Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 753: Chapter 428 Canine Teeth

Chapter 753: Chapter 420 Eight Claws (2)

Around this true and false incident, the public opinion agencies of China and Japan launched an unprecedented war of words. At this time, Chiang Kai-shek's attention had already been concentrated on this from Nanchang.

Externally, Chiang Kai-shek should also make a big deal, pretending that he is also a victim, and told He Yingqin, you should communicate with Cheng Songyun in the third war zone, so that the third war zone can make some preparations.In addition, the Communist Party must also pay close attention to publicity and control the direction of public opinion.Be sure to broadcast the entire campaign process before the Japanese, our army's campaign composition and deployment, and casualties. Don't be afraid of leaking secrets. If you don't leak secrets, people won't believe you.

After Chiang Kai-shek arranged everything, he felt a lot more relaxed. The solitary defense of Nanchang always affected his heart, so in the war of words against the Japanese, he decided to pour this pot of dirty water on the Japanese, and the Huayuankou incident happened. At that time, both China and Japan were busy fighting, and no one pursued it in detail. Now that the fighting in the Chinese theater has ended, this problem has become very prominent.

Chiang Kai-shek thinks that you Japanese are unrighteous teachers anyway, what bad things have you not done?Now what I say is reasonable, and people will believe it, but you Japanese may not be so credible. Who would believe the words of a group of beasts who have lost their humanity in Nanjing?Thinking of this, a smile appeared on his face, as if he had already plundered the city in the debate with the Japanese.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 75328

At the same time, radio stations and newspapers in the United States and the United Kingdom circulated and reported one after another, condemning the shameless, vicious, despicable, and inhumane actions of the Japanese army. The Central Propaganda Department of the Kuomintang organized a group of civil and military officials to hold frequent press conferences. □The Japanese violated the Geneva Park and killed innocent Chinese civilians indiscriminately. They seemed to be more outraged than the Nanjing Xiaguan massacre.

For a time, condemnation of the atrocities committed by the Japanese army reverberated all over the world. Even Japan's German allies, under domestic pressure, began to condemn Japan's inhumane behavior.Chiang Kai-shek's wonderful personal performance can be said to be so lifelike that it is more like the real thing.

How could the Japanese be willing to suffer from being dumb? What makes them even more angry is that they have always been proud of the attack power of their army. Why do they need to dig dikes to release water?Relieved, the Japanese also used the radio station to make a big noise, insisting that the Kuomintang army released the water on its own and rebelled against the actions of the Japanese army.

Moreover, not only did they repeatedly broadcast on Japanese local radio stations all day long, but they also made a big publicity in the occupied areas of big cities such as Nanjing, Shanghai, and Beiping. Any lie told a thousand times will become a real existence. It seems that they have forgotten the contest in Nanchang on the battlefield. The national government, which no longer has any military strength, has spent all its energy in this moral debate.

The most tragic thing is that a group of Chinese and foreign journalists are sandwiched between the two sides, and it is difficult to tell right from wrong?On the one hand, Chiang Kai-shek, who is full of false teeth and lies, and on the other hand, the Japanese who are declining civilization and dehumanizing, whose one-sided words should we believe?Moreover, all kinds of rumors are flying in the sky, and only those mainstream newspapers with background can get the so-called official news, forcing some tabloids who have no way to get the news to just stay at home and make news by themselves, so the whole water is muddy!

Perhaps both China and Japan realized that fighting the battle of Nanchang is not as good as fighting the war of words, so the focus of the two sides shifted again. It was already three days later when Chiang Kai-shek focused his attention back on the bloody battle in Nanchang.

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