No matter how beautiful the spring night is, it will eventually come to an end. The whole night, Yang Wei did not sleep well, and was half asleep and half awake in several extremely chaotic dreams.For the latest free chapters of this book, please visit www.

The last thing Yang Wei dreamed of was Mahula covered in blood. Although killing enemies on the battlefield was already commonplace for Yang Wei, and he had seen countless dead people, but for some reason, Mahula’s face was It made Yang Wei feel chills all over his body, and he struggled to wake up from his sleep immediately.

The bed was empty except for Yang Wei. Yao Ruhua, who spent the night with Yang Wei tenderly last night, did not know where to go now. When Yang Wei woke up, the sky outside had already turned white. Yang Wei got up from the bed in shock. In the dream, the knife on Mahura's neck seemed to be suggesting something to Yang Wei. The mysteries in his head were connected by the clues formed by the knife, and the truth was solved one by one.

Excited, Yang Wei grabbed the clothes beside the bed and put them on indiscriminately. He grabbed Tie Niu who was guarding the door and was wondering whether to wake Yang Wei up. Tie Niu was startled by Yang Wei's movements and patted him repeatedly. But before his heartbeat stabilized, Yang Wei hurriedly asked loudly: "Where are the troops sent to attack Sheng Shicai's weapons factory?"

Tieniu looked at Yang Wei with a ignorant face and said, "It's already set off. Didn't the commander have an order to attack before dawn tomorrow?"

Asked by Yang Wei like this, the aggrieved Tieniu was confused, looked at Yang Wei suspiciously and said, "I don't know whether to wake up the commander, I thought last night..."

Tieniu was indeed thinking of Yang Wei wholeheartedly, for fear that Yang Wei and Yao Ruhua would turn heads last night, and it was normal for him to be unable to get up in the morning after a storm. Although it was really inappropriate to do this kind of thing the night before the battle, Who can stop a whim?What's more, Tieniu has long been used to pretending to turn a blind eye to such glamorous things.

Hearing this, Yang Wei immediately couldn't help but blamed angrily: "Last night! You didn't do anything last night!"

Yang Wei didn't bother to explain anything to Tieniu, he waved his hand impatiently and directed Tieniu: "Contact the front line immediately, find a way to make them stop attacking!" [

Before he finished speaking, Yang Wei heard the sound of artillery explosions in the distance, and the earth seemed to tremble because of it. Tieniu covered his ears and repeated loudly: "What do you want to contact the front line?"

Yang Wei tugged Tieniu's ears and said word by word: "Stop attacking!"

These words made Tie Niu's eyes widen in surprise.

It is very normal for Tieniu to be puzzled. In fact, even Yang Wei never thought about changing his mind about attacking Sheng Shicai. Everything happened too suddenly. Before, Yang Wei never thought about these seemingly complicated and clueless things. Things are actually so simple, and the reason why people are surprised is that I have been off track and gone in the wrong direction.

All the instigators are actually the same person, and this person has always been by Yang Wei's side, but it was precisely because Yang Wei did not want to believe that this person was removed from the murderer's list, which led to everything being unsettled. to a reasonable explanation.

The real murderer is actually Yao Ruhua.

Throughout the night, Yang Wei kept dreaming of the scars on Mahula's neck repeatedly. It was very obvious that the truly fatal scar was made of knife wounds. This was not a dream, but Yang Wei's subconscious. He was very concerned about this knife wound. It was the same as Atayi's killing. It was also done by a sharp knife. Yang Wei had been unwilling to believe that Mahula was also killed by Yao Ruhua, but in his sleep, his consciousness had already told his real answer.

When Yao Ruhua killed Atayi, Yang Wei knew it clearly. Atayi's clothes were messy, and he obviously wanted to molest Yao Ruhua. It is understandable.

But Mahula was killed by Yao Ruhua, Yang Wei couldn't understand such a thing, there must be a reason, but no matter what the reason was, Yao Ruhua lied to Yang Wei, which Yang Wei couldn't accept Yes, if Yao Ruhua hadn't done something against her will, she would never have told herself such an outrageous lie.

This made Yang Wei feel extremely ridiculous. He actually believed Yao Ruhua's sheepskin lies like that.Instead, Yao Ruhua pretended to be a victim sadly in front of her.

Similarly, in the chaotic situation at that time, Yao Ruhua was able to fool Mahula without anyone noticing. Such an ability really surprised Yang Wei, including the wounds of Mahula and Atayi. It clearly proves that Yao Ruhua definitely has an extraordinary identity.

But now, Yang Wei, who doesn't even know why Yao Ruhua appeared, finds that Yao Ruhua has quietly left again by a strange coincidence, and no one in his army knows Yao Ruhua's whereabouts. It is certain that Yao Ruhua must have hidden secrets behind her, and maybe even Sheng Shicai was kept in the dark.

At this moment, Yang Wei remembered that Mahula's subordinates said that it seemed that Mahula had told Yao Ruhua to steal something from Sheng Shicai's factory. Get up, Yao Ruhua wants to kill Mahula, is it because Mahula knows some ulterior secret?

Now, most of the people who knew about the whole matter were killed or injured. Except for myself, an outsider who knew little about it, the only one who could possibly know the inside story was Sheng Shicai.

At this time, Sheng Shicai did not pose a threat to Yang Wei. On the contrary, it was the matter of Yao Ruhua that made Yang Wei feel that it was not easy. Cai himself, if I want to bring him back alive, I still have something to ask him.”[

Sitting in the guest room, Yang Wei had mixed feelings in his heart. It seemed that he had misunderstood many things. Maybe Yao Ruhua was willing to follow Mahula to this place from the very beginning. Being calculated by Yao Ruhua, just because of such a woman, she turned everyone around, and even Yang Wei couldn't see through her tricks.

Now Yang Wei's pursuit of this matter is not only about curiosity or resentment, but the real purpose behind Yao Ruhua, which makes Yang Wei smell complicated and dangerous.

Not long after Yang Wei gave the order, the news from the front came back immediately. It is said that Sheng Shicai's troops in the weapons factory probably consisted of less than one regiment. At first, he showed signs of surrendering, but for some reason, after a while Suddenly the onslaught began.

Sheng Shicai had already shown his determination to fight to the death.

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