Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 720: Chapter 405 Counterattack Plan

Chapter 72o: Chapter 2 Counterattack Plan ([-])

Gao Fei looked at the map and said: "You can't persist for one day, at least you have to persist for more than two days. The capacity of the battlefield at Zhongzheng Square is very limited. Filling in more troops will only cause unnecessary losses. If you want to fight, you must at least make dumplings to eliminate them." He is a unit, and Li Guoren's light armored regiment is our hole card, and now the Japanese are forcing me to show my hole card, so since I want to show my sword, I have to let the Japanese invaders splatter five steps."

"Report!" Gao Fei was interrupted by a loud report, Gao Fei turned around and said, "You came just in time, Captain Li, I have a task for you!"

Hearing the task, Li Guoren's eyes lit up immediately, thinking of the blood book he had shed half a bowl of blood in the afternoon, Li Guoren really felt a little pained, he was really not calm!If I had known that the division would deploy combat missions in the evening, what blood book would I write in the afternoon?The cut on the wrist still hurts faintly, but the blood book of the whole regiment's officers and soldiers feels very hot in his arms!

Li Guoren solemnly took out a long blood book from his arms, Gao Fei looked at it and handed it to Shen Yingxiong. After Shen Yingxiong opened it, there was a white cloth that was five meters long and one meter wide, and the names of people were densely written on it. , the first one meter is a call for challenge.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 72005

Shen Yingxiong said with emotion: "When I invited Zhan to Songhu, I wrote so much after killing two chickens. How many chickens did you kill, Captain Li? Why didn't you bring them to share with me and the teacher? "

Li Guoren said with a blushing face, "You are the ones who cut your wrists! Please ask the master and the attendant to examine the wounds. You can see that the whole world is full of sincerity. The whole division is in a bloody battle. Only the light armored regiment sits and watches. I feel uneasy! Please fight to the death on the battlefield, with the honor of winning the battle!"

Gao Fei smiled and said: "The most difficult death in the ages, and this blood book is from the morale chapter of the Art of War. It was originally written with the blood of chickens and cows sacrificed to the sky. It seems that it is not appropriate to write it with your own blood, so it is written in blood. The meaning is not one's own blood."

ah?Li Guoren looked at Gao Fei, then looked at Shen Yingxiong, Shen Yingxiong smiled and nodded and said: "Basically, that's the case, but the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of Lieutenant Li's blood letter to the war is to be appreciated, but the behavior is not encouraged. The teacher has the consideration of the teacher, good steel should be used on the blade, understand?"

Li Guoren snapped to attention and said, "Please give me an order from the commander, and the light armored regiment promises to complete the mission to the death."

Gao Fei took a deep breath and waved to Li Guoren: "Look at the map, the existing tanks of your regiment have to be divided into three groups. After the artillery fire is suppressed, A-32 medium tanks will cooperate with the first battalion of your armored infantry in front of Zhongzheng Square to carry out the battle." Attack, the bt-26 light tanks were divided into two large echelons, and outflanked Zhongzheng Square from the left and right wings respectively. The second and third battalions of the armored infantry all participated in the attack, covering the counterattack of the tank group, and the supplementary regiment then attacked and closed Zhangjiangmen I want to annihilate the Japanese army attacking Zhongzheng Square."

Gao Fei smashed his hand on the map very domineeringly. Shen Yingxiong saw Li Guoren's face full of joy, so he said: "Leader Li, don't take things too lightly. The Japanese are mad dogs. It is inevitable that they will jump the wall in a hurry, and street fighting is not easy." It is conducive to the deployment of armored units, so the infantry unit must cover the attack of the armored unit from the flanks, and must not go deep alone, and push the front line steadily, so as to give the Japanese greater pressure and shock."

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