Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 748: Chapter 424 Live and Die with the City

Chapter 748: Chapter 420 Four Life and Death with the City (1) ([-])

Chapter 420 Four Life and Death with the City ([-])

While arranging for the troops to prepare anti-aircraft artillery, Li Shaobo decided to send Xu Na, the only major supervisor who was still in the position, to leave the position. Also took out an [-]mm to prepare to shoot the lens of the battle with the Japanese army?For Xu Na's audacity, she broke into a cold sweat for Li Shaobo!

In desperation, Li Shaobo ordered Zhao Zhongguo, the second platoon leader of the reserve team, to say: "Once I order the reserve team to go into battle! You send five soldiers to send Xu Na back at all costs, understand? At the critical moment, there must be Mentally prepare, no matter what, she must not be allowed to fall into the hands of the Japanese army."

Li Shaobo glanced at Xu Na, who didn't care, took out a 74824mm Browning automatic pistol and handed it to Xu Na, saying: "You and I are both soldiers, you want to take evidence of the Japanese army's release of poison gas and our army's fierce battle against aggression." It is also your responsibility to fight the scene, I will not stop you, but you must not fall into the hands of the Japanese army, at the critical moment, as a soldier, you must have the courage to kill yourself and become a benevolent!" Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountain and River [-]

After appointing the second and third commanders, Li Shaobo felt extraordinarily relaxed. Looking at the white fish in the sky, he began his final declaration: "Comrades! Brothers! The brigade headquarters ordered my company to stand firm for eight hours at all costs. This is a task that must be completed. The Japanese invaders invaded our country, killed my compatriots, and humiliated my sisters! But if any bloody man should stand up and fight, how can the Japanese invaders despise me? No one in China? I have prepared my will, and I Determined to swear to survive and die with the battlefield! Brothers! What is behind us? It is our great mountains and rivers, our fathers and folks, and our brothers and sisters! Since we are soldiers, we must know how to serve the country with our bodies! When the country is in crisis, you can do it Choose to leave, but soon you will find that your conscience will not be at peace for the rest of your life, because you abandoned your parents who gave birth to you, your brothers and sisters, your wife and daughter, you left them to the Japanese beasts , you will spend the rest of your life alone in remorse and blame! Or you can choose to stay here with me and fight for the ideal and the supreme honor of the military! Who wants their children to live under the iron heels of the Japanese invaders? In order to make themselves The descendants of your descendants live under the bright sunshine of tomorrow, today we are destined to shed blood on the land of the motherland, let your relatives be proud of you forever! Fight vigorously like a real man, and then die gloriously, Let the Japanese invaders tremble with our bravery!"

Speaking of this, Li Shaobo suddenly waved his arms and shouted loudly: "Hero division! Long live honor! Long live honor! Long live honor! Long live hero division! Long live!"

Immediately, the soldiers of the whole company roared together, and the turbulent roar echoed on the hill, and the Japanese officers and soldiers who were building field bunkers raised their heads and looked towards the top of the mountain in doubt!

Machi Ryoki reluctantly put down the binoculars and said to Tokutaro and Ushijima next to him: "Order the attacking troops, the original attack time needs to be postponed by 10 minutes, and the artillery coverage time should be extended by 10 minutes. The morale of ** is high, and the commander of ** understands the truth again and again."

Under the surprised gazes of Mitsuru Ushishima and Tokutaro Tsuii, Machi Ryoki sat on a wicker chair he found somewhere and began to close his eyes to rest. Mitsuru Ushishima knew that he must not disturb the division at this time. Your Excellency, and it is the regiment flag lost by the Infantry No.30 Third Regiment under the jurisdiction of the No.20 Sixth Brigade.

It can be said that the attack originally scheduled for [-]:[-] a.m. was postponed by the Japanese army. At the critical moment when Nanchang City was all in one piece, the front line of Patriotic Park unexpectedly remained silent for more than two hours?The Japanese army did not launch any attack?In a blink of an eye, it was already [-]:[-] in the morning, and the sky was almost full light. Li Shaobo, who was confused about the Japanese army's tactical intentions, wanted to order the troops to take turns to rest temporarily.

But he was also worried that the cunning Japanese army would launch a surprise attack in the wee hours of the morning when people were most tired. Sure enough, the Japanese attack did not have the expected artillery support. Instead, nearly a thousand Japanese soldiers approached quietly, waiting for the defenders to start shooting. At that time, the artillery of the Japanese army began to prepare for firepower, in order to kill and injure Chinese officers and soldiers as much as possible.

Amidst the rumbling gunfire, the Japanese infantry's attack began. Under the cover of fierce artillery fire, the three Japanese Type [-] light tanks took a lot of effort to drive to the hillside. Li Shaobo immediately understood the Japanese army's attack. Intentionally, the Japanese army tried to use the tank as a fixed firepower point to support the infantry attack. The Japanese army's tactics really worked. All the firepower points of the Chinese defenders who dared to shoot were hit by the direct artillery fire from the Japanese tanks.

Li Shaobo immediately adjusted the anti-tank gun, and knocked out three Japanese tanks in a few strokes. Looking at the burning corpses in the burning tanks struggling to climb halfway hanging on the turret, Tokutaro Zaijing was terrified. Thanks to the fact that I didn't go to any well-paid chariot troops when I was excited, it looked safe, but in fact it was a living coffin!

Machi □□Ryoki still didn’t know that the three tanks he lost were the last three of all 130 five tanks that Okamura Ningji concentrated in this Nanchang battle. During the fierce battle in the east of the city, the independent tank unit commander The chariot that Yamada was standing on was also destroyed and killed in battle. So far, the chariot troops have been destroyed.

The artillery fire of the Japanese retaliation came very quickly, especially the Type [-] infantry artillery fired at close range. Li Shaobo had no choice but to give up the favorable defensive zone in front of the ridgeline position, and instead entered the main position to defend. More and more Japanese troops entered the foot of the mountain. Ding □□Liangji only felt the bitterness in his mouth. From the Patriotic Park to the bottom of the hill, there were layers of corpses of the imperial army everywhere within a distance of [-] meters. The wounded were left unattended and could only stay where they were and die miserably.

At this time, Xu Na was still holding a video camera and shaking the handle to shoot back and forth. The two surviving officers held a simple meeting under Li Shaobo's organization. After counting the number of people and ammunition, Li Shaobo's expression began to change It's getting heavier and heavier!

Because ammunition is running out, the five 150mm heavy mortars hidden on the reverse slope behind the mountain only have half the base ammunition, all the heavy machine guns are lost, and there are two light machine guns, each with only two The magazines and rifles each have less than ten bullets. It is probably not too much to describe the current situation.

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