Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 75: Chapter 33 Army Formation Ceremony

[Volume 3] Section 75: Chapter 33 Into the Army Ceremony (1)


Chapter 33 Into the Army Ceremony

The next day, under the instruction of Dai Li, the Central Military Statistics and Investigation Bureau obtained a piece of convincing evidence. The Japanese Black Dragon Society spies who sneaked into Nanjing intended to attack and kidnap Executive Premier Wang Zhaoming and his party. The Japanese secret agents were fearless in the face of danger, and they fought bravely with them and were eventually martyred.

The story compiled by the Military Command may not even be believed by the Military Command itself, let alone the Central Command. However, this investigation report was immediately approved by the Chief Executive Wang Zhaoming. Putting gold on the face of the dead man Wang Hanting, then it is impossible for everyone to spoil Dean Wang's interest.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 753

Therefore, Gao Fei's murder in the street was covered up by the casual cooperation of all parties. All parties were ulterior motives. Only Dai Li knew how Wang Hanting died. He was an unknown little major with Gao Fei. He snatched a woman, but was killed by the street!

Dai Li admired both means and law-abiding, a man who drew his sword to kill a beauty in anger, blood spattered three feet, enough arrogance and domineering enough, although Dai Li admired such behavior, but he himself would never be able to do such an angry behavior It is important to know that a person who can achieve great things must have an absolutely calm mind and a deep mind that is not surprised by honor or disgrace. Obviously Gao Fei is a common man. Tai Li didn't want his subordinates to be too motivated. A lion leading a group of pigs can win a battle, but the price is a bit high, and a pig leading a group of lions can only be eaten.

Dai Li could see this very clearly, but Gao Fei's character like this really deserves some criticism. As for Wang Hanting's death, the previous appointment of Lin Shujie staying in Nanjing to take charge of the underground organization would naturally be invalidated. I am very upset that someone put pressure on him, but Dai Li has always been a person who is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. He temporarily remembers the pressure from some high-ranking officials in his heart.

However, Dai Li still brought Gao Fei in front of him. After some reprimands, Dai Li was in a bright mood. Cursing is always extremely enjoyable, but Gao Fei's attitude really made Dai Li unable to pick out any problems. In fact, Lin Shujie Gao Fei had been vaccinated a long time ago, and Gao Fei was also mentally prepared for Director Dai's Thunderbolt.

However, after Dai Li's Thunderbolt, Gao Fei didn't look after the rain, so Gao Fei had no choice but to say cheekily: "The bureau! The fifth column has been established for a long time and the bureau has never been to inspect and inspect. This fifth column is the first of our military command Formally organized combat troops, I want to train the fifth column into a special operations unit for assault, hostage rescue, search, and reconnaissance. If we say that our military command is the chairman's sword, then the fifth column is invisible. Among the assassins, they are specially inserted in the enemy's rear and heart, and the sharp blade is unsheathed, how can it return to the sheath without blood!"

Dai Li looked at Gao Fei in surprise. In fact, Dai Li hadn't thought of expanding the Zhongyi Rescue Corps too much. The military command bureau is no exception for the troops under its control, so Dai Li tried every means to find officers who graduated from Whampoa to serve in the formation of Loyalty and Rescue Army, which is self-evident. 7483800

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