Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 773: Chapter 444 Foggy City of Chongqing

Chapter 773: Chapter 440 The Fog City of Chongqing (1)

Chapter 440 The Fog City of Chongqing

Gao Fei's remarks and the exclusive press conference ended prematurely under Chiang Kai-shek's suggestion. Deputy Chief Xiong Xiong of the Military and Political Department showed the participating reporters the list of killed Japanese generals and the flag of the Infantry No.20 Third Regiment. The reporter didn't seem to be very interested in this military flag. It was not until a few years later that the reporter felt that it was too difficult to capture a Japanese infantry and cavalry regiment flag. Compared with the Japanese infantry No. .20 Triple Alliance flag, that's definitely not luck.

After the press conference, Chiang Kai-shek summoned Gao Fei before leaving. Looking at Gao Fei with a calm face, Chiang Kai-shek shook his head helplessly and said: "I like pure German soldiers, that is, soldiers do not interfere in politics. It is very good, no matter where you are placed, no one from the local party department will report you, and the local officials have no conflict of interest with you. When it comes to not being greedy for money, you are the first person I have ever met. , It is extremely rare not to be afraid of death, but you can’t really know nothing about international politics! Open your mouth and keep swearing at Britain, the United States and other countries. It doesn’t matter if you scold the Japanese. Do you understand the country's attitude?"

Gao Fei snapped to attention and said, "The humble job has already said that the 77344 representatives of the humble job cannot represent the country. The only one who can represent the country is you, the leader."

Chiang Kai-shek hesitated for a while and said: "But don't worry, I will block any problems for you. We count on Europe and the United States, but they have disappointed us. It is normal to beat the side drums for them. See you first when you go back." Seeing your family, your three wives are also vigorous and resolute. Two wives work in the Military Control Bureau, and one works in the Central Daily. They say they want to contribute to the War of Resistance. The wife and concubine are very dissatisfied. If she reprimands you, do you have to be more tolerant? Understand? The youth army will form an army for the time being. Your qualifications are still too young, so don’t understand everything too quickly? Many things are in your impulsive way. You have to think for a moment and make a decision all at once, you are now a general, and the direction you are pointing is also a matter of life and death, remember! Remember!"

Nanchang was already in ruins, Chiang Kai-shek would not stay here, most of the reporters went back with the special train, leaving a few reporters who continued to dig news and were still active in Nanchang City, Gao Fei was a brainy person, so Auctioned the seized Japanese army's Lieutenant Sword, Zuoguan Sword, Contact Flag, Inspirational Flag, Military Emblem and some military supplies to reporters?

The reporters were very puzzled by this. In the past, even if the squadrons captured not many, these things were all souvenirs as gifts?Why do you want to trade again this time?Gao Fei explained that it was to raise resettlement funds for the dead and disabled soldiers, and he planned to build a large-scale memorial to the officers and soldiers who died in the Battle of the Army Hero Division in Nanchang.

Reporters from various countries gave their understanding to this, while Cai Wenzhi and Shen Yingxiong thought that Gao Fei seemed too petty?Gao Fei disdained this and said: "What do Europeans pursue? Profit is the first word. For the sake of profit, this is a group of masters who even dare to dig his father's grave. Even if I have a piece of dog hair, I have to settle the money with them, and their food, accommodation and travel expenses in Nanchang will be completely settled in the end. They are all-pervasive journalists. Why should I give them face when I give them news? They don’t know. When the truth made Lao Tzu's rumor?"

Gao Fei collected the undamaged and repairable heavy artillery in Nanchang City and transported them away. The damaged chariots disassembled the usable parts, and Gao Fei had no time to take care of the remaining scattered light weapons. After a while, the three armies sent people to clean up the battlefield. After all, many officers and soldiers of the three armies have helped a lot these days, and they have brought a large-scale grave digging to the Japanese.

It can be said that after the Japanese attack under the city of Nanchang, it is almost impossible for the Japanese to start new fortifications within half a year. So after Gao Fei handed over the defense of Nanchang to Yu Jishi, he led an army of more than 1 people and began to attack the city. Chongqing transferred, because there are more than [-] supplementary soldiers waiting for him in Enshi County, and the new training base there is also under construction. Judging from its location and strategic deployment, the new army of the Youth Army is the one who defends the accompanying capital of Chongqing. a major force.

Enshi is composed of three major mountain ranges, including the Wushan Mountains branched from the southern edge of the Daba Mountains in the north, the Wuling Mountains belonging to the Miaoling branch in the southeast and central part, and the Qiyue Mountains in the northern extension of the Dalou Mountains in the west. It is a three-mountain stand, presenting a state of being high in the north, northwest and southeast, gradually sloping to the middle and south and relatively low.

Moreover, the land of Enshi County is a place where one man guards the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it. It is surrounded by dense peaks and mountains, and Gao Fei is very good at defending. Therefore, Chongqing, where the youth army and the new army are deployed, should have a hundred hearts.

The Seventh Administrative Supervision District of the Nationalist Government was established in Shi'en County, and under its jurisdiction were six counties including Enshi, Jianshi, Xuan'en, Laifeng, Xianfeng, and Lichuan.

Xing Kehuai, Commissioner of the Seventh Administrative Inspectorate District of the Nationalist Government, was the contact person in charge of the garrison of the New First Army of the Youth Army, and Gao Fei was the highest military and political officer of the garrison in the Seventh Administrative Inspectorate District.

Cai Wenzhi first led the troops to Chongqing No.20 Arsenal to pick up the previous ten "Zhongzheng" tanks. The troops needed a large amount of supplementary ordnance, ammunition and military supplies in Chongqing. The 150mm heavy-duty howitzer was buried on the spot together with the Soviet-made 120mm howitzer after the shells were shot out, and now they all need to be sent to Chongqing for maintenance. Gave it to Goofy's youth army.

It is inevitable for the heroic troops to return to Chongqing to have a ceremony of entering the city with lights and festoons, but the heavy bombing of the Japanese army forced the cancellation of the ceremony. Since the Japanese army captured Wuhan in October 1938, the Japanese army headquarters ordered the Central China Dispatch Army to begin to implement it in Chongqing. Attacking the strategic center of the enemy's army by aerial invasion and at the same time carrying out an air annihilation battle, this order was the beginning of the Japanese army's formal strategic bombing of Chongqing.

As the accompanying capital of China’s Anti-Japanese War, Chongqing became the political, military, economic, and cultural center of China’s rear area during the Anti-Japanese War. Therefore, the Japanese army that failed in ground combat invested more in bombing Chongqing, especially after the fog in Chongqing cleared in April. serious.

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