Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 837 The Great Strategic Turning Point

When the Chinese Youth Army concentrated artillery fire from all regiments and above to bombard the five defensive areas of the Japanese army in Shanhaiguan, Xu Guoyi's commando, led by Wang Hui's special operations unit, went straight to the back of the Jiaoshan Fortress, while Wang Yun's guerrillas were in the area. Five miles north of Jiaoshan began to attack the Japanese army's telephone lines and stronghold gun towers. Because the two American-made anti-tank guns airdropped before were all equipped to Wang Yun's guerrillas, and Xu Guoyi also sent two groups of gunners to operate the guns. The gun towers of the Japanese stronghold were unprecedentedly easy, and the Japanese did not expect that the guerrillas on Tuba Road were equipped with anti-aircraft artillery, so they asked for help from the Jiaoshan Fortress. |[-] Literature

Neiji Okamura, who was sitting in the fortress of Kakuyama, immediately ordered the gun towers of each stronghold to stand firm and not retreat. What Okamura Neiji is now waiting for is the [-]th Division, [-]th Division, and [-]rd Division stationed in Jinzhou. For reinforcements, what can a guerrilla team of thousands of people attack a few strongholds? As long as the Jiaoshan fortress is not lost, the main points on the front line of Shanhaiguan can be guaranteed. It is impossible for the Chinese youth army to gnaw all their outer positions overnight. Come down, Neiji Okamura has his heart set on this point.

However, Neiji Okamura seemed to underestimate the productivity of the United States, and Gao Fei asked the Americans for five sets of mechanized pontoon bridges with a span of 3 meters. These pontoon bridges were developed and processed by the Americans in a week , use the m[-] light tank site to install floating devices, and install hydraulic support devices. This is the huge gap in the comprehensive national strength of the United States and Japan. The equipment made by the Americans, the Japanese have never even thought about it. In the war, one side is the relaxed and pleasant design and production in the local area; More officers and soldiers died of starvation than in battle.

The name of the squadron leader Akino Daikichi of the Akino Squadron of the Japanese Army stationed on the back cliff of the Jiaoshan Fortress means that the weather will be smooth and auspicious, but the parents who named him did not expect their son to be a cruel murderer across the ocean. , to brutally kill those kind-hearted people in foreign countries who have no vengeance in the past and have no vengeance in the present.

As the so-called reincarnation of heaven, Akino Daikichi drank some wine tonight, and a team that went to find him a woman has not returned yet, and the women he captured recently made him feel like he couldn't bear it, and he still needs to bear it, complaining I am in the wilderness, the birds don't shit, and on the other hand, I am glad that I don't have to face the extremely ferocious Chinese youth army on the front line, because in the battle with the imperial army, the Chinese youth army never kept prisoners, and it was almost their duty to kill them all. Synonymous, Akino Daikichi has done a lot of bad things, and the degree of cruelty cannot be described by just bad things. In winter, people are stripped naked, splashed with water to freeze popsicles, stuffed alive in ice holes, raped women and brutally killed. What the Chinese people say is that they are devoid of conscience.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 837

Now the Chinese Youth Army has accepted that both the Puppet Peace and Founding Army and the Puppet Manchukuo Army are within the scope of allowing uprising and surrender, but the Japanese army is still all within the scope of not accepting surrender. Due to the brutal behavior of the Japanese invading army on the Chinese battlefield, all combat personnel of the Japanese army will not accept their surrender. Medical personnel and logistics service personnel need to be screened and treated.

Akino Daikichi carried himself away when he slaughtered the Chinese people. Now that the Chinese Youth Army does not accept the surrender of the Japanese armed soldiers, it makes him a little hysterically crazy. However, except for the Chinese Youth Army, most of the Chinese army still accepts the surrender of the Japanese army. But now China The army of the youth army is approaching Shanhaiguan, and General Ningji Okamura is the commander of the town. The commander-in-chief of the Chinese Expeditionary Army who used to call the wind and rain is now commanding 5 broken troops to guard Shanhaiguan and wait for the reinforcements of the Kwantung Army. The future is really uncertain!

In particular, the fierce artillery fire in front of Shanhaiguan was earth-shattering. Every burst of fierce artillery fire made the ground tremble. The life ahead must not be easy. Compared with the back mountain of the Jiaoshan Fortress, my own squadron is a rare lucky thing.

The officers and soldiers of the Japanese army, who had trouble sleeping, stared and couldn't sleep. They were very clear about the policies of the Chinese youth. In particular, the troops of the Kwantung Army used living people to practice assassination, which was hated by the Chinese people. A large number of leaflets were airdropped along the Shanhaiguan Pass. The content was that once the Chinese Youth Army launched an attack, it would not accept the surrender of all combatants of the Kwantung Army and would kill them all.

Originally, this kind of provocative behavior would stimulate the fighting will of the defenders, but in the face of the overwhelmingly superior equipment and firepower of the Chinese youth, it is a dead end to stick to the position, and the Chinese youth army is particularly willing to use napalm bombs and some more powerful The new type of bomb, the aerosol bomb used in the direction of Zijin Mountain in Nanjing, is even more powerful, so the Japanese officers and soldiers guarding Shanhaiguan are uneasy. In addition to the time when Prince Ren was shot down, the Japanese defenders at Shanhaiguan have already had their hearts fluttering, because the Kwantung Army The reinforcements from the army were delayed, and many officers and soldiers circulated privately that they had been abandoned.

The Japanese army guarding Shanhaiguan is actually where Okamura Ningji will be able to evacuate all the troops in North China. The [-] divisions of the Puppet Peace and Founding Army troops that were previously deployed in Cangzhou, Tianjin, Beiping, Huairou, Miyun and other places revolted anyway. It can be said that Okamura Ningji's entire set of seemingly good chess pieces collapsed in an instant.

Daikichi Akino sat in the yard and looked at the last quarter moon in the sky in a daze. The moon reminded him of his hometown and his mother, so he hummed a nostalgic folk tune in a low voice. The young army special who was lying [-] meters away The two members of the combat team looked at Daikichi Akino humming a folk song in a low voice, and Wang Feng whispered to Hu Dajun, "What is that devil humming?"

Hu Dajun's Japanese army is very good. After listening to it, he said, "It's about missing his mother and hometown." Wang Feng was a little shocked and said, "This bastard was also born by his mother and father?"

Wang Feng then struck the crossbow, and a one-foot-long three-edged arrow coated with poison accurately shot Akino Daikichi's neck. Akino Daikichi's body stiffened instantly and fell to the ground after struggling a few times. At this moment, Jiaoshan Temple The two surrounding Japanese patrols of more than ten people were all quietly eliminated. Because they were behind the front line, even if the Chinese youth army besieged the Jiaoshan Fortress, the Jiaoshan Temple where he was located was also within the direct fire support range of the Jiaoshan Fortress. Inside, it can be said to be as stable as Mount Tai.

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