Yang Wei, nicknamed "Second Fatty", has dual master's degrees from famous domestic universities, and is an expert in modern folk history.To put it bluntly, Yang Wei is not considered a product without a job, a degree, or savings.

In Yang Wei's own words, he has inherited the fine traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and filial piety comes first.In line with the principle that his parents are not traveling far, Yang Wei even gave up the high-paying employment of a multinational group.

However, in the eyes of others, this kind of filial piety is actually caused by the underlying genes of "promising nothing", and it is also a matter of minutes before a girlfriend breaks up and steps on another branch.

But these are nothing to Yang Wei, Yang Wei is an out-and-out homeboy, it is not too much to say that he is the king of the dead house!

However, most of the dead houses in the dead house who can support their families while sitting at home are practitioners in the IT industry, but Yang Wei is a typical handicraft house.blood quenching mountains and rivers 1

Yang Wei's numerical concept is particularly strong, especially for the data on the blueprints used for military weapons. The Alpha diesel turbo engine has 160 chapters of various cross-sectional views, 97 parts, 670 five angle drawings and Forty-three thousand one hundred and twenty one data.

A Tiger tank consists of more than 27 large and small parts, and the 230 data on the 790 seven drawings are all engraved in his round head.Proficient in everything from small pistols to artillery, tanks, aircraft, and battleships, Yang Wei, a military "fan" of World War II, is worthy of his name.

It's a pity that even so, it can't restore Yang Wei's extreme negative points in "female fate". It's not wrong to smile wretchedly, and it's not wrong to be dead. The fault is that he put all his thoughts on military machinery and completely ignored women. The most unreadable creature in the world.

At the beginning, because he couldn’t afford a car for his girlfriend, Yang Wei devoted himself to making the “Original Intention of Love” at home, a one-to-one scale full simulation of the Tiger H-type 1944 Fisher turret tank. For this, Yang Wei spent a year and a half time and all savings.

But when his girlfriend left in the Porsche of a rich second-generation classmate, Yang Wei suddenly realized that he should fucking be a Tiger King!That thing is also a Porsche turret, why does my love drive so slowly?

Afterwards, the death of his parents made Yang Weizhai, who was even more carefree, to the state where the sky collapsed and the earth fell apart without changing his face.

However, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps blowing. During the demolition and construction of a science and technology city in the suburbs, Yang Wei, who was guarding the old house and refused to give in, was cut off the water and electricity, and poured manure. The unscrupulous developer who didn't want to be greedy for profit finally forced the demolition at night.

Who is Yang Wei?Although she looks like a chubby bun, her personality is definitely not a bun, and she has a bit of energy that would rather be broken than whole.

What's more, this old house is Yang Wei's painstaking effort, so many memories and expectations of relatives have been left in it, and at the same time, what should I do with my exhausted painstaking efforts for two years?Stuff your own Tiger tank in the bike shed?

Seeing the demolition team approaching his "private arsenal" under the cover of night, Yang Wei spit on his hands, raised his head to the sky and let out a mournful cry before jumping into the tiger tank.

It's better for the jade to be broken than to be whole, whoever touches my lifeblood, I can take care of his whole family, and I can move as much as I want!The loudspeaker of the Tiger tank played Gong Dashen's "Golden Cudgel", "My grandson lives in Huaguoshan, and I found the precious Ruyi Golden Cudgel..."

The battle between the Tiger tank and the demolition team started in the dark night. However, it is absolutely no problem if such a large model does not start. Mainly home-cooked meals in reform-through-labour.

Yang Wei used co2 compressed air to spray fuel when modifying the Tiger tank, turning the Tiger tank into a genuine fire-breathing tank. Dozens of construction vehicles of the demolition team were still burned into bonfires under the flames. The move was a complete victory, and Yang Wei was in high spirits.

Yang Wei in the turret smelled a burning smell?The pink oil liquid reminded Yang Wei that he was trying to get cheap and sold it as if it was a low-quality rubber sealing ring.

This, this... success or failure depends on the details!Yang Wei straightened up in panic, and before the Divine Comedy could finish playing, the fuel spray gun of the Tiger tank leaked and exploded, and Yang Wei's world became clean at once.

In fact, it has to be affirmed that Yang Wei's ability should not be underestimated by ordinary people.At least after expert testing, the precision of these all hand-made and assembled parts is far superior to that of ordinary military enterprises. If the Tiger tanks manufactured by them are equipped with a fire control system, excluding the factors of tank armor, the mobility will be improved. With a comprehensive combat power that can completely compete with the t62, Yang Wei is simply a hand-made strongman against the sky, and the title of "hand-made emperor" is well-deserved.

Grassroots handicraft emperors can be recognized by experts, which is simply a symbolic moment in the evolution history of otaku.

But it's a pity that Yang Wei couldn't hear these things. At this moment, Yang Wei's ears were only filled with the noise of human voices and the sound of tram whistles. He was squatting by the pier on the Bund of the Huangpu River with his unkempt hair and face.

He stared blankly at the numerous concessions and all kinds of arrogant foreigners, but what puzzled him was that the cars on the streets were not luxury cars like BMWs and Porsches, but 1923 old North American Ford cars. , there were no black-haired nine-point girls or bald-headed men in cross-dressing walking in front of him, but the Indian Ah San who was standing in the police watchtower with a red-lacquered wooden stick wrapped around his head had been staring at him for a long time.blood quenching mountains and rivers 1

Yang Wei's dull eyes were dull, but this dullness was not due to time travel, the bruised nose and swollen face vividly showed that he was stunned.

A week of hellish torture broke Yang Wei's heart. Yang Wei has only been in these evil old societies for just a week. He just woke up at the beginning and he still hasn't woken up from the majestic achievements of the Tiger tank.

He actually crossed over?Is all this God's will?Relying on his own technology to save the country and develop the military industry in this era, he will be able to beat Japan without a mother in less than ten years, transforming from a technical nerd into a hero of national rejuvenation, and his reputation will be admired by thousands of people in history!

Immediately, Yang Wei was full of pride and high spirits, with the momentum of sharpening his sword and rushing towards the great powers. He rushed straight to the bank of the Huangpu River and shouted, "I am coming from the Republic of China!"

Before he finished speaking, Yang Wei was hit on the head with a stick. The police in the International Settlement are really ruthless!The beating made Yang Wei cry bitterly, and after a severe beating, Yang Wei was arrested by the dark-complexioned and vicious Asan Xun and took him to a riverside sign saying "no loud noises".

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