Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 750: Chapter 426 The Last Bullet

Chapter 75o: Chapter 420 The Last Bullet (1)

Chapter 420 The Last Bullet

In the narrow and complicated park, [-] officers and soldiers of the imperial army were killed in battle, and more than [-] people were injured in exchange for the annihilation of the first company of the squadron?Ding□□Liangji didn't know whether he should celebrate or mourn?The fierce battle in Nanchang City is still going on, but the town □□ Liangji has changed from arrogance to caution, and is turning into today's despair!

This is the first time Ding □□Liangji has seen such a tenacious enemy, especially once such a stubborn enemy is equipped with advanced weapons, if the firepower is equal to that of the imperial army, then conquering □□ will only be an unrealistic empty talk!Because no one can compete with such an enemy.

Out of the spirit of Bushido, Machi Ryoki admired the enemy who blocked him very much, so he decided to meet these brave Chinese soldiers in person. The densely packed Japanese army began to infiltrate deep through the foot of the mountain, but the entire offensive operation was slower than the original plan. It was more than seven hours late. In Chinese words, even the cucumber dish was cold.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 75026

Among the corpses on the hillside, Ding Liangji slowly squatted beside Li Shaobo, who was covered in blood, and looked at Li Shaobo with a smile at the corner of his mouth, expressing his so-called kindness, and said: "Your model of Chinese people! After completing the task, as long as you surrender immediately, you can be healed! The imperial army of Japan treats prisoners preferentially, do you understand?"

Li Shaobo tried hard to say something, but just as soon as his body moved, he coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood!The knife edge on his body was still bleeding, just when Li Shaobo was about to reach for the pistol behind his waist, a miserable cry came from the top of the mountain, and Xu Na flew down from the top of the mountain quickly!

The Japanese soldiers along the way just silently watched a beautiful Chinese female officer help up the dying Chinese military officer covered in blood. The sound of crying accompanied by tears slid across Xu Na's beautiful face. Shocked by the beauty, Xu Nan's face like peach blossoms and rain deeply shocked the town □ Liangji.

At this time, Li Shaobo, who was lying in Xu Na's arms, was already dying, but Li Shaobo still pulled out his empty pistol and handed it to Xu Na, and then struggled to take out a pistol from his pocket. A bright yellow bullet.

Suddenly Li Shaobo's breathing became very short. He opened his eyes wide and wanted to say something to Xu Na. Because his throat was injured and blocked by blood foam, Li Shaobo could only make a whining sound. Finally, Li Shaobo held Xu Na's shoulder tightly. She let go of her hand, and her head fell into Xu Na's arms!He left with a smile.

The Chinese military officer did not surrender until his death, and died with a smile, which made the town □ Liangji feel the coldness of winter. The smile on the corner of the sacrificed Chinese military officer's mouth seemed to indicate something?The rumble of cannons made Ding □ Ryoji a little uneasy, and when Ding □ Ryoki was considering how to deal with the beautiful female prisoner, he was surprised to find a black muzzle aimed at him?

Slowly the muzzle moved back to Xu Na's temple, Xu Na's closed eyes flashed scenes from the past, Li Shaobo was the object of her crush all the time, she didn't take the initiative to confess for the girl's reserve, she chose to come here The first regiment of the first brigade served as the supervisor.

She hoped that she could always see Li Shaobo's unruly and confident smile. The smile that made her love and hate in the past had condensed now, and his broad shoulders had begun to stiffen. Now all that has become a thing of the past, she understands The purpose of the last bullet Li Shaobo left for her!

I am coming!The person I love the most!You have to wait for me!Xu Na called softly in her heart, and pulled the trigger.With a clear gunshot, Xu Na fell on Li Shaobo in a burst of gorgeous blood mist in the sun, and Xu Na also had a gratified smile on the corner of her mouth!

Ding □□Liangji stood aside and looked at all that happened in front of him. He felt unprecedentedly helpless, unable to find the purpose of his existence, and all the joy brought by conquering the high ground just now disappeared, as if today He was the one who lost the battle.That female officer actually saved the last bullet for herself instead of choosing to kill herself?What kind of spirit and attitude is this?

Patriotic Park fell across the board, but the Second Regiment of the First Brigade of the Chinese defenders had established a solid defense line. The Chinese and Japanese armies fought fiercely in the east of the city for more than ten hours. The Chinese Japanese who forgot to die finally defeated the Japanese who replaced bravery with madness.

Although the Japanese army made a little breakthrough on the front line of Patriotic Park, the Chinese defenders advanced more than [-] meters to the city wall on the overall front, so the five brigades of the Sixth Division attacking the front line of Patriotic Park formed a lone army In the deep battle, Okamura Ningji regarded the five brigades of the Sixth Division that had entered the hinterland of Nanchang City as a dagger inserted into Gao Fei's chest, and Gao Fei regarded it as a dish delivered to the door by the Japanese.

The two main peaks, Jiuling and Mufu, changed hands several times. The entire east and south slopes were filled with corpses of Japanese soldiers. When the defenders ran out of bullets, they put the Japanese soldiers into positions to fight and collect them among the corpses of the Japanese soldiers. In the intention of the defenders, all the bullets were pushed away before the hand-to-hand combat, and they fought with the Chinese soldiers with empty guns. On the main peak of Jiuling, the Japanese soldiers knew that the defenders did not have much ammunition, so they repeatedly used artillery fire to block the reverse slope. Rush to the ground and fight hand-to-hand with the defenders. Every time they are repelled, the Japanese army must increase its strength and adjust its attack.

The Zhongzheng Square in Dongcheng was completely recovered by the counterattack forces of the Chinese defenders. However, the large-scale and tragic fighting that lasted for more than ten hours caused heavy losses to both sides. The Japanese army invested more than 27 Type 26 light tanks and 32 armored vehicles. After being destroyed, the defenders lost more than [-] bt-[-] light tanks and seven a-[-] medium tanks. The loss of weapons such as mountain artillery, mortars, and anti-aircraft artillery was difficult to count for a while.

After reorganization, Gao Fei's eight battalions counterattacked less than three battalions, but the casualties of the Japanese army were several times that of the defenders. Such a fierce battle made Huang Junjie, who was almost a bare brigade commander, slightly shaken: "Master seat Reinforcement is nowhere in sight, we can only wipe out all the hero divisions in such a bloody battle! I am afraid that the committee will also be punished in the future!"

Huang Junjie's words made all the commanders and staff officers in the headquarters look at him immediately. The commissioner personally delivered supplies to Nanchang through airdrops in Chongqing, and renamed the new division "Hero Division" in the Military and Political Department. Come back, with a division of soldiers to stop the [-] Japanese army for more than half a month, you deserve the word hero!But Huang Junjie's words are also a question for many people. Is it possible that Shangfeng is really willing to fight all the hero masters?

Shen Yingxiong glanced at Huang Junjie and said, "Brigade Commander Huang, are you afraid?"

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