Blood-quenched mountains and rivers

Chapter 346 The scapegoat...

After a few days of exhaustion, Sheng Shicai fell into a deep sleep as soon as he lay on the bed, but Sheng Shicai, who was still asleep, was awakened by the adjutant who hurried over. The adjutant whispered in panic and helplessness: "Report to the governor, there is a problem with the oil truck."

"Problem?" Sheng Shicai raised his eyebrows and yawned, rubbed himself up from the quilt, leaned against the head of the bed, squinted his eyes and said disapprovingly, "What's the problem?"

At this time, Sheng Shicai thought that the so-called problem might be that the quality of the oil was not up to standard or the number of oil trucks was not enough. Take this matter to heart.

However, what the adjutant said next made Sheng Shicai feel like a bolt from the blue.

The adjutant's lips twitched, and he said word by word: "What's in the oil truck is not oil at all, it's all water."

Hearing this, Sheng Shicai immediately jumped up from the bed and hurried all the way to the camp on the outskirts of the city. When Sheng Shicai arrived, Zhang Haiming sat on the ground with a dejected face, covering his head with his hands in pain, and saw Sheng Shicai After that, Zhang Haiming didn't say a word, but his eyes were full of despair.

Sheng Shicai staggered to the front of the oil truck, and saw the crystal liquid dripping down the hole, no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't tell that it looked like oil, and Zhang Haiming, who was already a little delirious, was beside him He laughed sharply: "Great, it's good this time, Sheng Dutong, you don't have to worry about running out of water to irrigate the fields!"

Zhang Haiming's crazy words made Sheng Shicai even more furious. He clenched his fists tightly with both hands, and said through gnash teeth, "Well, Ma Bufang, you are using me as a monkey? This time, I must use your head as a spittoon!"

At the same time, in Yumen Town, which is thousands of miles away from Urumqi, Yang Wei looked at the oil trucks lined up neatly, and patted Xing Jun on the shoulder with great satisfaction and said: "Well done, the task was completed very beautifully!"

Xing Jun couldn't help but shook his head shyly and smiled, "The commander praised you, thanks to the clever arrangement of the commander's plan."

Ma Bufang seems to have never noticed that when he led the soldiers to Urumqi in heavy armored combat vehicles and several oil trucks, another convoy that was exactly the same as the oil trucks under his army kept a close distance, always following Behind them, they stopped and walked without stopping.

This was Yang Wei's arrangement. As early as when he learned that Sheng Shicai had detained Zhang Haiming, Yang Wei thought that with Sheng Shicai's character, he would definitely hit oil. Sheng Shicai's attack.

At the same time, Yang Wei arranged for a team that was disguised exactly like Ma Bufang's oil trucks to follow behind him. During the chaotic exchange of fire between the two armies, he exchanged his own team full of river water for Ma Bufang's oil tankers. The convoy exchanged the oil back into their own hands without any effort.

Yang Wei was full of joy, rubbing his chin proudly, as long as Liu Beina found a suitable factory to sign a sales contract, he would immediately send the oil on the road.

I don't know how Ma Bufang and Sheng Shicai feel about this matter now, but Yang Wei couldn't help showing a smile once he thought of the way the two were furious.

Up to this point, Ma Bufang had paid all the development costs of Yumen Petroleum, and also invested in the purchase of three heavy armored combat vehicles, but he had gained nothing in the war with Sheng Shicai.At this time, Yang Wei not only received money from Ma Bufang to purchase weapons, but also the oil that had been mined so far. Even if it was sold at a low price, it was enough to pay for Yang Wei's weapons purchases and military supplies.

On the other hand, Yang Wei has already intensively arranged the next development of Yumen Petroleum. After negotiating with Sun Jianchu, the two decided to hand over all the follow-up work of Yumen Petroleum development to the "government".

Just when Yang Wei ordered people to send away the oil, Ma Bufang rushed back to Yumen Town in a panic. If it weren't for the dilapidated military uniforms on their bodies, they would even be regarded as beggars who organized a group to beg for food. The description can be seen from this.

When Yang Weigang saw Ma Bufang, he was really taken aback by Ma Bufang's situation. Although the battlefield was tragic, even in such a state of embarrassment, he was much luckier than death. People who love to rest and work hard can also make themselves look like this, but Yang Wei really didn't expect it. Shouldn't this kind of people run away with their heads in their arms at the very beginning of the battle?

Before Yang Wei could express his concern, Ma Bufang rushed up to Yang Wei, hugged Yang Wei and wiped away his tears without saying a word, a lot of snot and tears wiped all on Yang Wei's neat military uniform, like a bereaved dog, full of grief and indignation.

The helpless Yang Wei had no choice but to wait for Ma Bufang to express his grievances, and then sent someone to take Ma Bufang to wash and tidy up.

From Ma Bufang's subordinates, Yang Wei learned that this battle was very tragic, at least it can be said that it was the most tragic war in the lives of Ma Bufang and others, and this was already in Yang Wei's expectation. There is no doubt about the ability of ordinary people. With Ma Bufang's military strength, trying to fight against it is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg.

Fortunately, after taking a bath and changing clothes, Ma Bufang recovered a little bit, and her appearance was no different from ordinary people, but the grief and sorrow were unavoidable in his eyes. Responding, he stood up and said: "Mr. Ma is exhausted from the journey and has experienced many wars. Why don't you take a good rest before talking about the next thing."

Who knew that when Yang Wei was about to leave, Ma Bufang suddenly grabbed Yang Wei's wrist, looked at Yang Wei with grief and said, "Mr. Yang, you and I are like brothers and sisters. Sheng Shicai's bullying is so disgusting. The indestructibility of these thugs is not enough to appease the anger in the hearts of my soldiers!" Quen Xueshanhe 346

Yang Wei followed suit and nodded, Ma Bufang was right, but Yang Wei didn't know what it had to do with him, whether it was so-called grief, indignation or hatred.Could it be that Ma Bufang really thought that his relationship with her had reached the point of wearing the same pair of pants?

Ma Bufang didn't seem to notice the estrangement between himself and Yang Wei, but impassionedly pulled Yang Wei and said angrily: "Commander Yang, Sheng Shi dared to rob our oil, this is because he didn't take Yumen Oil seriously, could it be Can Commander Yang just watch him flaunt his might like this?"

"No," Yang Wei answered calmly and calmly in a low voice, and continued: "However, a man can bend and stretch. With Mr. Ma's current strength, I'm afraid it's better not to act rashly."

Regarding Yang Wei's suggestion, Ma Bufang agreed very much, and after nodding repeatedly, he said logically: "That's right, because of this, Ma also hopes that Commander Yang can lend a helping hand to me!"

Ma Bufang did not regard herself as an outsider at all, as if it was reasonable to make such a request to Yang Wei, because of Ma Bufang's calmness, Yang Wei could only pursed his lips and nodded after a moment of contemplation: "That's it, Ma Bufang Master, you can rest assured that Yang will naturally not turn a blind eye."

"That's great!" Ma Bufang was so excited that she burst into tears, holding Yang Wei's hand tightly, more passionately than holding any woman's hand, and said excitedly: "Thank you, Commander Yang!"

At this point, Yang Wei calmed down, looked at Ma Bufang and said: "Mr. Ma, don't thank me for now, Yang has one more condition."--

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