Listed as an adult reader, it has been snowing for days, and Xiaoqi occasionally feels cold. Taking medicine and hanging bottles continuously does not help. It is only getting better today, and I will try my best to restore stability and update. Please forgive me for everything before. %&*";

When the Soviets solved the German problem, the Soviets will definitely solve the Far East problem when they turn around. Are there still few agreements and treaties that have been torn up?In Gao Fei's words, the treaty was made to be torn up.

Whether the treaty can play a role depends on the balance of the armed forces. If it is out of balance, war will break out. Therefore, Gao Fei submitted to the Nanjing government of the Nationalist Party about strengthening the strategic defense of the Far East, building Dingyuan and rebuilding Heilongjiang. With the legacy of the fortification system, Gao Fei also secretly formulated a decisive battle plan against the Soviet army, but this plan was only known to the top three members of the Chinese Youth Army, and it was kept secret from the outside world.

Just as the construction in Northeast China reached its climax, Gao Fei’s plan for reorganizing the army was quickly implemented. In this regard, the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs of the State Government gave strong support. Starting on the 1931th, it took 9 years of bloody battles to achieve today's results. However, the main force of the million-strong Japanese army is still eyeing North Korea, while the Soviet Union is at odds with each other.

The Soviet Union repeatedly sent people to propose that the Chinese Expeditionary Force enter the Soviet Union to assist the Soviet Army in combat and participate in strategic counter-offensives. Chiang Kai-shek was hesitant about this invitation, but Roosevelt and Churchill gave Stalin unexpected support on this issue. No less than 920 divisions of the expeditionary force should enter the Soviet Union from the Far East to assist the Soviet army in fighting the Germans. More importantly, both the United States and Britain believe that the Soviets have the right to use the facilities in the Far East and can implement them in the Far East. rest. %&*"; Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers [-]

It can be said that the British and American proposals gave Gao Fei a feeling of being touched by others. The cause of the previous Vladivostok incident was the tit-for-tat confrontation between the Chinese youth army and the Soviet army, which led to the armed provocation of the Soviet army turning into an armed and expanded conflict. It greatly exceeded the expectations of the Soviet Union and even the entire Allied Powers, because within the Allied Powers, there were always people who believed that the Chinese Nationalist Government was used to resignation, but they did not expect that the Chinese Youth Army would resolutely fight back against the armed provocations of the Soviet Army, and Gao Fei responded. Looking for an opportunity to expand the situation, Britain and the United States, who were afraid that the incident would escalate out of control, had to act as coordinators during the period.

However, Britain and the United States have to take into account the feelings of the Soviets to a certain extent. After all, the entire European battlefield still needs the hard support of the Soviet Union. The Germans have already begun to shift to the overall strategic defense stage, attacking Moscow for the second time in a row and Stalin for the second time. Grad made the German army exhausted and exhausted. Although the Soviet army also consumed a lot, the Soviet army fighting on the ground had the advantage of replenishing quickly. The loss of Stalingrad caused the Soviet army to lose the oil in the North Caucasus and a series of strategic advantages. is imperative.

Gao Fei is also taking advantage of this rare opportunity to annihilate the Japanese army in North Korea under the guise of completely annihilating and retreating into North Korea. For the expeditionary force, Gao Fei declared more than once on formal or informal occasions that the Soviet army’s entry into the Chinese territory in the Far East was a strategic retreat, which would give the Germans a feeling that the Soviet Union was about to collapse, in order to stimulate the Germans to launch a bigger attack. scale attack.

Gao Fei also revealed to the Allies that if the independent command is ensured and the Soviet army provides sufficient supplies, the elite troops of the Chinese Expeditionary Force with 46 divisions can immediately go into battle against Germany, but the prerequisite is the development of the Northeast Industrial Base. It is expected to be in line with the previous plan, and the Chinese Youth Army plans to form the European Army of the Chinese Expeditionary Force with [-] infantry divisions of the two group armies, which will be used to open up the second battlefield in the future.

The Chinese Youth Army is indeed a behemoth, especially the newly formed Eighth Group Army at the new training base in Kunming, under its jurisdiction are the six divisions of the Chinese Expeditionary Force stationed in India, the Burmese Army, and the amphibious combat group of land warfare, and the First Army of Paratroopers. and other troops, the main mission of the Eighth Army is to launch a counterattack against Vietnam. For this purpose, three additional armored divisions will be added. However, the number of m4e:8 Sherman medium tanks organized by the Northeast itself is limited, supplementing the seven in the Northeast and the Far East. The group army is still insufficient, so they can only ask the United States for help.

It can be said that both Roosevelt and Churchill are international politicians, the masters of the masters who draw cakes to satisfy their hunger, but both Roosevelt and Churchill discovered that Gao Fei is the guy who is the best at drawing cakes, and Chiang Kai-shek is the black hand hiding behind the scenes. An Eastern dictator who never seems to reveal his true purpose?They all use Gao Fei as a pawn and early bird, and many times Roosevelt and Churchill can't figure out whether that sentence is Chiang Kai-shek's real intention, and that sentence is Gao Fei's own free play?

However, Gao Fei, as the commander-in-chief of the Chinese Youth Army and the commander of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, has influence in China that makes the United States and the British have to be tempted. It is crucial for the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom to open up a second European battlefield. , but the Americans are not in a hurry, because the opening of the second European battlefield is an extremely important strategic decision, which can be said to be a mobilization of the whole body. The United States also needs to make corresponding adjustments in terms of troop mobilization and material supplies. Roosevelt was very relieved and happy by Gao Fei, the commander-in-chief of the Chinese Youth Army. After all, the aid materials to China were not wasted. Although there was a little friction with the Soviet Union in Vladivostok earlier, it was irrelevant.

In order to open up the second battlefield in Europe as soon as possible, the U.S. government formally launched an island-hopping operation plan in the Pacific region, using the Chinese Expeditionary Army Army as the main force, and finally achieved the operational goal of landing on the Japanese mainland, forcing Japan to surrender and withdraw from the war.

Chiang Kai-shek specially summoned Gao Fei for this purpose. He Yingqin and Chen Cheng no longer dare to underestimate Gao Fei, the commander-in-chief of the Chinese Youth Army who holds absolute power. It is very enthusiastic.

The Japanese have traveled far and wide to China to burn, kill, and loot for twelve years. If there is a chance to kill the Japanese archipelago, they will be killed like chickens and dogs, and the sky will be dark. Why only Japanese bandits are allowed to set fire?It can be said that every bloody Chinese soldier is holding his breath, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that Chiang Kai-shek wants to wait for victory, or is waiting for a price, and is not ready to go shopping with the Japanese.

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