Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 759: Chapter 432 The Premature Chinese Expeditionary Army

Chapter 759: Chapter 430 The Premature Chinese Expeditionary Army (1)

Chapter 430 The Premature Chinese Expeditionary Army

The atmosphere in the entire imperial scene was extremely weird, and the Battle of Nanchang also aroused Emperor Hirohito's great curiosity?A series of chain reactions made everyone, including Emperor Hirohito, unable to believe what was happening before them. The resignation of Six Prime Minister Seishiro Itagaki and the downfall of Kiichiro Hiranuma's cabinet all originated from Battlefield No.6 A city to be captured by the army.

The theory of the butterfly effect may not be understood by the Japanese. The most common explanation is that a butterfly in the Amazon rainforest in South America occasionally flaps its wings, which can cause a catastrophe in Texas two weeks later. tornado.The reason is that the movement of the butterfly's wings causes changes in the air system around it and produces weak airflow, and the generation of weak airflow will cause corresponding changes in the surrounding air or other systems, thus causing a chain reaction. Eventually lead to great changes in other systems, academically it is called chaos.

Obviously the Japanese are very confused?Why did the four divisions besiege Nanchang but failed for a long time? What material were the Chinese soldiers guarding Nanchang made of?Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 75932

Emperor Hirohito stood in the courtyard passage of the imperial city, looking at the stars all over the sky, pacing back and forth with some hesitation, while a group of important ministers of the Japanese Empire stood aside with worried eyes, Emperor Hirohito sighed slightly: " I just want to know if the Imperial Army can annihilate Gao Fei's heroic army? They have become the sustenance of the heroic will of the people, and as soldiers, they have gone beyond the scope of human meaning."

No one can answer what Emperor Hirohito said. All the good generals and ministers stood quietly and said nothing. The strategy of Nanchang has exceeded their imagination and the maximum casualties that the imperial army of the Japanese Empire can bear. Everyone knows , Whoever can bear the maximum casualties will be able to win the final victory, but this casualty seems too heavy for the Imperial Japanese Army?

Even if Gao Fei, the heroic division of the Chinese Communist Party, was wiped out in Nanchang, the price the Imperial Army would have to pay would be the sacrifice of several divisions of the only field attack army deployed in China, and the transition from strategic initiative to strategic Passive, this price is too great for the Japanese, no one expected that the new hero division of the new division that was sticking to Nanchang before is such a unit?Its attack power and defense level are amazing. The artillery shells and aerial bombs of the Imperial Japanese Army almost razed Nanchang City to the ground. It was almost impossible to move an inch.

It is undoubtedly Hirohito's ideal to wipe out the high-flying hero division, but now it seems that the price paid is too high. Because the empire couldn't afford the huge consumption in the Chinese battlefield, it turned from offense to defense, leaving only Okamura Ningji No.11 Army is the main force of the field army constantly attacking the Chinese army, but now it seems that the overall strategic layout is difficult to change and shake.

However, Emperor Hirohito’s final decision was to drive Itagaki Seishiro out of the highest decision-making level, and appointed him as the first chief of staff of the Japanese Dispatch Army, assisting General Nishio Shouzo, Itagaki Seishiro also decided to end the war he waged. He worked hard to lure Chiang Kai-shek to surrender, and asked to fly to Changsha controlled by the squadron to meet Chiang Kai-shek. He only wanted to protect the commercial interests of the puppet Manchukuo and Japan within the Great Wall. He was met with considerable resistance, and since then he has become more and more marginalized in the Japanese army.

Emperor Hirohito hesitated for a long time for the dispatched army born in advance, because the Kwantung Army was also seeking to be promoted to the rank of the general army, but Emperor Hirohito had been suppressing the so-called rise of the Kwantung Army, because the Kwantung Army's self-contained model made Hirohito The emperor felt very worried, but the Kwantung Army had always had the habit of going above and beyond. As a disobedient child, the Kwantung Army did not let Emperor Hirohito be completely at ease. The Kwantung Army, which is used to being wild, often brought changes in Japan All extremely shocking.

Hisao Nishio was also very shocked that he was appointed as the first commander of the Chinese Expeditionary Army. Hisao Nishio was one of the few senior generals who did not attend the infantry school of the Army. Being born in the Japanese Army is a very important part. Nishio Shouzo was admitted to the sixth grade after graduating from Tottori Junior High School.

After graduating from the 6 soldiers, he returned to his hometown of Tottori Prefecture to serve in the No.40 Infantry Regiment. The regiments of the Japanese army were formed by fellow villagers from the same place. Due to his good grades when he graduated, Hisao Nishio was appointed as the standard bearer of the regiment. He is very majestic and can always stand beside the regiment leader to attract attention. During the Russo-Japanese War, Hisao Nishio went to the No.40 regiment and injured his foot during the Battle of Shahe.

When he graduated from the 6th University of Nishio, he was ranked second among the 51 students in the same period. He was overwhelmed by Hata Toshiroku. He was the secretary of Prime Minister Tanaka Yoshiichi during the Shaozuo era. His character was very serious and he believed that soldiers should not interfere. politics.

[-]. Hisao Nishio was the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army during the [-]th Mutiny. He was soon promoted to deputy chief of staff and commander of the Guards Division for his assistance in Hideki Tojo’s rebellion. Hiso Nishio received credit for his military exploits in China. First Class Gold Medal.

However, in history, Hisao Nishio was also a guy with a very bad mouth. In Chinese words, he couldn’t control his mouth. Hisao Nishio, who was serving as a military councilor, went to Kansai for inspection and said it casually when answering reporters’ questions. To put it bluntly, I don't know about this, you can ask the guy who goes through the trash can every morning, he knows.This is actually talking about the Prime Minister Tojo Hideki at the time, because one of Tojo’s hobbies was to check the garbage in the trash can to see if anyone was eating big fish and meat, and wasted extravagantly when the country was in trouble. But the narrow-minded Tojo was offended, and he immediately ordered the senior general Nishio to be included in the reserve. Later, until Tojo Hideki fell, Nishio Hiszo became the governor of Tokyo again. This is also a unique example of the Japanese Army.

Responses from various parties in Japan to this premature dispatched army in history have been mixed. The Kwantung Army is the most rejoicing, because the dispatched army is the size of the total army, and only the Japanese Army has the size of the general army. , then the Kwantung Army, which is the flower of the imperial army, should be upgraded to the general army. Independent tank divisions and mechanized divisions, which the Kwantung Army wanted to try early in the morning, should also appear in the Kwantung Army's battle sequence.

Moreover, the last document approved by Itagaki Seishiro during his tenure was to allow the Kwantung Army to conduct military provocations against the Soviet Army in the Nomenkan area, looking for a springboard for the northward advance.

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