Blood-quenched mountains and rivers

Chapter 356 Rare Seed Mine

When everyone came to the entrance of the mine, Yang Wei couldn't figure out how Kurban made so much money from such a small jade mine. After seeing the wheels of two scrapped carts, Yang Wei found that there seemed to be It was very humid, so I had an idea at that time, and finally when Yang Wei heard the sound of water in the mine, he finally confirmed his idea.

Anyone who has a little understanding of jade knows that the best jade is Hetian jade produced in Xinjiang in the Western Regions, and Hetian jade is divided into seed material and mountain material. The so-called mountain material is mined from the mountain. There are top grades that are as clean as white fat, and most of them are mixed with impurities of other colors; while the seed material is jade material collected from the Jade River, which has been washed for thousands of years in the Jade River, and it is round and round. It has a shape bestowed by God, the color is white and flawless like creamy fat, the texture is moist, firm, dense, translucent and pure, and the outer layer has formed a layer of jade skin due to years of washing, which is very rare and precious.

For example, jade has become a precious ornament for princes and nobles thousands of years ago. Before the Qing Dynasty, most of them were seed materials, which were out of reach for ordinary people. For mountain materials, because seed materials have become more and more rare, so although jade is no longer rare due to the emergence of a large number of mountain materials, good materials are becoming less and less, which makes the real treasure lovers feel sorry.

When he saw the mine at first, Yang Wei thought that the jade mine in Kurban mainly collected mountain materials. Although the mineral reserves of mountain materials are abundant and can be produced in large quantities, they cannot compare with seed materials in terms of texture and price. However, when Yang Wei heard the sound of gurgling water, he finally realized that although this jade mine is located in the mountains, it mainly mines seeds from the hidden rivers in the mountains. It should come as no surprise that a steady stream of wealth has been acquired.

Yang Wei couldn't help but took a few steps forward, the mine suddenly came into his sight, an underground river flowed through the mine, from east to west, it should be the undercurrent of the branch of the Yulong Kashi River flowing through the mountain, around the mine, there are It is a towering rock wall. Looking at its shape and texture, it is naturally formed. The uneven wall exudes soft light under the light. If you look closely, you can see countless jade faces emerging from the rock. The latest chapter of Bamboo Slips of All Nations.Blood Quenching Mountains and Rivers 356

Under the mine pit about three meters high, a dozen or so workers wore only a pair of shorts barely enough to hide their shame, hunched over and groping in the jade river to pick and choose. The hidden measures, in the hands of these workers, are expensive jade, but as workers, what they receive is a very meager salary. It is no exaggeration to say that the salary of all the workers is not as good as one piece. The price of jade, it is not difficult to see the cheapness of labor, which makes people feel sad.

In addition to the workers who were groping in the Yuhe River, Yang Wei found that there were also some workers on the rock walls. On the surrounding rock walls, trestle bridges barely enough for one person to stand sideways were built. The workers stood on the crumbling trestle bridges, looking for Mountain materials with excellent texture.

Among these people, only three of them are incompatible with the others around them. The middle-aged man who is the leader is not tall. This height can be regarded as a disability among the burly Northwesterners, but his height is even more incompatible with his height. The weight makes the whole person short and wide, like a round ball. The funniest thing is that this ball is wearing a thick fur.As if feeling the sweltering heat around him, Yuanqiu panted heavily, flicked his hand twice as a fan, and the sweltering heat was still unbearable, lazily took off the fur on his body and threw it to the entourage who was as thin as a bamboo pole beside him.

The obese middle-aged man is wearing a white shirt, made of silk, and embroidered with exquisite patterns. It is not difficult to see that this person's identity is the most prominent among the three. It should be Kurban, yes, far away Looking at the obese and aging Kurban, Yang Wei was filled with emotions. He really didn't know how Kurban's appearance gave birth to such a beautiful and beautiful daughter as Erken.

Kurban's face is full of flesh, and just this appearance is fierce. In the middle of the fat face, Kurban squints his small eyes, watching the workers around him sharply, and kicks someone's ass from time to time. feet, pointed to his nose and cursed unceremoniously.

Standing beside Kurban was a young man, probably in his twenties, in addition to his thin entourage. He was dressed in black clothes that were lean and close-fitting, well-proportioned and firm. In terms of body, the man has a standard appearance from the Western Regions, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, very handsome, he follows Kurban politely, bends over from time to time and sticks to Kurban's side to listen to his instructions, and his words and deeds are full of His respect for Kurban was even suspected of flattery, and when Kurban looked away, there seemed to be a trace of contempt in the man's eyes that could not be detected.

Just when Yang Wei was almost engrossed in observing the surrounding situation, a burst of footsteps suddenly came from behind, Yang Wei turned his head, and saw a yellow and emaciated miner appearing behind him. Surprised, the miner immediately yelled, as if he was very nervous. Yang Wei couldn't understand the Uyghur language, so he didn't know how to explain it, but thinking that he was going to meet Kurban anyway, he stopped panicking, and his face was on the contrary. He walked forward calmly, as relaxed as if he was about to meet an old friend, and said a few steps forward in a graceful manner: "Mr. Kurban."

Yang Wei walked forward while saying hello, which immediately attracted Kurban's attention, and the miners beside him stopped their movements. Yang Wei found that everyone's faces were ugly, which made Yang Wei feel a little confused ’ ‘Confusion’, this place is just a jade mine, but it seems that everyone does not welcome Yang Wei, an outsider, and is full of hostility towards his sudden visit.

Just when Yang Wei was more than ten steps away from Kurban, the chubby man interrupted Yang Wei nervously with his palm raised up: "Just stand there! Who are you?"

The shrill voice did not match Kurban's thick figure. Yang Wei looked displeased, and replied coldly: "Your Majesty, Yang Wei, is appointed to the Nanjing National Government."

Kurban blinked his eyes, and this movement was somewhat similar to Erken. It seemed to be the expression that father and daughter would show when they had never heard of certain things. The young man beside him leaned against Kurban Kurban muttered a few words on his shoulder, and then he suddenly realized and nodded, but soon put on a more vigilant expression, looked at Yang Wei and said: "Sorry, I am a true businessman, keep my own Doing my business, it seems that it has nothing to do with the 'government'."

Yang Wei shrugged his shoulders disapprovingly and said: "That's true, but Yang did not come here in the name of the 'government', but for your daughter, Ms. Erken Kurban, for her safety , I think it is necessary for me to take her..."

"Send it back" before he finished speaking, Yang Wei was already stunned. He looked around, and suddenly found that Erken, who was standing behind him just now, suddenly disappeared. --

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