The sudden scream made everyone stunned for a moment, and they all looked at each other in blank dismay, with the same meaning conveyed in their astonished expressions.For the latest free chapters of this book, please visit www.

Is it actually a woman?

Tie Niu and Wang Buffalo rushed out, followed the direction of the sound, and immediately saw a young woman who was lying on the ground, and just shot her calf, blood gushed out, dyeing the silk long hair red. pants.

The woman couldn't move anymore, after hearing the voices of Tieniu and Wang Buffalo, she raised her head and looked at the two burly men in front of her. There was no fear on the woman's face, but it was full of unyielding and stubborn, her eyes full of hatred wished to see The two were riddled with holes.

Looking at the girl's eyes, Tie Niu and Wang Buffalo were stunned for a moment. Then, Tie Niu bit his lip, tore off a piece of the skirt, and squatted down in front of the woman to help her treat the wound, but the woman shrank her legs. Going back, he fumbled with one hand for the pistol that had fallen not far in front of him. [

Tie Niu calmly threw the pistol to Wang Buffalo, and held down the girl's calf with one hand. Hearing the pain of the girl, he couldn't help but let out a low cry. Tie Niu snorted angrily: "I know!" Hurt? Hold on, you deserve it!"

Without thinking, the girl gave Tieniu a vicious look. She still didn't know that the strong man in front of her didn't have the word Lianxiangxiyu in her dictionary, so she glared at Tieniu angrily, and said through gritted teeth: "I didn't let you control me! Let go! "

Tie Niu had heard about the fierceness of women from the Western Regions for a long time. He murmured in a low voice: "I don't want to care about it?" His wound was bandaged briefly, and Tieniu heaved a sigh of relief seeing that the bleeding from the gunshot wound gradually eased.

After such busy work by Tie Niu, the woman found that her injury had improved a lot, the wound was no longer bleeding profusely, and she could even stand up while leaning on the wall. The woman looked at Tie Niu with confusion in her eyes, It seems that he doesn't quite believe his kindness.

"Okay," Tie Niu snorted, as if he had seen through the girl's mind, he waved his hand to interrupt the girl's wild thoughts, cleared his throat and said with a dignified expression: "The wound is tied up for you."

The woman pursed her lips, a word of thanks had slipped to her lips, but she finally swallowed it back forcefully, gritted her teeth and said, "Goodbye."

Tieniu's eyes widened in shock, and he patted the girl's shoulder with a big hand, pulling her back and saying, "You want to leave now? Let me ask you, why did you shoot me?"

"There is no need for any reason," the woman said confidently, "I, Assia, will never forgive anyone who hurts my father!"

Tie Niu and Wang Buffalo felt confused for a moment, but saw Asiya sneer and said with contempt: "Don't pretend anymore, there is a god three feet above your head, I will never forget your skin!"

When Huba was captured, Asiya was so excited, she only remembered that the one who captured her father was a soldier, but she forgot that their military uniforms were completely different from those of Tie Niu and others. As Sheng Shicai's subordinate.

Tie Niu didn't understand what he said, so Wang Buffalo, who was standing by the side, made a rough guess. It must be that Zhao Youliang didn't do a good job. No wonder he brought back more camels than others that day, Wang Buffalo said in a muffled voice. : "Little girl, I think you may have admitted the wrong person."

As soon as this remark came out, Tieniu immediately understood the origin of it, grabbed Wang Buffalo by the collar and said, "Did you do something outrageous?"

Wang Buffalo looked wronged, Zhao Youliang was indeed his subordinate, but this person's thoughts of leapfrogging have not been a day or two, in order to climb up and step on himself, this person can be said to have done everything he can, what did he do? Such things are not surprising, Wang Shui Niu couldn't help but said loudly with grievance: "Can I blame this thing? I didn't arrest the person?"

Asiya squinted her eyes at the arguing Iron Bull and Wang Buffalo, and sneered contemptuously: "You two don't need to act, your sins have long been seen by Allah, even if you can fool ordinary people, You can't lie to Allah's judgment, and you will go to hell sooner or later!"

Tie Niu opened his mouth wide, pointed at Wang Buffalo and said excitedly: "He, he, he... I am not with him!"

"Hey, a man is brave enough to act bravely," Assia pointed at the iron bull's nose and said, "Pipe and take care of it, the two of you are carved out of the same mold, I'm not blind!"

This made Wang Buffalo dumbfounded. He didn't expect that it was a sin to look like him. He sighed and said, "Little girl, I did not steal your camel, and we don't know about your father, but we came here It is to find someone to help. Our camel is about to die in the desert. Don’t you people in Morgan town claim to treat camels closer than your own son? You just have the heart to watch your own son die in the desert. In the desert?"

Asiya cursed fiercely, stomped her feet and said, "Don't talk nonsense! I won't help you do anything wrong, so hurry up, no one in Morgan Town will help you!"

After all, Asiya limped and turned back while leaning on the wall. Tie Niu and Wang Buffalo looked at each other in dismay. The two of them wandered around the town of Morgan with their soldiers for a whole day, and almost thought of everything. However, all the townspeople felt as if they had seen a ghost when they saw them, and they didn't even have a chance to explain. [

When the sky darkened, Tieniu let out a suffocated snort, glared at Wang Buffalo and said, "It's all your good deeds, and you will be punished if you do too many unreasonable things?"

Wang Buffalo had a dry mouth, licked his chapped lips and said impatiently: "What can you do if things are already like this? Let me tell you, cut some grass and go back. The camels may survive after eating. They won't You can't kidnap someone for help, can you? How is that different from Shengshi Cai?"

Tieniu squinted his eyes and did not speak. After pondering for a long time, he found that there was no other plan except what Wang Shuiniu said. Thinking of Wang Shuiniu's promise to Yang Wei that he would be able to find a way before he set off, he would be so ashamed now. Going back in a hurry, Tie Niu was so angry that he blushed and cursed thickly: "Didn't you promise well at the beginning? Now it can't work? It's a shame for me to follow you! If I knew it, I should have let Commander Yang shoot you!"

Wang Buffalo waved his hands angrily and said, "Then things are already like this, what else can you do?"

Tie Niu ignored Wang Buffalo and strode out of the city in the dark. Wang Buffalo and a group of soldiers trotted to catch up with Tie Niu, panting heavily, "What are you going to do?"

Tie Niu shouted angrily: "Let's go! I'm gnashing my teeth with hatred. Stay here overnight and be careful to be smeared and bled. If you fall asleep, you won't be able to get up. I won't give you poor luck. Life!"--

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