Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 746: Chapter 423 Live and Die with the City

Chapter 746: Chapter 420 Three Life and Death with the City (1) ([-])

Chapter 420 Three Life and Death with the City ([-])

However, after a series of bloody battles in Nanchang City, the town commander Liangji has changed his view. There is indeed a phenomenon that the squadron is about to collapse, and there have also been cases where a division defeated the seventh or eight divisions of the Chinese army. , but with the implementation and progress of the first strategy, especially after the battle of Wuhan, the empire seemed to be exhausted. After conquering the first capital Nanjing, a series of battles until the attack on Wuhan, the empire could no longer support such a large number of high-intensity battles. After the battle, the casualties of the troops are huge, and the horror of material consumption is far beyond the ability of the empire. Even with the large loan from the United States, it is difficult for the empire to maintain the war. This is equivalent to the empire bleeding. People are paying, and the oil, rubber, cotton yarn, steel, aluminum, copper, aviation engines, medical medicines, etc. that the empire relies on to maintain the war, all have to be purchased from the Americans, which means that all the benefits of the war will be lost to the United States in the end. People make money.

Moreover, the empire plans to carry out production in Manchuria and North China to support the war, but under the circumstances of constant attacks, it can only be said that it is a good idea to support the war with war. The empire really cannot afford such a heavy pressure. The common people in the country I also gradually understood that they were all deceived by the unscrupulous media in Japan. The war made them nationalize everything, even the copper handles on the boxes were removed, and the iron pots at home were also state-owned. Strategic materials?This is a crazy age.

In order to sell more newspapers and for the so-called purpose of participating in politics, the lack of professional ethics, despicable, dirty, and lowly Japanese media deceived groups of young people into the battlefield. The young people died on the front line, and their wives and children became comfort women. , their parents were starved to death during the national thrift campaign, and Ding □ Liangji was also a little puzzled, who was this battle fought for?Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 74623

Isn't it just for His Majesty the Emperor?His Majesty the Emperor keeps saying that it is for the emperor and the people of the whole country?It turned out like this?Ding □ □ Liangji was extremely frustrated for a while, and it seemed that there was no hope of victory, but the regiment flag of the Infantry No. 20 Triple Regiment had to be recaptured, otherwise his head would be moved.

What makes Ding □□ Liangji happy is that there will never be a shortage of traitors in this country in China, and traitors are a very popular thing!The traitors presented the administrative map of Nanchang three years ago to Ding□□Liangji, something that Gao Fei, the garrison commander of Nanchang, couldn't find. He ordered the troops to attack immediately, but within half an hour, the disheartened Tokutaro Shii returned to the command post, and the first thing he did was to chop three traitors who presented the picture with a knife.

Because after surveying the terrain on the spot, Tokutaro Shii and Ushijima stood dumbfounded in front of the map?They seem to believe too much in the administrative map of Nanchang City in China. They originally thought that the map the Chinese used for themselves must be more accurate, at least more accurate than the map secretly measured by imperial agents 20 years ago. As a result, the Japanese were almost killed by the map. , A squadron attacking from the left wing forced an assault across a place marked as a sandy beach on the map, and as a result fell into waist-deep mud. The entire squadron of 270 nine people fell into the mud and became targets.

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