Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 818: Chapter 472 Goofy Strategy

Chapter 818: Chapter 470 Two Goofy Strategy (1)

Chapter 470 Two Goofy Strategy

Therefore, Gao Fei began to prepare to build an elite unit to join the combat sequence of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, because the weapons in the Chinese battlefield could not meet Gao Fei's tactical needs, and what Gao Fei needed were American light and heavy armored divisions. Weapons and equipment require American air support and American ammunition as a guarantee for tactical operations. Only with these can Gao Fei's many tactical ideas be implemented.

On the other hand, Gao Fei disliked foreign careerists like Stilwell and Davis who intended to stain their top with Chinese blood. Stilwell had a very close relationship with U.S. Chief of Staff Marshall, but even so Marshall also didn't support Stilwell commanding the U.S. military to fight. In fact, Marshall could see that Stilwell was a guy who could only shout slogans. He didn't have any goods in his stomach. sent him to China.

Stilwell, who claimed to be a China hand, didn't understand China at all, let alone the British, so the disastrous defeat of the Chinese Expeditionary Force in the first Burma Battle was due to Stilwell's chaotic command. After the defeat, Stilwell abandoned the army and went alone Sneak rout into India?Is this the behavior of a commander in chief?It is really wise for the Americans not to let Stilwell command their own army. Even Stilwell in later generations has long been removed from the friends of the Chinese people. How can history be made up?Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 81872

Truth and justice are only within the range of cannons. International status is directly proportional to military power and strategic deterrent force you have. Therefore, the Japanese have always been militaristic. In history, the Soviet Union and the United States fought against the Axis powers together, but Germany As soon as they surrendered, the Soviet Union and the United States immediately drew their swords and turned against each other faster than turning over a book. The Soviets invaded and occupied the most Chinese territory and killed no less Chinese than the Japanese. The Japanese used American materials and loans to maintain the whole of China. Otherwise, the Japanese government, which could not afford military expenditures for three months, would have collapsed long ago.

Therefore, international allies are only for betrayal, and those who are honest are fools!There is only a naked interest relationship between countries. Because China has no strength, it accepts the least American aid, and makes itself useful. This is what Gao Fei has to do!

And people in later generations will always say that Japanese militarism is militarism, the Japanese people are the Japanese people, and the Japanese people are friendly?Gao Fei didn't understand where did this fart talk come from?The Japanese pioneers and occupying forces slaughtered the Chinese in batches, and then took over those so-called wastelands?Use Chinese people to do bacterial experiments?Without the unanimous support of the Japanese people, without the fanning of the Japanese media, without the determination and will of the Japanese to launch a war of aggression against China even if they are hungry, would a mere Japan dare to open its mouth and swallow China?

War criminals are the whole of Japan, including all Japanese. Especially during the war, dividing the enemy is a must for political propaganda, but if you can’t make yourself believe the lies of political propaganda, that is stupid, and it is against history. Irresponsible, how can history be easily forgotten?The only way to forget the hatred is to go to the enemy's country ten times to do what the enemy does.

Gao Fei remembered that during the entire World War II, the United States and Britain sent a total of more than 39 fighter planes to the Soviet Union through Alaska, of which about 4 were P-2000 and P-25 fighters, and more than 710 were six types of ground-to-ground fighters. Attack aircraft and B-47 medium bombers, 39 are C-1939 transport aircraft. It can be said that the combat performance of these American-made fighters is no less than that of the fighters equipped by the German army. Among them, the P-620 fighter was tested in 37. 12.7 five kilometers, weapons include a 2mm cannon and two 25mm machine guns. The a-[-]o attack aircraft is armored and can drop nearly one ton of aerial bombs. The b-[-] bomber can carry [-] tons of aerial bombs for bombing and is equipped with five large-caliber Browning aviation machine guns for air combat self-defense. The weapons are all extremely advanced, and they can even compete with the Japanese's Zero War.

During the Second World War, the allied countries aided the Soviet Union with a total of more than 20.00 combat aircraft of various types, accounting for more than 150% of the total number of fighter aircraft produced by the Soviet Union. Among them, the Soviet Navy Air Force received more than [-] American and British fighter aircraft .In order to promote the combat of the Soviet aviation, the United States and Britain also provided a total of [-] million tons of high-quality aviation fuel, which was more than the total production of the Soviet Union, so that the Soviet Union could fully invest in the production of combat aircraft, and the aluminum used to manufacture the fuselage was extremely short. , which greatly affected the production and assembly of fighter jets.

In history, in 1941, when Stalin talked with Hopkins, the special envoy of President Roosevelt of the United States, he made it clear that if we aid our country with the required amount of aluminum, then we will be able to fight for another four years. By 1942, due to the invasion of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union lost 60.00% of the pre-war aluminum production capacity.

To this end, the United States provided the Soviet Union with 32 tons of aluminum, which exceeded the total amount produced by the Soviet Union during the entire war. During the war, the United States and Britain also provided the Soviet Navy with more than 1000 radars and more than 400 sonars.In addition, the Allies provided the Soviet Union with many other combat materials, including more than 42 trucks and jeeps, more than 700 tractors, more than 6000 anti-aircraft guns, more than 5 anti-tank guns, more than 35 million bullets and shells, More than [-] tons of high-performance explosives, etc. These materials greatly supported the Soviet Union to resist the crazy attack of Germany. It can even be said that the material aid from the United States destroyed the mighty Prussian Third Reich.

In comparison, the materials China obtained are nothing worth mentioning. The sacrifices of the Chinese Communists have resulted in the contempt and ignorance of the allies. The strategy of first Europe and then Asia puts China at an extremely disadvantageous position. I know that what I have to do in the future is to obtain as much US aid as possible. However, due to China's geographical limitations and insufficient navy to contain Japan's combined fleet, it is decided that the Chinese government can only go through Yunnan and Burma. On the one hand, to obtain American aid materials from India, compared with the convenience of the Soviets receiving materials directly from Alaska, the road for China seems to be too far away and difficult, and the greedy, selfish and despicable British will not let go of any chance to suck blood Yes, it is still unknown to Gao Fei how many materials will arrive in China in the end.

In order to prevent history from repeating itself, and to prevent the [-] elite Chinese expeditionary forces from being buried in the wild jungle, Gao Fei decided to start the adaptive training of the troops from now on.

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