Blood-quenched mountains and rivers

Chapter 341 Divided into 2 ways

Under Yang Wei's arrangement, Liu Beina went to Shanghai, while Yang Wei sent Xing Jun to lead a company of troops to secretly follow Ma Bufang all the way to Urumqi.

After leaving Yumen, Ma Bufang felt extremely relaxed, and soon put all the matter of his embarrassment in Yumen Town behind him, sat majestically in a heavy armored chariot, and headed for Urumqi with great fanfare.

At the same time, another team was starting from Urumqi, and its marching route happened to be the same as Ma Bufang's route to Urumqi. The two teams were destined to meet on the road. Although Ma Bufang knew nothing about the upcoming danger, he could command Sheng Shicai, who was leading the other team, knew all the plans well, and was full of expectations for Ma Bufang's team that he would meet on the road.

A large amount of oil, as well as Ma Bufang's head, are gradually approaching, and the ambitious Sheng Shicai is determined to win it.

However, although Ma Bufang, who was marching all the way west, was afraid of the prosperous age entrenched in Urumqi, he never thought that the prosperous age would suddenly come out halfway. The march was relatively easy until the third day of departure. The troops marched to Hongshan Col, and Ma Bufang ordered the troops to march overnight.Blood quenching mountains and rivers 341

This time, Ma Bufang finally learned the experience and lessons of the last time, and no longer stay on the road, so as not to cause troubles on the road, but Ma Bufang is too extreme, either stop and go like a horse, or just don't have a day Ma Bufang, who was sitting in a heavy armored tank, didn't feel much, but the soldiers on the march complained a lot. The soldiers under Ma Bufang were the same as Ma Bufang, because Ma Bufang's troop training was lax, and they never had any problems. Naturally, such a long-distance march would not be able to bear the hardships. Although Ma Bufang ordered people to speed up, in fact the speed of the march had already slowed down.

Seeing the bright moon rising high, the town in front of him was still out of reach, and all he could see on the horizon was the Gobi Desert. Ma Bufang couldn't help feeling annoyed, and immediately ordered the captain to stop the heavy armored train, and jumped off the train himself, He snatched the whip from the guard's hand, and shouted angrily: "Everyone, work harder for me! No one has eaten, right? Let me tell you, if you don't get to the town in front of you early tomorrow morning, no one will even think about eating. Just wait to eat the whip!"

After Ma Bufang scolded, the soldiers couldn't help complaining in a low voice below, their voices were broken and low, like flies making disturbing noises in their ears, and many complaining voices merged into one, but Ma Bufang's voice was drowned out, and they were furious. Without saying a word, Ma Bufang grabbed the Mauser pistol on the shoulder of a soldier beside him, and fired a shot at the top of the head. The screaming gunshot rang above everyone's head, and the abrupt sound echoed in the lonely and empty Gobi Desert. , like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

The soldiers became quiet in an instant, and they all subconsciously stood up straight, looking at Ma Bufang nervously, and Ma Bufang who was standing in front of them snorted triumphantly, "Whoever dares to talk nonsense, I will let him be shot!"

Ma Bufang, who said these words triumphantly, seemed to have never heard of a truth. The smell of blood is very easy to attract wild animals, just like the smell of bones can attract wild dogs, and people who fire guns in the wilderness can attract wild animals. What, it is unknown.

Just when Ma Bufang hadn't finished speaking, a very abrupt sound suddenly screamed and howled. Ma Bufang, who was facing the soldiers, didn't know what happened, but the soldiers standing opposite Ma Bufang clearly saw it. A dark red shadow quickly slid down in the darkness, and finally landed less than 50 meters behind Ma Bufang. The moment the black shadow fell on the ground, a round dark red The object exploded suddenly, and the golden-red light instantly dyed the sky red.

There was a muffled explosion, and the earth trembled as if the whole ground was shaking. The soldiers lay on the ground covering their heads, and Ma Bufang, who had his back to the scene of the explosion, wanted to turn around but it was too late. The air wave hit the ground and turned two somersaults again and again.

"It's shells! Howitzers!"

Among the crowd, someone yelled loudly, and the whole camp was in chaos. A car commander ran away with his head in his arms. Ma Bufang grabbed his collar and dragged the car leader back. He yelled: "You are fucking stupid, aren't you? Can't you see the armored combat vehicle!"

The commander, who was originally a cavalryman, completely forgot about the existence of a heavy armored combat vehicle. He came back to his senses after hearing Ma Bufang's reminder, and quickly jumped into the heavy armored combat vehicle. He looked at Ma Bufang nervously and said: " Master, what should we do now?"

Ma Bufang slapped the commander on the head and shouted angrily, "Are you the commander or am I? Hit me!"

Although the commander has received special training from the armored division of Yang Wei's army, this is the first time he has been on the battlefield. In his eyes, this kind of iron guy is not as convenient as riding a horse when it comes to fighting. In contrast, the commander suppressed his panic, took a deep breath and fiddled with the buttons on the dashboard, swallowed his mouth and said: "Mr. Commander, if you fire now, the other party has not yet entered the range of the gun. Shoot." That's not enough distance."

Ma Bufang, who was getting angry, habitually wanted to command the commander to fire, but then he remembered the mistake he made last time. When he and Sheng Shicai exchanged fire, it was the commander of the armored tank under Yang Wei who reminded Ma Bufang to Wait for the opponent to enter the firing range before firing, so as not to waste shells. Ma Bufang, who did not listen to his opinions, fired randomly according to his own temperament, which led to the lack of artillery fire in the end.

Ma Bufang waved his hand and commanded the scouts to sneak quietly from the side of the battlefield to check the local situation. At the same time, he commanded other fighters to prepare for battle. Most of the fighters under Ma Bufang had never experienced mechanized battles. Calm down and look ahead in a panic, if they want to fight these murderous iron guys with their flesh and blood, it is better to run away immediately, even if they are deserters, at least one life can be saved.

For the soldiers to have such an idea, I am afraid that Ma Bufang can only blame Ma Bufang for his incompetent training on weekdays.

The scouts quickly found out the opponent's situation. Ma Bufang's heavy armored chariot had a range of 500 meters, so it was impossible to be reckless.

What puzzled Ma Bufang was that the opponent kept attacking in place, and the shooting range of the first round of artillery fire remained unchanged from beginning to end, which made Ma Bufang wonder what the opponent's purpose was.

The fierce artillery cover lasted for a full 10 minutes. When the enemy's shells stopped attacking, it seemed that the world was completely quiet, and buzzing tinnitus sounded in the ears of all soldiers. Among these sounds, Ma Bufang's With a high-pitched and excited voice, he roared: "All obey orders and move forward at full speed!"

Ma Bufang's troops were arranged in an orderly manner, led by heavy armored chariots, followed by cavalry and infantry, and moved forward quickly.Blood quenching mountains and rivers 341

However, when Ma Bufang's troops had just marched less than 100 meters, a strange feeling suddenly hit Ma Bufang. It was a kind of cold radiating from his bones, as if the god of death was breathing cold air behind his back.

Before Ma Bufang could figure out where the cold came from, suddenly, violent explosions swept across the battlefield, and the sound of artillery fire filled the sky.

Until this time, Ma Bufang suddenly realized that the violent shock of the explosion came from below him, and Ma Bufang subconsciously roared at the top of his throat.

"It's a minefield!" --

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