Kuniaki Oiso, who succeeded Tojo as Prime Minister of Japan, was ordered by Emperor Hirohito to prevent the Chinese and American coalition forces from approaching in the Pacific Ocean. The Japanese are an island country. Even if they lose the battlefields in China and the Far East, they cannot shake Japan’s resistance. Confidence in the end, but if the US Pacific Fleet covers the Chinese Expeditionary Force to land in Southeast Asia or even land on the mainland, it will be an unforeseen and huge disaster. Emperor Hirohito is very clear about what the Japanese army has done in China, so he is very concerned about the Chinese Expeditionary Force The army landed in Japan with a kind of extreme panic. For several days in a row, I would have nightmares of being beheaded and killed, and I would cry bitterly every time I woke up. i^

Facing His Majesty's entrustment, Koiso Kuniaki's heart is also extremely heavy. The Great Japanese Empire has lost troops and generals so far. The Imperial Navy is almost completely lost. The Imperial Army is only left with old and weak soldiers. All local industries and livelihood facilities have been destroyed. There is not much left, because the U.S. Air Force has continuously used napalm incendiary bombs to bombard civilian targets, which has caused panic in Japan. As long as family workshops provide combat weapons and ammunition, the plan is no longer feasible. Under this condition, Emperor Hirohito still requires He retreated to defeat the enemy, Koiso Kuniaki felt that he was not the guy who lost his mind?

For this reason, he asked all participating troops to decide to put all their eggs in one basket in an attempt to repel the Allied Chinese Expeditionary Force landing in the waters of Iwo Jima and defeat the sea power of the US Navy Pacific Fleet covering it.

After much consideration, the Allied forces gave up attacking Taiwan and started to capture Iwo Jima, landing in the Philippines. They were determined to cover the landing on Iwo Jima with superior military strength, and defeated the Imperial Japanese Navy that came to support them in one fell swoop. %&*";

As expected, the Combined Fleet of the Imperial Japanese Navy, which was far inferior in numbers, was defeated.26 large warships above cruisers were sunk, and Japan’s sea-based and land-based aviation forces in the Philippines were wiped out. This severely hit the overall plan of the Japanese navy and army to rely on Taiwan and the Philippine shore-based air cover for a decisive battle. It can be said that this time the sea The decisive battle meant that the Japanese navy was no longer a strategic force on the Pacific battlefield.This battle also laid a solid foundation for the Allied forces to counterattack the Philippine Islands, Okinawa and other places.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 942

The Japanese saw that the war situation was hopeless, especially the First Air Force stationed in the Philippines. In fact, it had less than forty combat aircraft, and they were all old land-based Mitsubishi Type I light bombers that lacked accessories. The commander of the First Air Force Lieutenant General Jiro Nishitaki is a short guy with pockmarked faces, but he has no combat power but wants to complete the task, so he decided to transfer the apprentices of the training brigade belonging to the air force to carry out the suicide attack plan.

Lieutenant General Takijiro Onishi thought that in order to resist the strong advantage of the U.S. Air Force and save its defeat, he used the Japanese Bushido spirit to require his subordinates to use the tactical standard of one person, one aircraft, and one bomb for one ship. The landing force of the Chinese Expeditionary Force and the special attack team for suicide attacks carried out by fixed cluster targets. In fact, the Japanese army has long had a similar concept applicable to suicide combat equipment operated by personnel such as suicide submarines and suicide torpedoes. It has only started to be used on a large scale, and Takijiro Onishi can be said to have created a precedent.

Under the planning of Lieutenant General Onishi Takijiro, a large-scale and organized kamikaze suicide attack began. Starting from the sinking of the Australian cruiser Australia, the inspired Japanese army began to organize large-scale attacks on allied ships. Suicide attacks were carried out, and the waters of Iwo Jima began to become unsafe. The Japanese combat aircraft only carried one-way fuel, locked the canopy and launched a kamikaze attack on the Allied ships.However, most of the fighters used by the kamikaze were modified from light bombers or fighter jets, with simple equipment and weak attack power, but if they rammed into enemy warships in a suicidal manner, they would have extraordinary destructive power.In each attack, most of the kamikaze pilots were shot down by interceptor aircraft and anti-aircraft fire, but most of the attacking Japanese pilots were cut off from life, so most of them wanted to bring the greatest results to their attacks.

The kamikaze suicide plane of the Japanese army is equivalent to a controllable giant bomb when it is flying at high speed. The explosion power is very powerful. If a suicide plane hits the target, it may even sink a US destroyer or even an aircraft carrier.This also became the reason why the Japanese military department used suicide planes to attack on a large scale in the future.

However, in actual combat, most of the Japanese suicide planes can only destroy the superstructure of the ship, and cannot sink the ship as easily as a torpedo. Therefore, they can only sink merchant ships modified aircraft, larger fleets, urgent aircraft carriers and warships built for military purposes. , such as the Yorktown class and the Essex class were only severely damaged and lost their combat effectiveness, so it is difficult to completely sink them.

However, due to the shortage of experienced pilots in the Japanese Navy, Army and Air Forces, the reduction of intact fighters, and the extreme lack of fuel, the Japanese were continuously inspired to adopt a variety of new special attack tactics, such as abandoning the use of light bombers for suicide. Attack, instead create a variety of suicide weapons specially designed for kamikaze, such as cherry blossom bombs and return torpedoes, which are more economical weapons.

After the information about the rampant Japanese suicide fighter planes in the Iwo Jima waters was fed back to the headquarters of the Chinese Youth Army, Gao Fei calmly smiled and said to the staff officers beside him: "The end of the Japanese is coming soon, this is just verifying an old saying If you want to destroy it first, you must first make it crazy. The image of Kamikaze commando pilots that Little Japan boasted about worshiping the emperor is simply nonsense. Those little devils we killed shouted the most. In the mind of the dead pilot? Everyone is a person who has been on the battlefield, either thinking about nothing, or thinking about his family. I don’t believe that the little devil still shouted long live the emperor when he was about to die? How could he have an affair with the emperor of the little devil? Is it Longyang's addiction?"

Amidst bursts of laughter, Gao Fei ordered the Tenth Army, which was being trained in Shenyang, to go to the Dingyuan defense line before the end of the month for adaptive combat training. Transportation capacity, and the heavy artillery divisions stationed at the border of China and North Korea for live ammunition training will be replaced.

Gao Fei seems to be very optimistic. In fact, Gao Fei knows that the suicide attacks of the Japanese army brought more psychological deterrence to the combat troops. Although it is not so easy to sink a large surface ship, the other The casualties and fear caused cannot be underestimated.

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