Blood-quenched mountains and rivers

Chapter 394 Human Skin Lantern

A piece of news that the clerks in the inn used to swindle the information fee attracted Yang Wei to bring Tieniu and Fang Shaohua to the Sihai Inn, which is as secluded and secluded as Taoyuan in the imperial city. In the private room, a so-called human skin lantern was lit again. Under the hot eyes of everyone, Yang Wei vaguely felt that the danger was approaching every step of the way.

To be honest, Yang Wei doesn't even know what the so-called jade business today refers to. The jade business in this era is not a modern jade business. It is like an auction fair. , jewelry is jewelry, after all, in this era, the pursuit of artwork far exceeds its commercial pursuit.

Sitting in the so-called Tianzi No. [-] box, Yang Wei felt a little uneasy. Since ancient times, the number "eight" has been loved by businessmen, but this Tianzi No. [-] box seems to be an exception. It's getting smaller, but everyone's eyes are still here, even if they want to ignore it, it's not that simple.

Just when Yang Wei was full of thoughts, there was a very pleasant knocking sound, as if it was knocking on jade, the sound was clear and noisy, the simple tone was tactful and tortuous, not monotonous at all, the lingering sound lingered in the aftertaste, endlessly For thousands of times, even though Yang Wei, who came from later generations, had heard the sound effects of many high-tech musical instruments mixed, it was far inferior to this one. After listening to it, he felt disturbed and gradually calmed down. down.

After the sound, all the guests present fell silent, and the emcee who had just led the two upstairs appeared in front of everyone, and he cleared his throat and said, "Everyone who came to join us today is ours." The blessings of the Four Seas Inn, if you take good care of it, please take care of it, although the human skin lanterns have already been lit, but the most important thing is the interest and luck, and I hope everyone will return home in good spirits.”[

After the master of ceremonies finished speaking, Yang Wei noticed that everyone glanced in his direction again. From what the master of ceremonies said, the human skin lantern seemed extraordinary, as if his appearance disturbed everyone.

Yang Wei looked at the lantern protruding from the front of the box where he was, but he couldn't tell whether it was made of human skin, but the light of the lantern was very soft but not dull at all, and one could still see the swaying in the lantern when he looked closely. flames.

Except for Tianzi No. [-], no lanterns were lit in front of the other boxes.

When Yang Wei was distracted, Fang Shaohua coughed lightly from behind, Yang Wei turned his head, and saw a strong man coming from the door, holding a tray of Qi Dabi in his hand, On the tray was a strangely concave and convex object, covered with black satin, it was impossible to tell what it was.

At first glance, the things on the tray weighed more than a hundred catties, but the strong man lifted it with one hand without any effort. He walked very lightly, as if the things on the tray were as light as objects. Look at this With his stature and physical strength, even Tieniu might not be his match.

The strong man walked around in front of everyone holding the tray, and finally returned to the box under Tianzi No. [-] where Yang Wei was, and put down the tray lightly. silk and satin, a boulder immediately appeared in front of everyone.

Tieniu, who had just returned to Yang Wei's side, muttered, "Sir, didn't you say sell jade? Why did you change it to sell stone?"

Yang Wei made a gesture of silence, although he didn't understand what Yang Wei meant, but seeing the solemn expression on his face, Tieniu immediately knew that this matter was extraordinary, and quickly closed his mouth.

The situation in front of him was indeed far beyond Yang Wei's imagination.

Today's euphemistic name is jade trading, but what is in front of him is a huge blue-black boulder. As a layman, Tieniu naturally can't see the way, but Yang Wei has already seen it at a glance. He never thought that he would catch up with gambling today. stone!

Gambling with stones is a special means of trading in jade culture. You can get a glimpse of the wool wrapped in stone skin after it has just been mined, and you can get a glimpse of it from its incision. Based on this incision to judge the situation in the original stone, you will often ask for a sky-high price. , the businessman who bought the stone cut it open, and if it was a fresh and crisp emerald, he could get rich overnight, but after cutting it, if it was a piece of gray sand with green outside and white inside, he would lose all his wealth. Bankruptcy is also common.

As the saying goes, it is difficult for an immortal to judge an inch of jade. With a short cut, even senior people who have been in it all year round can hardly judge whether the wool is good or bad.

Yang Wei, who was still depressed because he lighted the human skin lantern for no reason, was very excited when he saw this situation. It was the first time he saw such a thing as betting on stones with his own eyes.

However, what Yang Wei didn't know was that in this stone betting, he had somehow become the protagonist. Winning or losing was all on him alone.

The wool material in front of me is a piece of flower card material with uneven suits, but it is only from this that it is impossible to distinguish whether the interior is jade or waste stone. It's called opening the door.

Yang Wei was sitting closest to the audience, and the incision was aimed squarely at Yang Wei, but even so, he still couldn't see the quality of the incision clearly. Just jumped down to see what happened.

However, just when Yang Wei was impatient, the master of ceremonies came upstairs slowly, made a "please" gesture to Yang Wei, and said, "Master Yang, come down and have a look."

Yang Wei hurriedly got up and was about to go downstairs, but the master of ceremonies stretched out his hand to stop him. Although his face was full of smiles, there was a little contempt in his smile, and he said slowly: "Wait a minute, this is not urgent, you have to put on this thing first .”

The master of ceremonies shook the black cloth belt in his hand, and slowly tied the cloth belt on Yang Wei's head amidst Yang Wei's doubts. Yang Wei, whose eyes were covered, was led by the master of ceremonies to walk slowly downstairs. In the darkness, Yang Wei felt more and more curious in his heart, not knowing the reason for these cumbersome steps. [

After walking down the last step, the master of ceremonies supported Yang Wei's arm. Based on the feeling in his memory, Yang Wei felt that he had reached the front of wool. A black cloth belt on the head.

The wool was right in front of Yang Wei's eyes, and the cut was almost touching Yang Wei's nose. When he looked at it, he was shocked, but when he looked closely, he could see the bright emerald green color from the cut, and the color ranged from deep to light. , the interior is deep, just like a cloud of nebula and morning fog, the bottom cannot be seen at a glance.

But Yang Wei hadn't had time to savor it slowly, his eyes were covered with black cloth tape again, and the time to really observe the incision was less than a minute, and the master of ceremonies invited him all the way upstairs again.

Yang Wei was puzzled by such cumbersome rules, but he didn't know that among the gambling stones at the Four Seas Inn, the person who lit the human skin lantern was the only one who could go up to observe the wool in person. It is required to wear eye straps after seeing the incision, and the person who lights the lamp will not take it off on its own initiative, in order to recollect the condition of the jade in the dark, so that there will be a certain number in mind.

Yang Wei, who came upstairs, had just sat down when he heard the master of ceremonies say in his ear: "Master Yang, you guys have been waiting, please ask Master Yang to make a price."

Yang Wei, whose eyes were completely dark, recalled the situation of the wool, pondered for a moment and said: "20 oceans."

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