Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 839 The Great Strategic Turning Point

Heavy artillery bombardment, rocket artillery concentrated bombardment, white phosphorous shells focus on strikes, fire-breathing tanks sweep one by one, tanks lead infantry to suppress the formation, most of the Japanese troops have never experienced such offensive tactics, because according to the Japanese military's first tactics, the opponent's artillery is ready. Hold the position with a small force to reduce the effective damage of the opponent's artillery fire, and then provide reinforcements after the artillery fire extends. It can be said that Okamura Ningji fully expected that Goofy's tactics must be heavy artillery, bombing and tank assault, so he studied a set of countermeasures. Tactics, what I didn't expect was that the intensity of the Chinese artillery fire first exceeded his expectations. |[-] Literature

Some of the fortifications at the front were all razed to the ground by artillery fire, followed by the intensive killing of the reinforcements by the rockets of the Chinese Youth Army, and the troops suffered heavy losses. None of these are the most important. The important thing is that the Chinese artillery seems to have endless shells. It turns out that artillery fire is used to form a blockade line, and then tanks cooperate with infantry assaults. Often a line of defense is easy to defend in only ten or twenty minutes. Extending the advance and putting in the chariot to lead the infantry to attack, such a tactic undoubtedly consumes a lot of shells, at least the Japanese army cannot afford such a luxurious tactic.

According to Neiji Okamura, there is only one possibility for the Chinese youth army to implement such tactics, that is, they are extremely well-prepared and fight well-prepared battles. To deal with such an enemy, they can only fight with all their might, exhaustion, and willpower. , but the fighting will of the Chinese youth army seems to be superior to that of the Japanese army, and now the firepower and military strength have an absolute advantage. Okamura Ningji has the heart of suicide at this moment. Facing such a powerful enemy, the base camp and the staff are still Are you hesitating whether to continue the discussion of the Far East campaign?The Kwantung Army was making their own calculations. Now that the main force of the high-flying Chinese youth army is approaching Shanhaiguan, the Kwantung Army suddenly realized that it seems a bit late?This kind of reaction speed really makes people feel unreasonable and unacceptable. |[-] Literature

Neiji Okamura didn't understand very much. The empire concentrated 170 million troops, plus nearly 200 million troops from the logistics support force into the Far East. The area it occupied was even smaller than what the Chinese dispatched troops lost in the Chinese battlefield?How is this account base camp calculated?The Far East is a place of bitter cold, the troops are short of combat materials, the troops are consumed hugely, and the reduction of personnel in special battles is very serious. Under such circumstances, why do the wartime headquarters and the General Staff Headquarters still insist on attacking the Far East, ranking the Chinese battlefield behind the Far East, even The Southern General Army ranks ahead of the Chinese dispatched army. The Chinese dispatched army seems to have become an illegitimate child without a mother in Japan?

Neiji Okamura also sometimes couldn't figure it out, because all this seemed to be too depressing. There were already signs before the Chinese youth army was in full swing, because the main force of the Chinese youth army has now been transferred back to the country, and the Chinese expeditionary force is here. A unit formed on the basis of the Chinese Youth Army has a strong flavor of the party and the army. It can be said that when this unit hit the No.11 Army in Nanchang, Okamura Ningji once suggested that during the war The base camp and the General Staff Headquarters should spare no effort to encircle and annihilate this Chinese army. It must be wiped out. Unfortunately, what Japan lacks most is people of insight. Very few people responded to Neiji Okamura's suggestion.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 839

It can be said that Ningji Okamura was disturbed by the attack of the Kaoshan Fortress by Chinese paratroopers and guerrillas, because what the Chinese youth army feared the most to the Japanese army was not the planes and cannons, but the elusive special operations forces. It became a nightmare for the officers and soldiers of the Japanese army. If a small team of officers and soldiers patrols and encounters these killers, all that is left is blood and corpses.

After Xu Guoyi climbed to the top of the Jiaoshan Fortress, Wang Hui had carried out the fourth blasting. The fortifications of the Japanese army were stronger than expected and prepared before. The pressure suddenly decreased, and the Japanese army moved out the 150-type heavy machine gun at the blasting breach to shoot, while the counterattack troops sent by Okamura Ningji climbed the steep rock wall to the top of the Jiaoshan Fortress, trying to kill the Chinese youth on it. Army special forces and paratrooper commandos wiped out, but this can only be a very good wish of the Japanese.

The American-made m2 prefabricated fragmentation grenade rolled down the roof of the Jiaoshan Fortress, blowing up the Japanese soldiers who were trying to climb up, crying and howling. It can be said that the special operations detachment and paratrooper commandos who climbed up from the back of the Jiaoshan Fortress cooperated with Li Lun’s command The frontal attack made the Japanese army defending the Jiaoshan Fortress feel a serious threat, especially after the members of the special operations team carried out continuous blasting on the top of the Jiaoshan Fortress, the Japanese army concentrated all its mobile forces on the upper four floors, but Lee, who was attacking from the front, The assault troops of the 20th Regiment of the [-]nd Paratrooper Assault Division under the command have already covered more than [-] flamethrowers and approached the outer defensive positions of the Jiaoshan Fortress.

Neiji Okamura was sitting in the Central Command. He never imagined that the Chinese Youth Army would have a paratrooper force with powerful combat effectiveness?Moreover, this force has been able to enter the actual combat stage. Chinese youths are good at fighting, and their paratroopers are as good as the amphibious landing forces formed in India. It can be said that these troops are the elite of the Chinese youth army, which means the elite of the elite. It is pure nonsense to say that there is a surprise attack on such troops.

As a strategy and tactics expert, perhaps Okamura Ningji is too smart, so he seems so out of place compared with his stupid colleagues like Hideki Tojo, which Okamura Ningji himself knows very well.

Now the paratroopers of the Chinese Youth Army have climbed to the top of the Jiaoshan Fortress, and have blown up an assault port on the left and right of the two comrades. However, the Chinese troops have not yet started the assault. They are just constantly blasting repeatedly. Try to expand the breakthrough.

For the first time, Okamura Ningji felt that death seemed to be on top of his head. Gao Fei's main attack force was less than five kilometers away from the Jiaoshan Fortress. The [-]th Division, [-]th Division, [-]rd Division, The division moved slowly, and was often blocked and damaged by roads and bridges along the way. Before Okamura Neiji was confident that it would not be a problem to hold on for a month, but once the offensive of the Chinese Youth Army under Gao Fei started, Okamura Neiji realized that he had held on for seven days It's all a luxury!

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