Blood-quenched mountains and rivers

Chapter 320 Strong Man 1 Gone Forever

In order to show his concern and care for Ma Bufang, Yang Wei specially chose an auspicious day for Ma Bufang, and held a big banquet for Ma Bufang, wishing Ma Bufang a victory.

Yang Wei's enthusiasm dispelled all the worries in Ma Bufang's heart. He only waited for a good day and set off on the road. However, Ma Bufang didn't know that during the time he was waiting, Yang Wei was intensively arranging another matter.

In the vast Xinjiang, a convoy of light armored trains has just crossed the border and set foot on the land of Xinjiang with great fanfare.

Crossing the border line, Sheng Shicai seemed to feel that even the wind blowing on his face had a friendly taste, and what made him feel comfortable was not only the familiar wind, but also the 76mm self-propelled bike that followed the light armored train convoy. Anti-aircraft guns.

These 76mm self-propelled anti-aircraft guns were escorted by Sheng Shicai to the Soviet Union in person. In Sheng Shicai's eyes, the bulky figure of the iron guy looked so strong, powerful and curvy. Looking at these 76mm self-propelled anti-aircraft guns , Sheng Shicai seemed to have seen his sphere of influence expand infinitely with the help of artillery fire.Blood quenching mountains and rivers 320

Sheng Shicai's convoy kept moving forward at a constant speed. The speed was as steady as the weight of an iron guy. Sheng Shicai was not in a hurry to march fast. He was immersed in the joy of obtaining weapons, like a high-spirited hero, leading his team The light armored convoy was greeted by the baptism of mountains and rivers, enjoying such a wonderful feeling without any haste.

When the convoy arrived at Altay, Sheng Shicai, who was stationed for a rest, suddenly received the news from the front that Fuhai's bridge had collapsed?

Sheng Shicai was very surprised. When he took people to the Soviet Union, he took the bridge of Fuhai. The bridge built by the Soviets was very strong. There was no sign of collapse when he came here. A collapse accident?

According to the results of the on-site investigation, it seems that the pillars under the bridge have collapsed, and the collapse location is about five meters below the waterline. Passed over the bridge.

Sheng Shicai's convoy consisted of a convoy of light armored trains and 76mm self-propelled anti-aircraft guns just purchased from the Soviet Union. According to Sheng Shicai's plan, he planned to take the western route, bypassing Gurbantunggut via Fuhai and Karamay Desert, to Wusu, Changji, finally arrived in Urumqi.

Right now, the bridge in Fuhai collapsed. Although there are other bridges, they can barely bear the weight of the tire-type self-propelled artillery. As for the convoy of light armored trains, there is absolutely no way to pass.

In addition to the western route, there is another route, which is to take the eastern route back to Urumqi via Fuyun, Kamuser, and Jimsar.

Thinking of this, Sheng Shicai frowned suddenly.

Comparing the east and west routes, the west route is naturally easier to travel, and the east route is very winding and winding, and it is even closer to the desert. Unless there is no other choice, generally no one is willing to choose the east route. Well, the road conditions on the eastern route are very bad, so light armored trains are okay, but tire-type self-propelled artillery may not be able to adapt to the road conditions on the eastern route.

According to the current situation of Sheng Shicai's convoy, the convoy of light armored trains and tire-type self-propelled anti-aircraft guns should be assigned to return to Urumqi from the east and west lines respectively. A bold decision was made to separate the 76mm anti-aircraft gun from the tire chassis, and he led a convoy of light armored trains loaded with 76mm anti-aircraft guns to return to Urumqi from the east line, while the bicycle team returned from the west line.

The 76mm anti-aircraft gun was a treasure that Sheng Shicai exchanged for food from the Soviet Union. Even if it disappeared from under his nose for a second, Sheng Shicai would be worried. Wisdom and Wisdom felt very proud, and immediately started to split and load, and quickly lined up and set off on the road.

However, at this moment, Sheng Shicai still doesn't know that since he made this self-satisfied decision, he has fallen into Yang Wei's trap step by step.

Naturally, Sheng Shicai didn't know that the bridge in Fuhai collapsed because Yang Wei sent people to plant waterproof explosives under the bridge, and he didn't know that the roadblocks arranged by Yang Wei secretly were to force Sheng Shicai to Going to the east line, let alone know what kind of difficulties and obstacles I will encounter on the way back to Urumqi from the east line.

Only Yang Wei controls every move of the chess pieces behind the scenes, according to the route arranged by Sheng Shicai's arrogance and joy, he has already led Sheng Shicai into danger step by step.

When the scouts sent by Yang Wei sent the news that Sheng Shicai led a light armored convoy carrying 76mm anti-aircraft guns from the Eastern Front, Yang Wei immediately arranged for Ma Bufang to lead a convoy carrying oil samples from Yumen to Hami all the way. Go to Urumqi.

On the way before leaving, Yang Wei took people off in person. Ma Bufang, who was sitting in Yang Wei's remodeled armored car, was now full of vigor and vigor, and he waved to Yang Wei who was coming to see him off.

Looking at the excited Ma Bufang, Yang Wei couldn't laugh or cry, he pretended to cherish the farewell, patted Ma Bufang on the shoulder and said: "Mr. Transportation is the top priority."

This kind of paternalistic teaching made Ma Bufang very contemptuous. With his own ability, he still used Yang Wei's thousands of exhortations?Especially when Ma Bufang saw that Liu Beina was also in the crowd, Ma Bufang immediately put on a tough expression, and said loudly: "Commander Yang, if the oil is not delivered this time, I, Ma Bufang, will not come back!"

Liu Beina in the crowd couldn't help snorting, because Sun Jianchu was very dissatisfied with Ma Bufang's responsibility for oil sales. Unexpectedly appearing in the seeing-off team, Ma Bufang was surprised and delighted, but Liu Beina did not expect that what Liu Beina prepared for Ma Bufang was a sneer.Blood quenching mountains and rivers 320

Seeing Ma Bufang's eyes on her, Liu Beina took the initiative to take a step forward and said: "Mr. Ma, the road ahead is difficult, it can be said that the wind is rustling and the water is cold."

Ma Bufang frowned and said, "Feng Xiaoxiao? Yi Shuihan? Ms. Liu doesn't have to worry about Ma, there is no water on this road!"

Liu Beina looked contemptuously, shook her head helplessly and said, "It doesn't matter whether there is a waterway or not, but God bless the second half of the sentence to come true."

After finishing speaking, Liu Beina raised her head and shook her head in the astonished eyes of everyone.Ma Bufang hurriedly pulled Zhang Haiming beside him and asked, "What is the second half of the sentence?"

Zhang Haiming wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead, tremblingly said: "This...a strong man...a strong man is gone forever."

Ma Bufang rolled her eyes twice, and suddenly slapped her thigh in surprise and said, "Liu Beina said that I am a strong man, did you hear that? A strong man!"

Everyone looked at Ma Bufang, sweating for his IQ.

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