The most important thing is that the national government has completely transported the gold reserves away?But two hundred tons, the high flying is very clear, and it is this gold that contributed to the Soviet Union's arms sales to China.

After the Battle of Nanjing, the national government announced that various huge losses were equivalent to more than [-] tons of gold, including the loss of some cultural relics and other antiques that are not easy to value in the future. Gao Fei was curious about Xu Guangyi's [-] tons How is a ton of gold converted?

Because the amount of plunder officially reported by the government is often only a fraction of the actual amount, Gao Fei also knows that too many Chinese people like to store small gold nuggets, platinum, diamonds, rubies, sapphires and antiques. This is a habit of the Chinese people. In Nanjing After the fall, more than 200 ancient tombs of emperors and generals and about 27 ancestral tombs and tombs of some scale were systematically robbed by the Japanese army. The Japanese did a very thorough job in this regard. The teeth are also knocked off, but can all these add up to six thousand tons?

Seeing Gao Fei's questioning face, Xu Guangyi was very helpless and said: "Gold is not in circulation in the country, it can only exist as a precious metal to preserve value. The government has estimated how much gold is in the hands of ordinary people. About 27 tons to 170 tons. According to Wang’s pseudo-documents, the Japanese army started to plunder from Shanghai, including large-scale massacres in Jiangyin, Zhenjiang and other places. A landlord surnamed Qian in the suburbs of Nanjing The family unearthed [-] tons of silver and [-] tons of gold at one time. These gold and silver were melted into jars and buried in the secret room under the cellar of the landlord's house. After killing all the people, the Japanese army began to use Machinery and equipment dug three feet into the ground, and finally got this batch of wealth that shocked them. All [-] and six members of the wealthy family surnamed Qian were massacred by the Japanese army. The road to the gate of hell.|[-] Literature"

Xu Guangyi found that when Gao Fei was talking about military affairs, his aura would suddenly change unconsciously, becoming as sharp as an eagle, exuding waves of evil spirits all over his body, and very strong, giving people a very huge aura. The sense of oppression even makes people feel that they dare not face it squarely.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 868

Gao Fei is not the owner who has never seen gold. He looted the gold reserves in Britain and Burma before they could be transported away. With more than [-] tons of gold, Lin Shujie’s business empire has been built, and he has given Gao Fei great help. If there are [-] tons of gold Gold, Gao Fei can beat the Japanese until even his grandma doesn't know him.

Xu Guangyi said with great regret: "It's a pity that these wealth are hidden among the people. As far as I know, the landlord surnamed Qian only donated one hundred oceans in the previous fundraising for the War of Resistance. This is the most among these rich people. Since the Qing Dynasty, The country is poor but powerful and rich. We can see the wealth but cannot touch it. Otherwise, the government will be accused of plundering people’s wealth. The Japanese did not ship these spoils directly from Shanghai to Japan, but transported them to Manchuria by train or car. Processing, grading gems and rare metals, other jewelry was melted, recast into gold ingots of uniform size, and stored in Manchuria, because the Japanese had long regarded Manchuria as their inherent land, but due to the sudden change in the war situation , The youth army’s triumphant advance made the Japanese plan to transport this huge amount of gold back to Japan through North Korea to fail. The gold that Japan plundered in Southeast Asia before was the gold and platinum nuggets transported to Japan by air or sea. At the beginning, it was stored in in private safes, or sealed in secret tunnels and underground fortifications everywhere."

Gao Fei looked at Xu Guangyi and said, "You mean that part of this batch of gold is in Zhangjiakou?"

Xu Guangyi nodded seriously and said: "About [-] tons of gold arrived in Zhangjiakou secretly before, but due to the blockade of our army's Sino-US joint air force, the Japanese army has been looking for ways to transport this batch of gold away. We judged that it was transported into the Far East, and the general storage location may be in Vladivostok, and a large part of it may have been transported to its mainland, and the commissioner instructed us to prevent the Japanese from transporting Zhangjiakou's gold at all costs."

"Two thousand tons!" Gao Fei looked around and rubbed his hands together and said, "Two thousand tons of gold is really worth all we have to pay! We used airborne tactics to control the gold stored by the Japanese army while blocking it in the air? The ground troops stormed Solve the battle?"

Xu Guangyi nodded and said: "I was ordered by the commissioner to request the high officer to dispatch paratroopers to cooperate with the action. This batch of gold is all stained with the blood of the Chinese. If the Japanese transport it back, it will be considered as a landing operation in the future." , There will also be problems with the ownership of this batch of gold. A large amount of gold seems to flow into the circulation market, which will inevitably cause the depreciation of gold and the fluctuation of the gold standard currency system. Therefore, whether the world's gold reserves are [-] tons, the most critical Circulation, small quantity is expensive, large quantity is cheap, this is a law that cannot be violated.”

Gao Fei nodded and fell into deep thought. In Xu Guangyi's impression, as long as the appointment letter is mentioned, it is like holding a Shangfang sword, and all actions are green lights. In Xu Guangyi's eyes, Gao Fei is undoubtedly a hero and idol, while Chiang Kai-shek Is a leader, as a military statesman, Xu Guangyi believes that Chiang Kai-shek is a fearless person, both psychologically and spiritually.However, Chiang Kai-shek was a master tactician rather than a strategist, and his real genius was political intrigue.

The Chiang Kai-shek that Xu Guangyi saw had piercing eyes, often had a bald head and a short beard, and he had a soldierly look to him no matter what he said or did. Although Chiang Kai-shek sometimes looked forward and backward, once he made a decision, he would implement it at an astonishing speed without any scruples. Those who dared to challenge him were executed or imprisoned one by one.In terms of military strategy, Chiang Kai-shek obviously had a good tactical military education, and he could be said to have been battle-tested. In Xu Guangyi's eyes, Chiang Kai-shek was an undisputed leader at this time, especially the great achievements he made in the negotiations with the Soviet Union and Britain during the Cairo Conference.

Obviously, Xu Guangyi didn't know what the notorious Gao Fei did during the Cairo meeting. This is not the first time Gao Fei has been a behind-the-scenes hero. Although you have a request, you have to ask people to give people and equipment to equipment, but I also have a request that you should listen to the opinions of the troops below when it comes to tactics, after all, they are the ones who have to face death and go through life and death."

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