For the next two questions, Xie Ruyu was no longer curious, but since Yang Wei was so persistent, Xie Ruyu pursed her lips and said, "Mr. Yang, please say yes. Please visit the latest free chapter of this book."

Yang Wei didn't speak, but took Xie Ruyu to the woolen material spread out on the table. Xie Ruyu didn't want to look at it anymore, but under Yang Wei's insistence, Xie Ruyu had to carefully look at the fracture of the woolen material.

Xie Ruyu hadn't looked at it carefully since she came back with wool at the Four Seas Inn that day. In terms of her personality, since it was something she had already done, it was best not to look at it. Anyway, the wool has already been bought. Before opening the stone, even if you see the eye of a needle, you can’t decide anything. It’s just a waste of time. As for the result, the truth will come out after the opening of the stone. Speaking of Xie Ruyu’s character, Yang Wei appreciates it very much .

At this time, the two stood at the front of the wool and looked at the fracture. Xie Ruyu carefully looked at it for a long time, and found that it was not the same as when he saw it at the Four Seas Inn. , is definitely a piece of good news, yes, until now, after inspecting the fracture so closely, Xie Ruyu still can't figure out why this happened.

Xie Ruyu's bewildered and unwilling expression made Yang Wei feel a little amused. In fact, the reason was simple, because this fracture was specially treated. Under such circumstances, and it was a transaction conducted by the Four Seas Inn, naturally no one would suspect that someone would make a fake on the break.Moreover, Yang Wei, who is in later generations, only heard about this kind of counterfeiting method a few years ago. Thinking about it, someone has researched such a counterfeiting method in this era, and he is really not an ordinary person. [

All in all, Yang Wei wanted to say only one sentence, and he looked at Xie Ruyu sincerely and said, "It's not that your eyesight is wrong, but that the fracture of this piece of wool is glued together with chemical agents. , I can’t see that it’s normal.”

But Yang Wei saw the heresy at a glance that day.

Although Yang Wei's words were affirmation of Xie Ruyu's eyesight, after hearing this, Xie Ruyu didn't seem to be happy, instead she glared at Yang Wei and said, "That is to say, you knew that there was something wrong with this piece of wool, but you deliberately Want me to buy it?"

Facing Xie Ruyu's aggressive questioning, Yang Wei nodded without hesitation and said, "Exactly."

Just as Xie Ruyu was about to explode, Yang Wei quickly stopped Xie Ruyu and said, "But hasn't Yang already returned the money?"

Xie Ruyu opened Yang Wei's hand, and said bluntly, "This is my third question, what do you want to do?"

Yang Wei went straight to the point and said bluntly: "I would like to ask Ms. Xie to cooperate in chasing gold fingers."

Looking at Yang Wei's swearing expression, it didn't seem like he was joking, but Xie Ruyu really couldn't figure out what cooperation between him and herself, so she folded her arms and said, "Mr. Yang, everyone is a stone gambler. I don't know what we can cooperate with, what do you mean, you want me to collude with you in deceit?"

After parting at the Four Seas Inn that day, Yang Wei inquired about Xie Ruyu's information, and learned that his parents were adopted by his adoptive father.The deceit that Xie Ruyu mentioned should be a kind of scam when gambling stones, using Xie Ruyu's reputation as a cover to lure others into being fooled.

Not to mention Xie Ruyu, even Yang Wei felt contemptuous at the thought of such a scam, waved his hands repeatedly and explained: "Miss Xie misunderstood, Yang is not as shameful as that."

Not a scam?Xie Ruyu didn't understand now, her bright eyes were full of doubts and she spread her palms, beckoning Yang Wei to continue, Yang Wei beckoned, Tieniu took out another small box from his arms like a magic trick.

Yang Wei handed the box to Xie Ruyu. After opening it, Xie Ruyu saw a piece of Longtang Mocui in the box. Judging from its texture and age, it was indeed a rare high-grade. After thinking about it for a while, Xie Ruyu frowned and suddenly realized: " No wonder you don't let me open stones at the Four Seas Inn, because you want to confuse the fake with the real!"

"What is false, and what is true?" Yang Wei paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, and explained confidently: "Miss Xie's eyesight is beyond human ability, and the reason why the piece of wool was pierced that day is not yours." Wrong, since someone made a fake, why can't I wait? What's more, it's not a fake at all."

Guessing that after wool was tampered with, Yang Wei spent the past two days looking for the best Longtang jadeite. After all, it was a loss of 500 million oceans. It was for nothing, and based on Yang Wei's understanding of people like Xie Ruyu, even if she made up for her losses, she would never be grateful to him.

Now that the wool is in the hands of Xie Ruyu, apart from Yang Wei, Xie Ruyu, and Sanshi, the craftsman who opened the stone, this matter can be said to be known to all. No one knows whether the wool is jade or jade. Huishatou, it would be unreasonable for him to stop here!

Yang Wei thought that his method had no flaws, but Xie Ruyu pursed her lips, shook her head slowly and said: "Mr. Yang, a little girl will never do such a thing of pretending to be fake. Since Mr. Yang has already thought of it With such a method, why didn’t you obediently buy the raw materials that day? If you want to make such a play and include me in it, don’t blame Ruyu for not cooperating with me.”

After Xie Ruyu finished speaking, she made a sign to see off the guests, but Yang Wei stepped forward and persuaded: "Miss Xie, if people know that this piece of wool is made of sand, wouldn't it be corrupted?" Your reputation? This matter is the best of both worlds, and the benefits far exceed 400 million oceans, and I will give you another reward after the matter is completed. Such generous conditions are not available every day, why don't you think about it?"

"No need," Xie Ruyu interrupted Yang Wei's words with his palm upright, his face was full of disdain for Yang Wei, and he said with extreme contempt: "Mr. The first thing I hate is people who only know how to gamble with stones and jade all day long. They don't have any great prospects, they only know how to fill up their own private love. The second thing they hate is businessmen like you. It’s not as good as one, the first one is just love jade, you guys don’t know shit about jade, and you want to get rich overnight, I still advise you to do less of this kind of dream!”

Yang Wei was dumbfounded by the words, but he saw that Ru Yu was still unwilling to give up, and he chased after him, saying: "A man's ambition is everywhere, the country is in trouble right now, even a red-haired and green-eyed person dares to seize the territory of China, and he is almost as tall as he is." The lair is gone, so don’t waste your time trying to make money! Some people are fighting on the battlefield, and you are afraid that you will be greedy for money, but if you keep going on like this, everyone will die sooner or later! Cut off the knife, but it is still no problem to kill the treacherous merchants and courtiers!" [

Xie Ruyu scolded eloquently with a sharp Beijing accent, but Yang Wei's heart was brightened when he heard it. --

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