Blood-quenched mountains and rivers

Chapter 451 The Land of the Dead Was Raided

Under the scorching sun of the desert, Yang Wei shook his hair. The hair on his head was already soaked in sweat, and it was very uncomfortable to stick to his scalp. However, in comparison, Tie Niu, whose hair was so short that he was indistinguishable from a bald head, obviously It was even more difficult to bear, the head was shiny and shiny from the sun, and the skin had obviously been peeled from the sun, one piece was red and the other was black, and it looked even more embarrassing.For the latest free chapters of this book, please visit www.

During the continuous march for several days, many soldiers under Yang Wei had fallen down. Fortunately, Yang Wei prepared sugar water in advance to replenish the soldiers' strength.However, the only sugar water was not enough to sustain the high-load marching tasks. Soldiers with heat stroke were helped on camels, and the two had to support each other to march, which greatly slowed down the marching speed.

Looking at the soldiers who fell one after another, Fang Shaohua was very worried. During the break, Fang Shaohua held Yang Wei back and said, "Commander Yang, if the situation continues like this, our soldiers may not be able to hold on."

When Yang Wei saw the soldiers suffering from heatstroke, his pain was no less than that of Fang Shaohua. It seemed that he had underestimated the poor power of the desert too much, and only after he really came in did he realize that talking about armies on paper is not feasible at any time.

However, Yang Wei cleared his throat. As an army commander, Yang Wei's water bottle is the same as that of ordinary soldiers. He has never drank more water than others. His dry and hoarse throat made a tearing voice, but he still tried his best to say loudly. : "Soldiers, I know the current situation is bad, but no matter how bad the situation is, I am enduring it with you. This is not only a war, but also a test of life. Now that I have put on this suit Military uniform, no matter what the situation is, you must stick to it.” [

Yang Wei talked eloquently and eloquently. In fact, without him speaking, the soldiers also knew that Yang Wei did not exercise the privilege of any army commander, but shared the joys and sorrows with the soldiers. This was seen by everyone.

But what Yang Wei said next greatly encouraged the soldiers. Yang Wei waved his hand and said, "Persist a little longer, and you can rest at night!"

Even with all their strength, the soldiers couldn't help but let out a low cry of excitement, forced themselves to stand up straight, and continued to march behind Yang Wei.

Yang Wei frowned, and said in a low voice with Fang Shaohua who was walking side by side: "It's not that I don't want them to rest, it's just that people get sleepy when they sit down. I can't get up."

Fang Shaohua couldn't help but sighed, and lowered his voice in a hoarse voice: "Commander, how long will it take to march like this?"

Seeing Yang Wei staring into the distance with a solemn expression, Yu Sheng said in a deep voice, "It will be soon."

That night, Yang Wei mercifully ordered to rest, and all the soldiers fell asleep drowsily, but just as everyone fell asleep, the deafening shouts that soared to the sky were getting closer and closer, and the grenades exploded in the camp. Countless fine sand and dust swirled in the air, and the successive explosions woke up the soldiers instantly. However, there were also some soldiers who were already asleep and would never wake up from the Lord of the Stars.

Yang Wei was very surprised by the sudden attack of a talented person, and the opponent's grenade attack was like a torrential rain. Yang Wei's only fortifications were sand trenches suggested to be built, but they were only built to prevent wind and sand. Not enough for all fighters to hide in it.

After leaving a firepower company behind to block the attack, Yang Wei led the large force to retreat. Although Sheng Shicai wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, he had no choice but to rain down Maxim's heavy machine guns. sieve.

Although Sheng Shicai seized the opportunity, but due to lack of advanced means of transportation, the weapons he carried were limited. After a grenade attack, Sheng Shicai's soldiers raised their rifles and rushed into Yang Wei's camp. The camp was suppressed by large-scale firepower from the soldiers of the firepower company.

At the same time, Yang Wei's retreating troops, relying on the terrain as simple fortifications, have already started to counterattack. The erected throwing canisters adjusted their direction, and howitzers started a fierce attack on Sheng Shicai's position. Amidst the gunfire, Sheng Shicai's soldiers fell one by one. The howitzer exploded in the sand, creating deep pits. Many soldiers were injured by the gravel and fell to the ground wailing.

The silent night was ignited by artillery fire, and the screams of killing came. The high-pitched fighting sounds and the screams of pain intertwined, spreading along the winding and undulating desert, and the whole world became a purgatory.

Under Yang Wei's command, there was a full 10 minutes of artillery coverage for Sheng Shicai to counterattack. Facing the howitzers falling from the sky, Sheng Shicai's soldiers had no other way to fight at all. At this moment, there were only two choices, or Run away, or die.

Sheng Shicai's army was scattered by Yang Wei's firepower. Although the sound of the horn never stopped, the soldiers couldn't find the location of the large army amidst the violent explosions, and some lost their way and ran for their way in a panic. He escaped, but fled to the area covered by artillery fire by accident. In the rain of artillery, the broken limbs were blown into the sky, and blood rained down.

As far as he could see, there were scattered corpses everywhere.

What I heard in my ears was filled with tragic cries.

The smell in the nose, the nose is full of bloody breath.

However, when Yang Wei's artillery fire covered most of the battlefield, Sheng Shicai's soldiers finally gathered together under the sound of the trumpets, and started to bypass the battlefield to fight back?Sheng Shicai's troops used their scattered formation to form an outflanking formation and invaded Yang Wei's position from all directions. After a burst of firepower, the soldiers who fought hand in hand began to fight hand to hand!

The fighters under Yang Wei had undergone formal combat and bayonet training. Although in terms of stature, compared with the burly and strong Xinjiang soldiers, they really did not have an advantage, but their dexterity was more than enough. [

In the dark night that covered the sky and covered the earth, the flames illuminated the faces of every soldier, and a ferocious murderous aura spread across their faces. Wherever they went, only fighting was the only thought in their minds.

Just as the sky was turning pale, Sheng Shicai's position finally sounded the call for assembly, and the soldiers who had become numb during the fight came back to their senses, no longer wanting to fight, but quickly retreated.

Under the light of the morning light, the dry and cold morning wind could not blow away the smell of gunpowder smoke and blood. The soldiers who were exhausted all night looked at the messy battlefield, filled with desolation everywhere.

After confirming that Sheng Shicai's troops had retreated, Yang Wei ordered the soldiers to clean up the battlefield, rescue the wounded and check the number of people. All non-commissioned officers at all levels gathered for a meeting to discuss the next countermeasures.

Standing in front of the tent, Yang Wei was heartbroken. Although he knew that there would be a battle between himself and Sheng Shicai, Yang Wei did not expect that the battle would come so soon. Before he was ready, the war was already over. The rush started.

When Sheng Shicai sent troops, he believed He Guangqiong's report and thought that Yang Wei's troops were his main force. Therefore, Sheng Shicai mobilized almost all his troops and all weapons and equipment. To be wounded. --

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