[Volume 12] Chapter 95: Chapter 41 Troubled Times (2)


Gao Fei looked at the young man who was just running for his life, with a large amount of blood flowing from his head. He had turned into a dead body at this moment, and was thrown into the river very casually by several military policemen from the No.30 Sixth Division. Floating up and down in the distance, life is so fragile, even worthless. In this age of wars, the most worthless thing is probably human life.

Wang Xuewen, director of the Political Department of the No.30 Sixth Division in charge of the Xiaguan Wharf, naturally knew the blockade order issued by Commander Tang Shengzhi of the Nanjing Garrison Commander. It is said that even the fifth column of the Loyalty Rescue Army under the North Shore Army was on fire. Now it is obvious that the teacher seat and the captain Gao Fei in front of him are wearing the same pair of pants, and they naturally have to cooperate with each other to take care of things. It took a two and a half ton truck to transport them all away.

Wang Xuewen secretly admired the decisiveness of the captain of the fifth column of the Loyalty Rescue Army under the Military Command. He was indeed a member of the Military Command Bureau. He was ruthless enough to kill a chicken. Fei killed far more people than he killed chickens, ducks, geese and dogs.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 951

Listening to the sound of guns getting closer, Gao Fei was very anxious. It was already the afternoon of December 1937, 12. More and more refugees flocked to Xiaguan because they knew that there was a ferry boat to cross the river. In just over two hours, 11 numbered pass slips were issued. Although the Xu Houde detachment of the fifth column and the military police of the No. 30 Sixth Division executed a group of people who resold and stole the pass slips, they still Unable to stop private transactions.

However, with the sound of Japanese guns getting closer and closer, even if you pay 30 taels of gold, no one is willing to give up the chance of survival to others. Several people who sold their own passages were immediately dragged out of the area by the military police, and they were arrested. A lot of national currency like waste paper was crying for father and mother, its appearance was extremely miserable.

When Gao Fei led his troops to the Yanziji Fort, the Japanese army directly carried out a poison gas attack on the positions held by the Zijinshan front-line teaching corps. The advisory group's recommendations train and equip troops.

Known as the elite of the army, the title of the army in the army, you must know that the teaching corps can be said to be the cradle of officers of the National Government, and the teaching corps is used for large-scale military expansion or supplementing grassroots officers. Flesh and blood.

In fact, Chiang Kai-shek hated the Japanese deeply. Of the three huge insults he suffered in his life, two of them were brought to him by the Japanese. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Chiang Kai-shek to make peace with the Japanese. After the incident, the tolerant attitude and policy towards Japan was to paralyze the Japanese government and military, and let them know that the Chinese government had no intention of fighting the Japanese army. Chiang Kai-shek introduced the German Military Advisory Group, advanced tactics and strategic mechanisms, and complete staff Headquarters system and so on, and the whole ** team was organized into [-] standard German weapon masters, which were used to launch the war of restoration of the land against the Japanese invaders.

Chiang Kai-shek always wanted to fight a battle that he was sure of and prepared for. It is a pity that his plan of sixty German weapon standard divisions still touched the nerves of the Japanese Xu Houde. The relationship between the national policy, the Marco Polo Bridge Incident that broke out on July 1937, 7, came too early and too early for the Chinese army!

The well-equipped and well-trained teaching corps exploded with strong combat effectiveness on the Songhu battlefield. After the Battle of Songhu, the teaching corps was expanded in Nanjing. It has three infantry brigades under its jurisdiction. Each brigade temporarily governs two regiments. The corps is directly under the artillery Battalion, Cavalry Battalion, Engineer Battalion, Communication Battalion, Secret Service Battalion, and Transport Battalion were all changed to a regiment system, and their officers and soldiers were promoted to one level. The organizational system is actually still a battalion, and the seventh, eighth, and ninth regiments that went to Jiangxi and Hunan to replenish their troops have not yet returned, and were ordered to go directly to Wuhan and not participate in the Nanjing Defense War.

The equipment and organization of the first, third, and fifth regiments under the jurisdiction of the infantry brigade are all modeled after the German infantry regiments. Each regiment has sixteen combat companies, that is, each regiment has three infantry battalions, and each battalion has three An infantry company, a heavy machine gun company, an 14nd mortar platoon, a 37mm German-made howitzer company under the regiment, and four howitzers under its jurisdiction. There are eight rpk 15mm anti-aircraft guns, the No.16 company is a police communication company, and the No.[-] company is a transport company.

The entire teaching corps can be described as strong and powerful. There are more than [-] people in the corps. They have been stationed in Nanjing for many years. They have built complete permanent fortifications and solid and complete field civil engineering works. war.

The teaching corps is a force that is not used easily at ordinary times. Even if it is put into the Songhu battlefield, it will be used with great reservations. But at this moment, for the sake of the survival and freedom of the nation, the country is independent and complete, and Gui Yongqing did not hesitate to release his most powerful main force. On the ground.

So the Ninth Division of the Japanese Army who attacked the second peak of Zijin Mountain used gas bombs timidly as soon as they came up, and head-to-head with the absolute elite ace that was shot?

Lieutenant General Yoshika Ryosuke, head of the Ninth Division of the Japanese Army, and Hiroso Nakagawa, chief of staff, after repeated research, believed that if the Ninth Division fought head-on with the teaching corps of the Chinese army, I am afraid that there is no possibility of victory. With the support of heavy artillery, aircraft, and chariots, they will also pay a very heavy price. In this case, they can only use poison gas bombs. It doesn't matter even if they are laughed at for being cowardly. Isn't it the German No. 80 Eighth Division of the Chinese Communist Party that resisted the Sixth Division and the [-]th Division of the Empire to the death?

A Chinese German weapon unit that has been withdrawn from the Songhu chariot and has not yet been repaired still has such combat effectiveness. How can the Chinese military's teaching corps, which is known as the army of the army, be underestimated?The head of the Ninth Division, Yoshika Ryosuke, decided to use gas bombs as a means of breakthrough, dealing a fatal blow to the Chinese guns defending the position.

You must know that the Ninth Division was reorganized in Kanazawa, Japan, and it is also one of the 7492634 standing divisions of the Japanese Army. During the Shogunate period, most of the samurai in the Kanazawa town were recruited by the general daimyo, and they admired the spirit of Bushido very much. The descendants of the famous Kanazawa samurai dare not even try the edge of their teaching corps. It can be seen that the teaching corps is also famous and shocking. [-]

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