After leaving the Dutong Mansion, Yang Wei came to the Victor Hotel not far from the Dutong Mansion. The group of Soviet weapons experts who had been rescued from Sheng Shicai were now staying in this hotel.

Counting it, it has been quite a while since Yang Wei occupied Urumqi. Yang Wei, who was busy all day, almost forgot about the weapon expert, finally spared some time to come to the hotel to visit everyone.

In the restaurant of the hotel, several weapons experts had been waiting for a long time, and when they saw Yang Wei, they rushed forward. A dozen or so weapons experts who were tall and sizable wanted to surround Yang Wei into a group, and everyone was talking Russian, Yang Wei looked at the crowd with a confused face, gesturing to his ears and waving his hands again and again, but cursed in his heart. These Soviet weapons experts have been urging Yang Wei to arrange for them to return to China since they first entered the door. Yang Wei simply pretended not to understand Russian. .

Speaking of Russian, although Yang Wei is not proficient, he can speak a little bit. I also want to thank him for reading a lot of books on Soviet weapons when he was obsessed with weapon manufacturing. Holding a dictionary, I learned Russian by myself, and after a long time, I can be regarded as a self-taught teacher, especially in terms of weapon technical terms.

Yang Wei sat down in the crowd unhurriedly, picked up the coffee and drank a couple of sips, then snapped his fingers and greeted the interpreter who had been waiting in the distance. Seeing the Russian interpreter made all the Soviet weapons experts feel very cordial , hurriedly surrounded this person in the middle, you started talking to each other, the interpreter was so busy that saliva flew in his mouth, but Yang Wei didn't even bother to listen, anyway, they were all the same words, and his ears were already callused. [

The general idea of ​​the Soviet weapons experts was to ask Yang Wei to arrange for them to return to the motherland as soon as possible.

Yang Wei sighed, gestured with his fingers and counted together: "If it is possible, of course I want to send you back to China sooner than you. You are staying in Urumqi now, and you are staying in the best hotel. You need all your daily necessities. We are in charge of the preparations, and even the meals are more than twice as much as the meals of my soldiers, so I will have to calculate such a large bill with you in the future."

Yang Wei secretly smiled and said that these weapons experts were no different from beggars when they were rescued, and there was only a strip of multi-purpose cloth left on their bodies - it can be used as a shawl when it is cold, and it can be wrapped around the waist to hide shame when it is not cold, it is shameful Sometimes it can be used to cover your face, but don't underestimate such a piece of rag, it's the most valuable thing on them Evil sweetheart is too delicate!They were originally a group of fellows who were poorer than beggars, but in a blink of an eye they came to Yang Wei to give them good food and drink, but they still wanted to turn into serfs and sing and make demands on Yang Wei?

The greatest pity of human beings is that they do not know themselves. At this time, Yang Wei couldn't agree more with this sentence, but now these weapons experts have obviously reached a very pitiful state. They argue with each other, thinking that it is Yang Wei who failed to return to China If they return to their country, they will naturally have an endless amount of Da Lie Bar and butter condensed milk, instead of eating this unpalatable baked naan in Urumqi.

Yang Wei looked at the crowd, nodded repeatedly and said: "That's right, I also hope that you can bring your wrappings and return to your place where you can get so cold that you can't even pee at any time."

The busy interpreter was shocked when he heard this, his mouth seemed to be stuffed with a duck egg, he opened his mouth and looked at Yang Wei, stammering in surprise: "Commander... this..."

Yang Wei waved his hand disapprovingly and said, "Just tell them that."

The interpreter finally grasped the spirit, turned around and changed, even the expression was very similar to Yang Wei, and passed this sentence to several Soviet weapons experts. This sentence made them scratch their hair, and for a long time they couldn't believe that Yang Wei would say Saying such words, but after confirming the meaning, the arrogance on everyone's faces subsided a lot in a blink of an eye.

After these Soviet weapons experts finally stopped their endless chatter, Yang Wei looked at the crowd coldly and said, "We have discussed this issue more than once before, and of course I hope you will go back, but the problem is that no one has contacted you yet." Come on, if you let you leave without permission, you will probably lose your life if you encounter an ambush from the rest of Sheng Shicai's troops on the way. What if some of your people come to ask me for someone in the future? This army commander doesn't want to get into such trouble .”

"Our people have been here," one of the leading weapons experts looked at Yang Wei, and saw that the man had fair skin, and the yellow beard on his face looked like long-haired pigskin, which looked very abrupt. A black mole is like a raisin that cannot be buckled all year round. The weapons expert looked at Yang Wei calmly, and said word by word: "Mr. Yang, don't think we don't know. Last week, the military officer of Kordo once You brought soldiers to pick us up, but you drove us back!"

There was a wave of waves, and as soon as Raisin said this, the other people also shouted loudly, looking angrily at Yang Wei and asking aggressively.

Yang Wei looked at the crowd calmly, as if nothing happened, but in fact these things did happen.

After bringing these weapons experts back to Urumqi, Yang Wei settled them in the Victor Hotel, and sent people to guard the surrounding area closely to take care of the safety of the weapons experts. I sent it by telegram, and soon got a call back from the other party, saying that there are indeed these people, they are experts who suddenly disappeared in the Soviet Union one after another some time ago, but they were kidnapped by Sheng Shicai, and the Soviet side immediately expressed their gratitude to Yang Wei However, Yang Wei asked the Soviet Union to take back these weapons experts in person, citing the lack of troops and insufficient manpower.

Yang Wei is the hero who rescued these weapon experts from Sheng Sheng Shicai's clutches, and he is also polite when he speaks. These demands are not excessive. After all, it is reasonable and for the safety of these weapon experts. , so I immediately got the consent of the Soviet Union, and quickly sent people to approach.

Those who were sent were a military attache of the Soviet officer Kordo and his followers.

Kordo is located in the border area, and the so-called military attache is just a small official with the size of a sesame seed and mung bean. After the two sides met, Yang Wei immediately stated that the strength of these troops might not be able to safely send the weapons experts back to the Soviet Union. They are responsible for their personal safety, and they cannot be allowed to take risks like this anyway.

Yang Wei said it with great pride, and he treated these Soviet weapons experts with enthusiasm and care, just like treating his own sons, for fear of encountering accidents on the road.

This kind of action inevitably made the weapon experts feel puzzled and indignant, but Yang Wei was thinking of them in every word.

I am afraid that Yang Wei is the only one who knows what Yang Wei thinks. --[

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