Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 722: Chapter 406 I Want the Union Flag

Chapter 722: Chapter 2 I Want the United Flag ([-])

Therefore, the military flags of the Japanese army are also called regiment flags, which are all conferred by the Emperor of Japan, and only owned by the formed infantry regiments and cavalry regiments.Therefore, the military flag is a very important thing in the Japanese army. One of the best second lieutenant officers of the regiment should be selected as the flag bearer, and a military flag guard squadron should be specially set up to protect it.

In history, after the No.60 Fourth Regiment of the Japanese Infantry was wiped out, the Kwantung Army and the Sixth Army were most worried not whether the leader of the Wuguang Regiment in Shan County died or how they died, but whether the military flag was completely burned. , Has it fallen into the enemy's hands? After that, the Kwantung Army mobilized the Second Division, the Fourth Division and other directly affiliated troops in an attempt to launch a major counterattack. The unidentified flag is one of the main reasons.The military flag has become a major concern for them.Later, the Japanese army finally discovered the bodies of the No.60 Four Regiment Yamagata Takemitsu and the Independent Field Artillery No.13 Regiment Ise Takahide on a high ground, as well as the No.60 Four Regiment that had not been completely burned. The military flag of the army, and the chrysanthemum royal pattern flag crown of the military flag was found in the flag bearer's pocket.

In fact, the Kwantung Army didn't care about the life and death of officers and soldiers at all at that time. The obsession with the military flag was beyond imagination. The military flag was just a flag, at best it was a symbol of an army, but the entire Japanese army took the military flag very seriously, and it was more important than the lives of officers and soldiers. To be noble is completely a perverted and deformed psychology.

In World War II, all the Allied troops were eager to capture the real Japanese flag, but they failed to do so because the Japanese army’s combat regulations had strict regulations. Burn the military flag, but no matter what kind of defeat they encounter, the Japanese army has time to burn the military flag and then commit suicide.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 72206

During the eight-year all-out war of resistance, the Japanese army only burned two military flags in the two battles of Songshan and Tengchong, belonging to the [-]th Regiment and the [-]th Regiment respectively. The most praiseworthy pride of the War of Resistance!

So it has become the most tangled thing for almost all Chinese people in later generations. How difficult should it be to capture a Japanese alliance flag?

Shen Yingxiong saw that Gao Fei didn't speak, so he asked: "Master, don't you think it's the idea of ​​flying the flag of the Japanese regiment? Well, a regiment of the Japanese army has at least one squadron guard with more than 200 people. The flag and the tassel It is housed in a watertight and airtight copper case, with a built-in white phosphorous burn safety device, and the Japanese will burn it out long before your special forces approach."

Gao Fei hesitated for a moment and said: "If the special operations unit is allowed to infiltrate, provide accurate secret positions and coordinates for the artillery, bombard with fierce artillery fire, and then the special operations unit will carry out an assault. To give the Japanese a sense of crisis, so that they have no time to prepare to burn the military flag, if we attack and counterattack suddenly, maybe we can capture a Japanese coalition flag?"

Shen Yingxiong looked at Gao Fei seriously and said: "Is it worth it? The special operations unit is your heart and soul! Tang Yao's team lost construction, what is your heartache? Isn't it just a flag? As for being so entangled? "

After a long time, Gao Fei took a long breath and said, "I want a Japanese Army flag, even one is enough for me!"

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