Hearing the child's words were full of anger, Yang Wei couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable, but he was only a child, and it was not easy to argue with him, not to mention that the boy seemed to have escaped from Shandong. The famine in the area is very serious, and it is inevitable to think about it.

Yang Wei sighed softly, took the wallet that Li Tiegang snatched from the boy, took out a few dollars and handed them to the boy, and said in a pitiful voice: "Take it to buy something to eat, it will fill your stomach Don't do things like stealing chickens and dogs."

The boy stared wide-eyed at the few ocean dollars in his hand, knowing that the money would be enough for him to eat for a long time.Li Tiegang, who was carrying the boy's collar, snorted and said, "Hurry up and thank the commander."

Hearing this, the joy on the boy's face suddenly froze, he raised his head and looked at Yang Wei in surprise, "Are you the commander?"

Yang Wei raised his eyebrows and nodded slightly.Blood quenching mountains and rivers 146

The boy seemed unable to believe this, and asked again suspiciously: "You are... Yang Wei, Commander of the Hangzhou Garrison?"

Li Tiegang became anxious immediately, slapped the boy on the back of the head, and said angrily: "You dare to name anyone, you have no one to teach you, right?"

The slap on the back of the head really hurt, but the boy didn't seem to respond at all. He looked at Yang Wei with an expression suddenly filled with resentment. He spat in disdain and said, "Damn, I don't want your money even if I starve to death!"

The boy's violent reaction surprised everyone, and Yang Wei looked at the boy in surprise.Li Tiegang behind him was about to make a move, Yang Wei waved him to let go of the boy, looked at the boy depressedly and said, "What do you mean?"

Who knew that as soon as Li Tiegang let go of his hand, the boy rushed forward and grabbed Yang Wei's collar, saying viciously: "It's all you! It's because of you that my father, my mother and my sister died of starvation." Yes! It is said that you beat the Chinese people with money from gringos. Has your conscience been eaten by dogs? If you hadn’t defeated the Northern Expeditionary Army, China would have been unified long ago, and we wouldn’t have nothing to eat! Dad, I Mother...I watched them starve to death with my own eyes!"

The boy was already sobbing when he said the last thing. He wiped his tears and sobbed in a low voice, but Yang Wei and others were speechless, and even Li Tiegang, who was furious just now, just bowed his head and sighed.

Yang Wei frowned and thought for a while, brought the boy in front of him, and asked in a rare soft voice: "So, you are the only one left in the whole family? What's your name?"

The boy wiped away his tears indiscriminately and nodded, "I'm the only one. My name is Zhou Dongliang, and they all call me Liangzi."

Hearing that the name seemed to come from a scholarly family, Yang Wei patted Zhou Dongliang on the shoulder and said, "Let me ask you, Liang Zi, would you like to go back with me and serve as a soldier in the army?"

Zhou Dongliang immediately took a step back when he heard this, looked at Yang Wei vigilantly like a small animal, shook his head without thinking, "I won't go, everyone says you are not a good person."

Yang Wei's face was very ugly, and his heart was even more uncomfortable. He pursed his lips and thought for a moment: "It's not an option for you to dawdle on the street like this, why don't you go and see, if I'm really a bad person, you can feel it at any time. You can go."

Zhou Dongliang was a child after all, he squinted his eyes and looked at Yang Wei, this man didn't seem to be as vicious and treacherous as those refugees said, Zhou Dongliang touched his shriveled belly, suspicious Confused: "Is there any food for soldiers?"

Yang Wei couldn't help but nodded with a smile, "Of course."

Controlling food and housing, he could leave if he wanted to. Zhou Dongliang immediately couldn't stand the temptation. After hesitating for a while, he finally agreed to Yang Wei, and followed Yang Wei and his group back to the garrison headquarters.

Zhou Dongliang was arranged by Yang Wei in the gendarmerie battalion under the security regiment directly under the headquarters, and Xing Jun personally sent him there.

It was late at night, Yang Wei sat on the sofa but couldn't sleep for a long time, thinking of what Zhou Dongliang said today, he felt uncomfortable.

Although children's words don't have to be taken seriously, in fact, only children's words are the truth. Zhou Dongliang can say such words today, naturally he heard them from other people, and Yang Wei can do it just by looking at his attitude alone. Imagine what those refugees think of themselves.

Those refugees from Shandong and Northeast all agreed that if the Northern Expeditionary Army came and the country was unified, they would be able to eat delicious food and drink spicy food to live a good life. This kind of psychology can be said to be entirely out of psychological comfort, and even no politician can accurately judge a country. Whether the regime that has not come to power is good or bad, let alone the illiterate people.

But Yang Wei couldn't turn a blind eye to their attitudes and ignore them. Whether the Northern Expeditionary Army was good or bad, and whether everything he did was right or wrong, even if he searched all over the world, he couldn't find an absolutely fair and just judgment, not to mention that he was just being killed. Forced to send troops.Blood quenching mountains and rivers 146

After settling Zhou Dongliang, Xing Jun came back to report to Yang Wei. Looking at Yang Wei's sad face, Xing Jun sighed and said: "Xing Jun is stupid and clumsy, but he just feels that he has to say something. The commander doesn't need to take this matter to heart at all. Above all, the common people are like this, they think the seaside is good when they are in the mountains, and they think the north is good when they are in the south, and now there is a famine, and they can't find anyone to complain about, so they just talk like this, and don't need to pay attention to it at all."

Yang Wei shook his head and said: "That's wrong. No matter which army or force it is, it cannot be separated from the people. Naturally, they have their reasons for saying this."

