The Battle of Kharkov also made Gao Fei discover the powerful combat effectiveness of the Huben medium-sized tank made in Changchun. Under the condition of ensuring air supremacy, he performed a d10122 120mm tank gun test against the Stalin II heavy tank at 4 meters. Among them, the Soviet-made 3mm tank gun is basically unable to effectively penetrate the front armor of the Huben medium tank equipped with four layers of tubular alloy inclined armor, while the 8mm smoothbore main gun of the Huben medium tank can easily penetrate the armor-piercing projectile. Wearing the armor of the Stalin II heavy tank, the Huben has completely surpassed the m[-]a[-]e[-] Sherman medium tank in terms of mobility. The only disadvantage is that the Huben is relatively expensive. Benxi Steel's alloy armor smelting output is limited, and many reasons limit the output of the Huben tank. It can be said that the Huben is completely a sharp blade hidden in a sheath. .cc|i^

Gao Fei disclosed the data of the self-designed Huben medium tank to the allies before, and spent a few days to piece together the four images to call consuls, ambassadors and military attaches from various countries to observe. As a result, Gao Fei made an international joke, and five tanks and three were on the spot Lie Wo, one car deflagrated while driving, and one track broke, causing the Nanjing government to lose face. After all, the Northeast and Far East under the leadership of the Chinese Youth Army are China's current heavy industry bases. This shows that China's The production capacity of the military industry, so naturally there were no spies to pay attention to it. Gao Fei's move was to retreat until half a year later, before everyone was surprised and exclaimed.

However, during the Battle of Kharkov this time, Gao Fei found a comparison of the theory of weapon equivalence and targeted improvement. Before that, the Soviet-made T342F76 tank that once dominated the Soviet-German battlefield suffered a heavy blow in this battle. The loss, the 76mm tank gun equipped with this tank installed by the Soviet army not only could not penetrate the [-]mm thick frontal armor of the Tiger tank at all, but even the frontal armor of the No. IV tank, which had enhanced protection against the German army. Four hundred meters away, there was almost nothing to do. %&*";

However, the 56-caliber 88mm gun of the German Tiger tank and the 47-caliber 75mm tank gun of the No. IV tank can easily smash the front of the t345c76 medium tank at a distance of 45 meters and [-] meters respectively. Armor penetration, as for the standard [-]mm anti-tank guns of the Soviet infantry divisions and motorized infantry divisions, there is nothing they can do against German tanks. They cannot penetrate the frontal armor of German tanks within the effective range. The way of ambush, hitting the flanks and tail of the German tanks, the brutal battle caused heavy losses to the Soviet anti-tank troops.

Gao Fei watched the battlefield record video of the Germans airdropping Moscow. Under the bombardment of well-concealed German tanks, T34 tanks were destroyed on snow fields, jungle trails, and mountains. Some of the turrets were even martyred. Exploding ammunition was lifted into the sky, and the Soviet-made tanks formed by the regiment on the battlefield were destroyed during the attack. The smoke and burning steel filled the air. It can be said that the Soviet army's advantage in tank technology at the beginning of the war was completely terminated. The era when the t345c76 tank alone dominated the battlefield is gone forever, and it will be replaced by the era of heavy armor of the German Tiger heavy tank, Panther medium tank, Elephant, and Ferdinand heavy destroyer.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 946

Gao Fei can see that after this battle, the Soviet army will also speed up the production of new T345C85 tanks and Stalin Type II and Type III heavy tanks, comprehensively improve the caliber and power of tank artillery, and use the finished tank armor and engines provided by the United States , increase production, and use quantity to counter the quality advantage formed by the Germans.

In fact, for Gao Fei, the Soviet-German battlefield is just a sharpening stone for his expedition to the European Army, and Gao Fei is also planning to go to Europe to make a fortune and bring back more things, whether it is cultural relics, antiques, technology, etc. , Talents, everything, everything, Gao Fei, all according to the order, China has been weak for a hundred years, and has been divided and bullied by European powers, why don't you get a lot of money back if you have a chance?That would be too inconsistent with Gao Fei's personality.

In Gao Fei's impression, the Germans are far stronger than the Soviets, because the most fundamental thing is that the Germans do not occupy an inch of China's land. The close cooperation between China and the United States is of great significance to China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

Sino-German cooperation has to some extent formed an alliance between the Republic of China and Germany, and the close cooperative relationship has enabled China's industrial construction and military equipment to be modernized rapidly, especially before the Second Sino-Japanese War, from the remains of the Qing Dynasty The Republic of China, which stood up, has been struggling to survive in an environment surrounded by warlords and great powers since its birth.

Through the Northern Expedition, the Kuomintang unified China in name during the warlord turmoil in 1928. At this time, Japan's ambitions for external expansion became increasingly apparent, and its notorious mainland policy entered the final stage of preparation and implementation. In view of this, China urgently needs Realize the modernization of armaments and national defense industry to obtain the ability of self-defense and survival, and rapidly improve its own military strength, while Germany needs a stable supply of raw materials. This relationship will keep China and Germany tightly together. Germany's industrial exports were restricted, the army was limited to 10 people, and military production was greatly reduced, but even so, the treaty did not change Germany's leadership in military innovation, and many industrial companies still retained equipment and technology to produce military products. Hardware, so in order to bypass the restrictions of the treaty, these industrial enterprises began to cooperate with foreign countries, such as the Soviet Union, Sweden, and Argentina, to legally produce weapons and sell them abroad.

Japan controls the arms sales of the United States, the United Kingdom, and France. Only the Germans can sell them to China in large quantities and sincerely help the Chinese army improve its quality. It can be said that without the arms sales of the Germans, there would be no tenacity in the Chinese War of Resistance Against Japan. Resistance, until 1938 when Germany was about to terminate its large-scale arms sales to China, the Germans were still working day and night to send weapons and ammunition to the much-needed anti-Japanese battlefield. At the same time, the British and Americans froze and detained China. The contrast between the funds for purchasing aircraft in the two countries is so great that Gao Fei is indignant.

However, according to the information provided by the Allies, in order to cope with the powerful tank offensives of the Allies and the Soviets, the Germans believed that a super tank plan was proposed on top of the Tiger tank, King Tiger, and Panther tank series, because Hal During the Battle of Corfu, the German Tiger tank battalion wiped out the Soviet tank regiment, which undoubtedly made German military scientific research experts enthusiastic. One enemy against one hundred is the ultimate goal of their day and night research.

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