the position did not have any cheers. The infantry No.11 Seventh Regiment of the Infantry No.40 Brigade under the command of Tokutaro Tsuii also lost a lot of blood in the last line of defense when conquering the city wall. Infantry No.40 The regiment was the Japanese infantry regiment that worked the hardest in the Nanjing Shimonoseki Massacre. It called itself the strongest in Kumamoto, but the strongest Japanese in Kumamoto under the city of Nanchang finally knew what an iron wall is!

The officers and soldiers of the Chinese Communist Party are like a peak that they can only look up to for life but cannot surpass. In the fierce battle, the infantry No. Major Taro Takahashi, the captain of the First Battalion, was all killed. Of the 40 infantry regiment No.40 Seventh Regiment that participated in the battle, more than 290 people were killed and more than 650 were lightly or severely wounded. In the tough battle, the No.700 Seventh Infantry Regiment was completely abolished, and the Infantry No.40 Regiment, which also belonged to the Infantry No.40 Brigade, continued to attack.

The brutality of the bloody battle on the city wall cost the No.13 Infantry Regiment, which braved the artillery fire to break through the breach, a huge price. Groups of officers and soldiers fell on the breach closed by the artillery fire. Even so, the Japanese army still attacked like crazy.

The Chief of Staff Operations of the Sixth Division, Zuoqing Omori, accompanied Anan Weiji to venture into this dangerous position, because as long as the Chinese soldiers have a breath, they will shoot at the Japanese army, and even set off gunpowder and invaders. perish together.

For the Sixth Division, this has become the biggest casualty of the Sixth Division since the First Sino-Japanese War. It seems that the heavy artillery group of the Chinese defenders in the city also took special care of the Sixth Division. Divisions can always receive more shells than the 20st Division, [-]th Division and No.[-] Second Division. In fact, many officers and soldiers of the [-]th Division also understand that this may be related to Nanjing, the capital of China. It is related to the massacre in Xiaguan.

Anan Yuji, who was wearing a soldier's uniform, walked with Zuoqing Damori on the messy position beside him. Layers of corpses in the trench had already filled the entire defense line. And the residual heat from the explosion.

Anan only found many Chinese soldiers with swollen bodies and many Japanese soldiers with gas masks, with black and blue faces and green and bloody liquid at the corners of their mouths. Half of the chests of the Chinese soldiers were blown away. The officers and soldiers fell to the ground with radioactivity. Obviously, this Chinese soldier who inhaled a large amount of poisonous gas dragged the imperial officers and soldiers to die together with his last will. Many hand-to-hand combat places have Chinese soldiers who were poisoned and fell to death, which means that These Chinese soldiers who inhaled a large amount of mustard gas are still stubbornly resisting with their will?

How can this be?Has their will surpassed steel?Looking at the city wall covered with dense and even layers of corpses, Anan felt a very indescribable sense of oppression. The imperial officers and soldiers who sat on the ground casually with dull eyes were the winners of this battle, and the battle in the direction of the breakthrough was still fierce. As the Imperial Army's artillery unit poured a large number of shells into the city, the squadron poured shells on the area less than 13 meters from the breakthrough. The No. [-] Infantry Regiment's attack seemed to be very difficult.

At this time, a group of wounded soldiers carrying a stretcher was stopped by several military police who were supervising the battle. Anan Weiji and Zuoqing Damori also walked over. On the stretcher was a bloody corpse with a bloody corpse on its chest. With a large piece of shrapnel inserted, the wounded soldier who carried the body cried: "This is our Infantry No. 40 Seventh Regiment Commander Yamaguchi Maekawa, who was shot and died while attacking the breakthrough."

Ananwei looked at the large pieces of shrapnel, and suddenly said in surprise, "What's going on?"

Standing aside, the chief of staff of the Sixth Division, Zuoqing Omori, came over to take the shrapnel in the hands of Anan Weiji, and was stunned because the Japanese text on the shrapnel showed that the infantry No.40 Seventh Regiment was killed. Captain Yamaguchi Maekawa's artillery shells were not from the Japanese Army, but shrapnel from the 17mm anti-personnel grenade produced by the No. 75 ammunition factory of Teikoku Kokura, which is affiliated to Mitsubishi Corporation.

Infantry No.40 Seventh Regiment Captain Yamaguchi Maekawa was killed by his own artillery fire?This so-called result seemed a little too shocking, so Zuoqing Omori coughed, waved his hand to signal the military police to let him go, and carefully put the shrapnel into his pocket.

Zuoqing Damori said as he walked: "Through the recent exchange of fire, we found that the squadron in Nanchang City is also equipped with the 75-type [-]mm field gun made by the empire. The empire sold a large number of this type a few years before the Manchurian Incident Artillery was given to the Americans, and several light cruisers were even sold, so it is not surprising that the American army uses our guns and shells."

Ananwei naturally understood the meaning of Zuoqing Damori, just nodded and said: "The jade fragments of the captain of the former Chuanlian at the mountain pass are really regrettable! These loyal and brave warriors of the empire are the ones who sacrificed their blood for us living people. example!"

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