The fall of Tokyo caught everyone, including Emperor Hirohito, by surprise?On the map of the defense operations of Japan's mainland islands hung on the wall of the strong underground command post, Tokyo and the Tokyo Metropolitan area have at least 50 troops assembled, and these troops are even equipped with two tank divisions?Why did Tokyo fall to enemy forces in just 72 hours?

You must know that it took the Imperial Army ten days to capture Nanjing, the capital of China, but Tokyo, which is known as a steel-like fortress defense, fell in just 72 hours of fighting. slap. %&*";

It can be said that the so-called resistance of the Japanese is basically all on paper. Under the indiscriminate carpet bombing of the US military, the so-called 50 reserve troops that can be armed at any time have already scattered and fled. Emperor Hirohito understands that they can be armed at any time The prerequisite for getting up is that there are weapons that can arm these reserve troops from the age of 14 to over 70 years old. Even some armed reserve troops are often killed or wounded in battles with the Chinese Expeditionary Force. , Holding grenades and Molotov cocktails, there are only a handful of people who perished with the Chinese Expeditionary Army. Under the fierce firepower of the Chinese Expeditionary Army, the so-called counterattack of the Japanese army could only leave pieces of corpses in vain.

For the Japanese, the large-scale landing of the Chinese Expeditionary Force caught the Japanese completely by surprise. In Gao Fei’s view, the main reason why the Japanese finally surrendered in World War II was that the United States dropped atomic bombs on Japan continuously, and Germany was ahead of Japan in history. Surrendered, the full-scale counter-offensive in the Chinese theater and the Japanese Kwantung Army and the Korean Army stationed in North Korea by millions of Soviet Red Army attacked the Northeast and North Korea, which made the Japanese feel extremely desperate. i^

At this moment, the Chinese Youth Army has wiped out all the Japanese troops on Chinese soil, and as many as 976 divisions of the Chinese army have landed in Taiwan. This is the largest landing operation of the Chinese Army after Hainan Island, except for the Chinese Expeditionary Force. Although the overall organization appeared to be very chaotic, the troops of the second division of the Japanese army stationed in Taiwan were also at the end of their ropes, and could not even organize any beachhead defense and counterattack. They could only flee into the mountains for desperate resistance. And the Chinese Expeditionary Force in Southeast Asia is also sweeping up the remnants of the Japanese Army Yamashita Fufumi. It is Gao Fei's consistent principle to wipe out all the enemies.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers [-]

It can be said that the fall of Tokyo and the inability to fight back made Emperor Hirohito realize that his Great Japanese Empire had come to an end. Some of the divisions on those maps had even collapsed without a fight. The defense forces have fallen into an extremely passive situation. If they continue to resist, it seems to be more in line with the wishes of the Chinese?

Emperor Hirohito received information that the Chinese side, especially the commander-in-chief of the Chinese Youth Army, rejected for the third time the decision of the allied powers to submit Japan's surrender request. In Gao Fei's words, the unconditional surrender must be proposed by the Japanese themselves, and the Japanese emperor should be abolished. It is also the most important item among the unconditional surrender. This is absolutely unacceptable to the crying Japanese. Yoshijiro Umezu and others yelled for [-] million pieces of jade to the end, and launched a special attack of [-] million pieces of jade to completely defeat the Japanese in Tokyo. The troops of the Chinese Expeditionary Force who landed in the Inner Bay and Wuhai Bay.

It can be said that in order to implement the local decisive battle plan, the Japanese side not only dispatched elite troops from the Korean Army to return to China, but also transported all the remnants of the Kwantung Army that had retreated into North Korea to China, and also carried out a nationwide general mobilization frantically, summoning most of the domestic veterans, and widely Collect all kinds of cannon fodder to expand the army.

The Japanese army and navy have expanded in an all-round way. After two nationwide military mobilizations, more than 40 divisions have been assembled successively, with a strength of more than 240 million troops. 800 million people, according to the Ministry of the Army's plan to use 490 million army main forces to prepare for a decisive battle on the mainland.At the same time, Japan also deployed about 180 million troops in the north of Korea in an attempt to integrate itself with the Japanese mainland and the surrounding islands and persist in long-term warfare. The team is nearly 800 million people.

It is a pity that these only exist in the combat plan of the Japanese General Staff Headquarters. The Allies have also assembled heavy troops in the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia. Among them, the Chinese Expeditionary Force has as many as 160 million ground combat troops and 29 combat aircraft. There are more than 120 battleships, 71 aircraft carriers, 390 cruisers, 220 destroyers, [-] submarines and a fleet of nearly [-] landing ships. Although it has the initiative in the war, it is not easy to achieve complete victory in a short period of time.

Because in the more than two months of the Battle of Okinawa, the Chinese Expeditionary Force killed more than 450 people, more than 27 were slightly injured, the Allied forces lost nearly [-] aircraft, and more than [-] ships below destroyers were sunk, most of which were killed by the gods. Xu Rihui, Major General of the First Marine Division of the Chinese Expeditionary Army, He Wanquan, Commander of the Sixth Brigade, and other [-] senior officers above the colonel died heroically.

The U.S. military believes that if the Japanese army’s resistance is completely wiped out, the elite main force of the Chinese Expeditionary Force will also suffer incalculable losses. The strategic principles and interests of the war against Germany, and the landing of the Chinese Expeditionary Force on Japanese soil will be a long-term, arduous struggle with huge sacrifices. They believed that Japan could not be defeated before 100 or 1947, and this battle is likely to become the largest massacre in human history.

The strategic bombing used by the U.S. military in Japan has completely destroyed the industrial system of the Japanese army. Even the crops in the Japanese farmland have been attacked by napalm incendiary bombs and chemical defoliants. Gao Fei believes that the resistance of the Japanese is at most one It’s just a crazy climax. The Japanese are also human. In the face of absolute firepower and long-lasting blockade, attack, suppression, and famine, the Japanese will to resist will definitely collapse. For the Japanese, the only way is to completely defeat and smash them Only their will to resist can solve the cancer and troubles of Japan, Asia, once and for all.

Although the defense of the Japanese army in North Korea and the mainland looks like a desperate battle, it is actually vulnerable to Gao Fei.

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