Blood-quenched mountains and rivers

Chapter 20 Night Battle 8 Sides

There was deathly silence all around, and the bald man could even hear the sound of his breathing under his nose.right!It's so quiet!Even if there are no people returning from the night at this time, at least there will be a dog barking, right?

Although this shanty town where the poor gather together has nothing to gain, and bald men seldom come here, but in his memory, the shanty town will never be so silent, with the cries of children, the cries of women , Throwing things, dogs barking, those are the shacks in his memory.

And before this, for the sake of confidentiality in action, they did not disperse the people living here, but the place they are now is as quiet as a cemetery!

But it was too late for the bald man to react. About [-] seconds after his arm fell, there was a sudden roar in his ears. The lights on both sides should have been lit at this moment, but they were covered by a cloud of orange Instead, the flames swept across the entire street like a flood of beasts, and the crumbling wooden houses of the neighbors were instantly disintegrated in the flash of the explosion and the air waves. Ten grenades of two types were detonated at the same moment, the power was astonishingly great, and the sound was deafening.

Fortunately, the explosions designed by Yang Wei are all directional, so the damage to the nearby area is not that great, but even so, the sound of the explosion still scares Harlevan so much that his legs stagger He fell down on his own car, and he climbed out of the car in shock, opened his mouth and was about to curse, when he heard the sound of bullets exploding not far away.Blood quenching mountains and rivers 20

The bullets were fired from the second floor of the street, and when the explosion below was completely dark, Yang Wei seized the opportunity to get up and take out his gun to shoot in bursts.

However, this is the first time in Yang Wei's life that he aimed a real gun at a living person. As a result, the design missed the target for the first time. Although it was unexpected, it was reasonable. The bullet fired from the muzzle hit Ha On the bluestone slab at the foot of a policeman next to Liwen, sparks started up, and the policeman pulled out his gun in a hurry in fright.

Following the trajectory of the bullets, the patrolman raised his head and looked up the small building, and suddenly found the ghost-like guy on the second floor with only two eyes exposed. He hurriedly raised his hand and fired a shot. It whizzed past Yang Wei's head.At this moment, Yang Wei only had the target in his mind, and he had no time to worry about danger and fear. He continued to shoot in short bursts with a steady posture. The [-]-inch caliber bullet pierced through the chest, and the huge destructive force of the bronze bullet hit the main part of the human body enough to rip apart the internal organs inside the bullet hole, and it was not even worth rescuing.

One shot hit, Yang Wei was neither proud nor relaxed. Hearing the gunshot, he turned his head to the other side. Then he saw a plainclothes patrolman who was trying to hide behind the car and used the car as a cover to attack Xing Jun. Yang Wei turned his gun and pointed at him. The policeman was shot, and immediately a headshot, the white brain mixed with blood splashed on the car, all in white, the bullet shot out from the eye socket, and a large piece of the skull was lifted , only a small half of the whole head was left, which was horrible.

At the same time, Xing Jun rushed out according to Yang Wei's previous combat deployment. Two policemen who had originally detained Qin Mengyao rushed up and confronted him with guns. Your life is your own, put down your weapons and let me go."

The plainclothes patrol who witnessed the tragic death of two colleagues was awakened by Yang Wei's words. He dropped his pistol and turned around and ran. Xing Jun was so frightened that he passed out, Xing Jun picked him up and threw him over his shoulder to leave the car. When passing by Qin Mengyao, Xing Jun stopped for a moment, took out a knife with his backhand and cut Qin Mengyao's body. The rope, and then without looking back, carried Haliwen into the alley on the other side.

Qin Mengyao looked at the direction where Xing Jun and Harry Wen left, and then quickly took out another camera from the satchel with one hand, picked up the spotlight that was thrown on the ground with the other hand, and pointed it at the alley where the firefight was taking place. Photograph.Yang Wei really admired this little girl's professionalism, but she looked like a war reporter. Judging by her posture and aura, she was really a heroine.

At this moment, the stunned patrols and the surviving Japanese officers and soldiers shook their still not sober heads. As far as they could see, they were full of stumped limbs and broken arms and messy and broken corpses. This has become a real battlefield.

The bald man in the distance crawled out of the ruins, looking at Hariwen from a distance, it seemed that something was wrong, and none of the plainclothes patrolmen who had been separated from the left and right disappeared. Fire was fired at the place where the lights were flashing. The Japanese military police were still in a short-circuit state at this time, watching the bald man make a move and firing guns there.Bullets flew everywhere, Qin Mengyao was so frightened that her face turned pale and she exclaimed.

Yang Wei on the second floor took a deep breath at this time, and pulled out his own m1903 rifle with a deer hunting mirror installed from the gun jacket. During the whole process, Yang Wei was extremely calm, and it didn't look like he had just killed it himself. A person for two.

Yang Wei also knew that this was not a video game, but a real killing, but what surprised him was that he didn't feel the slightest fear, but was a little excited, as if it was caused by the smell of blood wafting in the alley. Yang Wei felt that he was no longer a dead nerd, but a beast deep in his soul had been awakened.

The m1903 rifle with the added deer hunting mirror was clamped on the table. These days, Yang Wei used the reduced target in the basement to find the feeling, but he knew very well that shooting a living person and shooting a target are absolutely two completely different concepts. So still be very cautious.

I saw that he carefully clamped the rifle on the table with several small sandbags prepared in advance, and the muzzle of the gun was still some distance away from the window. Although shooting in the room would lose part of the shooting angle, the advantage was that The concealment of the gun muzzle is not easy to expose, on the other hand, it is not easy to be noticed by people nearby, and the killer who sticks the muzzle out of the window may only be seen in the two hundred and five film and television dramas of later generations.

The line of sight division of the six-times deer hunting scope of Shelferin is not a common standard reticle, but a breakpoint ruler. Although there is no problem in the magnification, the accuracy is very average, because the shooting of the deer hunting The shooting distance is generally between [-] meters and [-] meters, and the shooting distance of more than [-] meters depends on the shooter's experience.

Yang Wei aimed at the head of a Japanese military policeman, held his breath and gently pulled the trigger. He had already adjusted the stress of the trigger in advance, so he fired decisively during the second fire, and the bullet was fired quickly. All I heard was the harsh screams from the Japanese military police, and then fell to the ground.Yang Wei moved his eyes away from the scope and looked proudly at the direction of the Japanese gendarme, only to see that the Japanese gendarme was covering his crotch tightly.

its not right!Yang Wei was confused, he aimed at the head, why did he hit his crotch, isn't this a bit of a joke?The blood gushing from the crotch of the Japanese gendarme could not be covered at all. At first, when he fell to the ground, he struggled and rolled twice, but then he twitched a few times and stopped moving.

Yang Wei turned to the scope in confusion and aimed at the next Japanese military policeman. After a "bang" shot, the Japanese military policeman quickly covered his crotch and rolled on the ground as a conditioned reflex. Blood gushed from his crotch.

The Japanese military police and French Concession patrols on the side suddenly panicked. They only knew the direction of the bullet's attack, but they didn't know the specific location of the shot.

However, although everyone was dizzy and their ears were buzzing from the previous explosion, they were still sane. They all leaned against the doors and walls on both sides of the alley, and clung to the walls in unison. He didn't dare to move, only a pair of eyes were still looking around, but there was only fear in his eyes, yes, a crotch explosion is far more terrifying than a headshot!Blood quenching mountains and rivers 20

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