Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 844 The Great Strategic Turning Point

After conquering Shanhaiguan in six hours, Li Guoren's mechanized army encountered the [-]th Division, [-]th Division, and [-]rd Division of the Japanese Army who were defending Jinzhou and came out for reinforcements on the way. A vigorous battle was launched. After the massacre, many tank drivers fell in love with the fun of chasing and crushing the Japanese army with tanks. |[-] Literature

Gao Fei clicked on the map with his hands. The originally planned 48-hour battle took only six hours. Although the consumption of heavy artillery grenades and rockets exceeded one-third of the battle reserve, the results were undoubtedly impressive, especially killing the General Neiji Okamura, the commander-in-chief of the Japanese army dispatched to China, Gao Fei learned that Neiji Okamura had a suicide incision in his abdomen, indicating that the matter of killing him was undergoing laparotomy. The body was placed at the exit of the fortification, and a round of posing was performed for him, which proved that the Japanese Army dispatched troops to China and led a group of staff officers to try to escape and was shot dead.

Although the consumption is a bit huge, but with the effective logistical supplies of the American allies, especially at the critical moment of counterattacking the Northeast to contain the Japanese Kwantung Army's military operations in the Far East, Gao Fei will naturally not be polite when the Americans give what they want at this moment. Timing knocks off the willingness of the Americans, which is simply commonplace for Goofy.

Although the Shanhai Pass was conquered, the fighting in some areas was still going on fiercely. The few Japanese troops who had not been completely wiped out were still trying to resist. The Japanese who could live for a week lurking in the mouse hole had the same tenacious vitality as cockroaches. One thing really disgusted Gao Fei. Digging out mouse holes is also the last thing Chinese young army officers and soldiers want to do. It is hard to imagine that the Japanese can continue for a long time in a narrow, humid, and dark space, and can still maintain their due will to fight. |[-] Literature

In addition to the flamethrower, Gao Fei ordered the troops to implement the most effective method, that is, blasting and blocking, so as not to leave the Japanese with the slightest chance.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 844

The main force of the Chinese youth army is rapidly advancing towards Jinzhou, but Li Weili, the logistics minister of the Chinese youth army, has returned to Nanjing. Less than two months after the last war burned the city, the main force of the national army encircled Shanghai. Not to mention the skies over Nanjing, it is rare to see Japanese fighter planes even in the skies over Shanghai. The two divisions of the Japanese Central China Front Army and more than [-] people from the Marine Corps are nesting in the urban area of ​​Shanghai. It is the bastard who is so determined that if the Chinese army wants to annihilate them, then they will die with Shanghai, so that the Chinese will get nothing, and the Japanese army also detained a large number of civilians and gathered in front of the Japanese fortifications, so that the Chinese The bombing and artillery fire of the United States Air Force could not be carried out.

However, Li Weili, the logistics minister of the Chinese Youth Army, was charged with the secret mission of Gao Fei. Don’t look at Nanjing not long after it was liberated, and the singing on both sides of the Qinhuai River resumed. Li Weili and several Americans were sitting on a painting boat on the Qinhuai River. From time to time, there are drunken soldiers yelling and screaming on the picturesque boats where the singing girls gather. War is a job with your head on your head. So everything seemed very disordered, soldiers in military uniforms dared to openly board the boats to stay overnight, the boat owners with good business were too busy making money, and the singing girls and men were too busy to solicit customers.

Li Weili did not expect Nanjing to recover so quickly after the war. The influx of people from all over the place made Nanjing prosperous and lively in a short period of time, but all the prosperity along the Qinhuai River was only a blind eye to see Mount Tai, and the city was still full of ruins and rubble.

Li Weili is different from Gao Fei and others. He is a graduate of Nankai University and a contemporary literary youth who has learned the Erba Jing. Sighing, presumably the flamboyant talents of those days have long since passed away, and the guests waving US dollars on the bank are looking forward to returning to the new passenger ship on the Qinhuai River with melodious nocturnes and confidantes.

However, tonight Li Weili was accompanied by a few special American guests. Yankees naturally don’t understand the Qinhuai style. For them, the most tempting thing is the snacks of Confucius Temple. You can understand Nanjing's big belly and no taboo mentality.

Confucius Temple in Jinling is commonly known as Confucian Temple. Gongyuan West Street has Jinling authentic snacks, such as salted duck, steamed buns, crispy pancakes, and duck blood soup. Made during the season when sweet-scented osmanthus is in full bloom.According to the "Baimen Recipe" recorded in Jinling's August period, salted duck was the most famous. Everyone thinks that there is sweet-scented osmanthus in the meat. One of the favorite delicacies of young women.

"Mr. Baker! This is the food culture and wine culture that we Chinese pay attention to!" Li Weili stood on the bow of the boat and raised his wine glass high, saying without hesitation: "The snacks in the Confucius Temple seem to be born for the Qinhuai River. It is used by people who sing and sing in the middle of the night to satisfy their hunger, so it is very distinctive."

Li Weili looked at the Americans who were devouring the food and smiled slightly. Today, the treat was agreed to be delayed for an hour. Presumably these Americans are really hungry. Only in this way can they remember this embarrassing taste. Many businesses after the war in Nanjing Businesses were closed or displaced, and many of them were brought back by Li Weili's people. These American guests were American friends whom Mrs. Gao's wife could tell them to treat well and leave a deep impression on them.

Li Weili saw that the Americans were eating with gusto, so he introduced: "Jinling's dim sum is famous for its exquisite craftsmanship, beautiful shape, exquisite selection of materials, and unique flavor. Assorted Vegetable Buns, Dry Shredded Oil and Duck Fried Biscuits from the Pavilion, Kaiyang Dry Shredded 2C Crab Shell Yellow Biscuits from Yongheyuan, Tofu and Scallion Pancakes from Liufengju, Thin-skinned Dumplings and Fried Fish Noodles in Red Soup from Zhanyuan Noodle House, Jiang Youji’s beef soup and beef pot stickers, Lianhu Dessert Shop’s sweet-scented osmanthus sandwich dumplings and five-color cakes, these are rare delicacies, each of which has a long tradition, but it is a pity that due to the war relationships, many of which we don’t get to taste today.”

A middle-aged American wearing gold-rimmed glasses sighed: "The history of mankind is a history of war, and mankind destroys itself while creating civilization."

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