Xing Jun was still on the sidelines to persuade, but Yang Wei didn't hear a word, and his mind was full of thoughts about the refugees' evaluation of him. This is not just a matter of stabilizing people's hearts.The common people are the weather vane of public opinion. Although they are at the bottom, they can often quite accurately predict many changes in politics.

And Yang Wei hadn't read the newspaper for several days. Xing Jun used the excuse that there was something wrong with the newspaper, but how could such an excuse deceive Yang Wei?He had long guessed that some unfavorable remarks appeared in the newspaper, and nine out of ten it was no different from what Liang Zi said.

Although public opinion does not have the force of legal sanctions, it can be feared by people. Public opinion is often more terrifying than political trials and rulings.At this time, the war is tense and the situation is unstable. Once you are at a disadvantage in public opinion, it is tantamount to giving other forces an excuse to destroy themselves, and it is more likely that the forces that were originally enemies will gather together to deal with themselves.

After thinking for a long time, Yang Wei suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and quickly waved his hand to interrupt Xing Jun who was chattering, and said with joy: "Leave these things aside for now, tomorrow morning, you will bring Fang Dacheng , Wang Xiao, Li Tiegang, and Qian Chengshan went out to set up several disaster relief centers in the city to distribute food to the refugees fleeing famine."

Xing Jun guessed Yang Wei's intentions, whether Yang Wei wanted to buy people's hearts or do good deeds is not an easy task, Xing Jun frowned and said: "Commander, there are a lot of refugees emerging in Hangzhou these days, we can't keep going." Go on like this.”

Yang Wei waved his hand and said, "Distributing rations is only second. Listen carefully. When we distribute rations tomorrow, we will register the refugees with detailed information and select those who are of moderate age and physical fitness to bring back. We will recruit soldiers! We will expand the army, and only we When we are strong, others will not take our ideas."

After all, before Xing Jun could ask any more questions, Yang Wei got up happily and went back to his room to sleep. Xing Jun was left alone in the living room, his eyebrows twisted into two twists.

Based on what Xing Jun has seen in the past few days, there are tens of thousands of refugees. Such a large-scale conscription may be difficult to deal with. Military supplies alone are not a small problem.But since Yang Wei's face is already smiling, it means that he has already thought of a countermeasure. After following Yang Wei for so long, Xing Jun's admiration and trust for Yang Wei is naturally nothing to say, so he went back to his room to rest immediately, and took Fang with him early the next morning. Dacheng, Wang Xiao, Li Tiegang, Qian Chengshan and others got busy in the city of Hangzhou.

As soon as Yang Wei woke up early in the morning, he went to Shanghai in person and came to Von Box's firm.

As soon as Yang Wei entered the door, von Box warmly came forward, hugged Yang Wei's shoulder and patted warmly, and sincerely congratulated: "Commander Yang, congratulations on winning the war, you fought a beautiful battle !"

Von Box had expected the outcome of Yang Wei's victory over the Northern Expedition. As the arms dealer who cooperated with Yang Wei the most, von Box knew Yang Wei's strength much better than other arms dealers. At the same time, von Box also Knowing the strength of the Northern Expeditionary Army from the Foreign Firms Chamber of Commerce, and comparing the two sides, von Box predicted that Yang Wei would undoubtedly win, but the excitement of this battle far exceeded his imagination.

Yang Wei waved his hands modestly, pulled von Box to sit down, and said with a straight face: "I have a very important matter this time and I want to ask you for help."

Before Yang Wei could clarify what was going on, von Box said nonchalantly, "Don't worry, with our friendship, if Commander Yang needs help, of course I won't refuse, but with Commander Yang's current strength , I think you won’t come to borrow weapons from me again, right?”

Von Box's generosity and stinginess made Yang Wei couldn't help laughing: "Don't worry, of course I won't borrow your weapon again."

Von Box, who was still vigilant just now, relaxed, scratched his hair embarrassingly and said, "That's good, other than that matter, everything else is negotiable."

Yang Wei was sitting upright, looking at Feng Box seriously and said: "I only ask you to do one thing for me this time, Mr. Feng Box still remembers asking you to import the Trailblazer tractor from the American factory for me last time. something?"

Feng Box nodded repeatedly. The last time he bought a tractor, Yang Wei's generous remuneration made him a fortune. Feng Box smiled and said, "Commander Yang still needs a tractor?"

Yang Wei shook his head and said, "I don't need a tractor, but I hope you can release a message for me, saying that I want to buy a large number of tractors."

This remark made Von Box very puzzled. Although foreigners can speak Chinese fluently, it is difficult to understand the hidden meaning. He frowned and muttered: "Release the news? Isn't it true?"

Yang Wei suppressed a smile, waved his hands and explained, "I won't buy it, but you need to find a way to let the Americans know that I want to buy it."

Von Box immediately asked sullenly, "Does Commander Yang want to make a deal with the Americans directly?"

It turned out that Feng Box thought that Yang Wei wanted to get rid of him as an intermediary, but Yang Wei didn't know whether to laugh or cry but didn't bother to explain to him. After thinking for a while, Yang Wei gestured with two fingers and said: "As long as you let the Americans know the news, I will Naturally, 20 oceans will be paid as a reward to you."

As soon as von Box heard about the money, he couldn't care less about anything. He could earn 20 yuan just by saying a few words. There is no easier business in the world. Von Box immediately smacked his chest and said: "Commander Yang, don't worry, I will handle this matter perfectly."

"Don't forget," Yang Wei said again worriedly, "you must make indirect remarks without leaving any trace."

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