Although the slender and pretty figure just flashed past Yang Wei, it was deeply engraved in Yang Wei's sight. Yang Wei quickly got up, drove away the people blocking in front, and rushed towards the figure in three steps at a time. past.Please remember the URL of this site:.

It seemed that he had noticed Yang Wei's pace, the figure quickened his pace, Yang Wei followed closely, the two were unwilling to show weakness, but since the other party was a woman after all, their pace couldn't match Yang Wei's speed, Yang Wei soon caught up, The figure turned around and hid in the side alleyway, Yang Wei hurriedly chased up, grabbed the woman's wrist just as the other party was dodging, and pinned her to the wall.

The quiet alleyway is a dead end, and no one seems to pass by here on weekdays. At this time, there are only Yang Wei and the woman. The woman is wearing a black satin robe, and a black veil covers her hair and face. It hangs down to her shoulders, this layer of misty mystery makes her look more attractive, her eyes seem to be able to speak.

"Commander Yang, come on..."

Yang Wei shook his head hastily, as if hallucinations had appeared in his head, Yang Wei cursed in a low voice, Yao Ruhua was also to blame for his blurred consciousness, he always flirts with flirtatious teasers in front of him on weekdays, Yang Wei opened the Taking off the veil on the woman's face, Yao Ruhua's all-powerful face immediately appeared in front of Yang Wei. [

She was pressed against the wall by Yang Wei, but Yao Ruhua didn't seem nervous, as if she was enjoying this moment, she licked her lips, her soft lips exuded a faint luster, she looked like a Yang Wei gulped his saliva, and Yao Ruhua said with a slight smile, "What? Commander Yang can't wait?"

Yang Wei curled his lips in resignation, then let go of Yao Ruhua and said, "Why are you here?"

Yao Ruhua brushed the broken hair on her shoulders, shrugged her shoulders in an extremely attractive posture, and said with a faint smile: "Where I want to appear, it seems to have nothing to do with Commander Yang, rather than saying that you want to know why I am here Appearing, I am more concerned about why Commander Yang spotted me in the crowd? Is it because I, Yao Ruhua, are too alluring, or is it because Commander Yang has been following me secretly?"

Yang Wei really couldn't figure out why Yao Ruhua had such strong self-confidence, as if any man in the world would be rebellious if he didn't fall in love with her, Yang Wei reluctantly pinched his sore bridge of the nose, it seemed that even There is no result to entangle with Yao Ruhua like this, Yang Wei waved his hand and said: "Forget it, since you have nothing to do, don't stay in such a place, it's not good for an attractive woman like you, aren't you afraid of being taken away?" ?”

"Of course it's scary!" Yao Ruhua took advantage of the situation and leaned forward, holding Yang Wei's arm, and the little bird clung to his body and said: "But with Commander Yang by his side, of course there is nothing to worry about. I don't know where Commander Yang is going. Where? Can I get a lift?"

Yang Wei has always thought that being beautiful, gentle and temperless are the three rare virtues of a woman, but Yao Ruhua, who seems to have gathered these three virtues, can make herself have an urge to escape at all times. The reason why men like to pursue beautiful, gentle and good-tempered women is because they have never encountered such a woman. If they really meet such Yao Ruhua, I believe that for thousands of years, men's aesthetics and mate selection will be completely subverted. Yang Wei took a deep breath Taking a deep breath, he suppressed his temper and said, "Where are you going?"

I thought that I could get rid of Yao Ruhua's scheming revenge, but I didn't expect Yao Ruhua to be much smarter than Yang Wei imagined, so she stuck out her tongue playfully and said, "I'll go wherever you go!"

Before Yang Wei could answer, Yao Ruhua hugged Yang Wei's arm more intimately and pulled him out of the alleyway, like a close couple, Yao Ruhua clung to Yang Wei's side and never left, completely forgetting about herself She used to be Sheng Shicai's wife, and she did not shy away from being intimate with Yang Wei in public. Compared with Yang Wei, Yang Wei felt flushed and embarrassed.

Yao Ruhua made Yang Wei unable to escape like an octopus. After finally escaping into the car, Yang Wei hurriedly ordered the driver to return to the Dutong Mansion. Even when he got off the car, Yao Ruhua hugged Yang Wei tightly , when he followed Yang Wei to the door of Yang Wei's office, Yang Wei stopped Yao Ruhua, put one hand in front of Yao Ruhua and said, "Mrs. Don't you think so?"

Yang Wei thought that he had made this very clear, and that any woman with a little reserve should understand what she should do now. Yao Ruhua squinted her eyes and pondered for a moment, then nodded meaningfully: "Commander Yang is right, woman It is virtue, and it seems inappropriate to work with Commander Yang."

Hearing this, Yang Wei finally breathed a sigh of relief, but Yao Ruhua's next words gave Yang Wei a headache. Seeing Yao Ruhua sticking to Yang Wei's body, she wished she could climb on Yang Wei's body like a monkey climbing a tree. Turning around, he said: "However, seeing Commander Yang being exhausted every day, Ruhua really felt sorry for Commander Yang, worrying about military matters is true, but Commander Yang is a flesh and blood body after all, not a machine, and he must rest when he should rest , Always have fun when you should have fun, Commander Yang said... right?"

Yao Ruhua's fingertips were caressing Yang Wei's chest, and while turning slightly, Yang Wei's shirt buttons had been unbuttoned by Yao Ruhua, and Yao Ruhua's breath went straight into Yang Wei's chest, disturbing his heartbeat unconsciously, her fingertips Gently, she slowly slipped in along Yang Wei's open skirt, her soft fingertips wandered across Yang Wei's chest, her slightly long nails touched Yang Wei's skin, every inch of her skin was jumping with joy. enjoy.

Yao Ruhua stared at Yang Wei, her eyes were even a little blurred, she held Yang Wei's shoulder with one hand, and slowly stood on tiptoe, leaning her lips to Yang Wei's, the two of them moved closer, Yao Ruhua She could even see her enchanting and alluring face in Yang Wei's pupils, but Yao Ruhua couldn't help feeling a little disappointed by those frosty pupils, even she couldn't help but be moved by what she saw in her pupils, but Yang Wei didn't seem to have the same feeling at all.

Just when Yao Ruhua's lips were about to touch Yang Wei's soft lips, Yang Wei's fingers suddenly blocked between the two of them. Yao Ruhua looked at Yang Wei in astonishment, her body was shaking a little unsteadily, but fortunately she was leaning against the wall behind her. , otherwise he almost fell to the ground, but Yang Wei on the opposite side was unmoved, looking at Yao Ruhua with firm eyes, without any expression of pity.

Yang Wei cleared his throat, calmly adjusted his shirt slowly, and said disapprovingly: "Mrs. Sheng, Yang still said that I didn't do anything to you, but it doesn't mean I can't, but I think it's right to do so." It's not a good thing for the two of us, don't forget that you are Sheng Shicai's wife, don't forget that you have a husband in exile."

Yang Wei's every word was like a sharp knife, piercing Yao Ruhua's heart with thousands of arrows. Her face was ashen, her lips were bitten to blood, pointing at Yang Wei's nose, her voice trembled with anger and said loudly: " asshole!"--

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