Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 743: Chapter 421 A Contest of Life and Death

Chapter 743: Chapter 420 A Contest of Life and Death (1)

Chapter 420 A Contest of Life and Death

Li Shaobo calmly and quickly analyzed the comparison of the forces between the enemy and us. Since the company commanded by Li Shaobo was the only unit that was sticking to the Patriotic Park, it was said to be sticking to the frontal position. The terrain is extremely complicated. Even a small unit can block the successive attacks of several infantry brigades. Therefore, the limited reserves are allotted to the left and right wings. The original intention was to hope that when the Japanese army attacked Patriotic Park, the left and right wings would Crossfire was implemented, but the Japanese army did not have any offensive plan at all for this attack. It was completely hysterical and crazy, and the onslaught without focus also caught the Chinese defenders by surprise, because the main counterattack area of ​​the Chinese defenders was in the east of the city. The front line of Zhongzheng Square and the front line of Patriotic Park belong to the scope of defense and counterattack.

This also means that Li Shaobo will not receive any support from friendly forces. Suddenly, Li Shaobo found that the retreating special operations unit was covering a group of people and detoured from the flank to the position?What is the special operations team doing?Makeup Scouting?Seems like an exaggeration, right?After a brief balance, Li Shaobo gave up the normal tactics of actively retreating to preserve his strength for street fighting, and covered the retreat of the special operations unit, because the tighter the Japanese pursued, the more important it was. He decided to fight for the honor of the Japanese. That is, at any time, no invaders are absolutely allowed to run amok on the land of China.

Li Shaobo's self-confidence comes from the fact that his company is the top training company of the whole division. The company has more than 60.00% veterans. It has ten sr1 anti-tank rifles and a heavy mortar platoon, plus the company's heavy machine gun platoon and firepower platoon. Li Shaobo There are seven battle platoons available.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 74321

The barking of dogs from far and near heralds the impending arrival of the Japanese army, and the **** Little Japan brought his uncle up together?After Li Shaobo put down his binoculars, he picked up the telephone and ordered the first and third platoons to immediately prepare for the final battle. In a blink of an eye, hundreds of Japanese soldiers swarmed in. Japanese soldiers appeared all over the mountains and plains on the hills.

The pursuit of the Japanese army was very fast and extremely arrogant. They didn't even send sharp soldiers to search, but just lined up in a row and ran forward!As the Japanese army continued to advance, the officers and soldiers on the front line felt tremendous pressure, because this time the Japanese army's attack was really different from the past. The fifth division, the great feat of a Japanese infantry regiment defeating three Chinese divisions, the Japanese can only dream about. Be very cautious, especially when facing an elite squadron like the Hero Division, arrogance can only lead to a dead end. The Japanese army will often use their firepower superiority to inflict the greatest damage on the squadron, and implement it in one go. attack.

However, today the Japanese are like mad dogs?Irrational and tactical?At a distance where the officers and soldiers could even see the faces of the Japanese soldiers, Li Shaobo gave the order to fight!

Chug, Chug!For a while, the gunshots on the cols and hillsides were like a storm, and the gunfire was also mixed with the explosion of grenades and mortars. The five 150mm heavy mortars assigned to Li Shaobo's company were still quietly hidden on the hillside. On the back of the position, and in the grove under the hillside, [-] electronically controlled landmines were planted.

Five heavy machine guns and twelve light machine guns opened fire at the same time. Two minutes later, they began to shift positions in sequence. Under the cover of a rainstorm-like barrage, a large number of Japanese soldiers fell to their deaths in the pile of rocks at the foot of the hillside. With such a fierce firepower attack, the attack of the Japanese army, which is known as the most tenacious in the world, collapsed immediately. The dead Japanese army filled the cols and hillside intersections, while the wounded Japanese soldiers lay on the ground and wailed miserably. The Japanese soldiers who were lucky enough not to be hit ran wildly all over the mountains and plains.

Driven by heavy machine gun fire, most of the Japanese soldiers got into the woods. Li Shaobo immediately ordered to detonate the electronically controlled landmines. Two hundred electronically controlled landmines enveloped the entire forest in a haze of gunpowder smoke. After the silence, the surviving wounded Japanese soldiers let out earth-shattering screams.

After losing hundreds of people, the Japanese army retreated into the col, but soon, there was a roar from the Japanese army three times shouting "Long Live His Majesty the Emperor". Li Shaobo, who heard the shout, immediately ordered mortars to shoot into the col. After five quick shots, the Japanese army's voice of "Long Live the Emperor" was quickly replaced by a panicked cry for help. Li Shaobo wiped the sweat from his cheek and said disdainfully: "It seems that Little Japan is not fighting with steel!"

At this time, several members of the special operations force came to Li Shaobo's side. One of the captains gave a military salute and shook Li Shaobo's hand tightly: "Thank you very much, we are the last batch to cover the field hospital." The personnel retreated, but after passing through the east of the city, there were more than 20 girls from the women's propaganda team secretly hiding in the cellar, and we exposed their whereabouts in order to cover their transfer."

Li Shaobo nodded and said: "It is our duty to kill the enemy and serve the country. What is there to thank you for? You retreat quickly. Our main blocking position is in the area of ​​Pingjiekou. This is just a forward position for the Japanese army to attack. There is no need. ready work."

After the special operations team covered the medical staff and members of the women's propaganda team and assisted the retreat of several seriously wounded, the smoke column caused by the explosion of the 150mm heavy mortar shell had not yet dissipated, and the Japanese army, who had only panicked for a few minutes, immediately launched an attack!Not only was Li Shaobo a little moved when he looked solemnly at the Japanese troops who were divided into three groups and went straight to the top of the mountain, Li Shaobo had never seen a Japanese army that could reorganize and continue to attack in just a few minutes after being attacked and shelled?

Gao Fei, who was located in the command headquarters, looked at the Japanese attack direction and roughly used troops constantly marked by the combat staff, and took a deep breath. A united flag drove the Japanese into complete madness, even if their own heroes The division was wiped out in the heroic city of Nanchang, so the four divisions that the Japanese attacked Nanchang would be better off?Gao Fei can conclude that the four divisions of the Japanese army will lose all their combat effectiveness. The casualties of the Japanese army in the east of the city are about 500 to [-] per hour. If their heavy artillery units still have sufficient ammunition, the Japanese will pay The cost of casualties may be doubled.

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