Blood-quenched mountains and rivers

Chapter 539 Brothel 1 Meeting an Old Friend

The reason why Yang Wei did this was not because of any rebellious psychology. After all, everyone is an adult and can no longer play those childish tricks of doing what for what.For the latest free chapters of this book, please visit www.

If it wasn't for Fang Shaohua's reminder, Yang Wei might not have thought of this idea at all, because he really doesn't know Xiang Yumei too well. From talking about Xiang Yumei's preferences, he doesn't know what Xiang Yumei hates. Hua told Yang Wei what Xiang Yumei hated the most, which just made him do the opposite.

Yang Wei's purpose is to make Xiang Yumei hate herself.

Imagine that this He Yingqin's niece, who was personally secured by Chiang Kai-shek, traveled thousands of miles to Xinjiang to look for Yang Wei. The best way for Xiang Yumei to voluntarily give up this marriage is to make Xiang Yumei feel disappointed and disgusted with herself.

Thinking of self-destructing his image, Yang Wei couldn't help but let out a long sigh. He was full of emotions. In order to get rid of the wife who came to his door, he actually did such a thing. The sadness in it is really beyond comprehension for ordinary people.

The energetic Yang Wei stood up and pulled out the Tieniu who was not full, and the Tieniu who was still licking the corner of his mouth puffed up and muttered: "Commander, if my stomach is not full, it will be easy. something happened."

"Don't worry," Yang Wei waved his hands nonchalantly, "In this army, the commander who loves you the most is you Tieniu. How could he have the heart to let you go hungry?"

Tieniu looked at Yang Wei in confusion, only to see Yang Wei's face was full of mystery, and he said meaningfully: "This army commander will take you to a good place to eat delicious food, it's so lively!"

In the cold wind, Yang Wei took the iron ox against the wind and walked towards the city. In this small border town, after nightfall, the whole city was almost plunged into darkness. Yang Wei took the iron ox He went all the way without telling him where the destination was, and Tieniu, who was full of question marks, couldn't help asking several times, and couldn't help muttering: "Commander, don't you think you want to sell me? "[

Hearing Tieniu's tone full of grievances and worries, Yang Wei couldn't help laughing and said: "How much can you sell? It's not enough for the food that my commander feeds you! What's more, it's too expensive to sell." You don’t weigh the scale until you’re full!”

Such an ambiguous answer not only failed to dispel Tieniu's doubts, but made him more worried, but just when Tieniu wanted to ask more questions, Yang Wei's footsteps had already stopped.

Tieniu raised his head and looked at a small building in front of him. In the dark street, only this small building was still full of feasting lights, and the neon lights were shining in the lonely smoke of the desert, which was very gratifying. Compared with the old and lonely houses and shops around, it is simply a paradise on earth.

Judging from Yang Wei's stopped footsteps, this is their destination tonight, and Tieniu, who realized this, took a step back in surprise and stammered: "Commander, don't we have to come to this place?" ?”

Although Tieniu is a dumbass, he has seen the world in Shanghai anyway, so how could he not know brothels?Since entering the Nanjing National Government and becoming a regular army, Yang Wei ordered the soldiers in the army to stop thinking of going in and out of such places. How could Yang Wei, who had always followed the same rules as the soldiers, behaved uncharacteristically today and ran to the brothel by himself? ?This inevitably made Tieniu puzzled and worried.

Yang Wei didn't care about Tieniu's doubts at all, and whispered meaningfully: "Aren't you full? Of course, the commander of the army will bring you to eat delicious food."

Tie Niu's face was flushed, and the blood all over his body was agitated, but a gust of cold wind blew, and Tie Niu immediately woke up a lot, and said in a crying voice: "My mother said, you can't enter this kind of place even if you are killed. Go to hell! I... I won't go!"

Seeing Tieniu's shy and nervous look, Yang Wei felt bad, and dragged Tieniu in without saying a word.

Doesn't she, Xiang Yumei, dislike lustful men?Yang Wei thought he was not of this generation, but in order to get rid of Xiang Yumei's pursuit, he had no choice but to sacrifice his life for righteousness!This thought made Yang Wei's steps into the door even somewhat tragic, slow and heavy, until Yingge Yanyu surrounded him.

The flamboyant bustards greeted them first. Although Yang Wei and Tieniu didn't wear military commanders, as the bustards of the brothel, it's easy to know people. Which one is rich and which is poor, even if you close your eyes and use your nose, you can smell it. , I saw Yang Wei's extraordinary status at a glance, he came forward to greet Yang Wei attentively and put his arms around Yang Wei's arm and said: "Please, sir, do you want to drink or stay overnight?"

Since he wanted to play the role of a heartless person, of course he wanted to play the role to the fullest. Yang Wei, who was eager to try, said loudly without hesitation: "Of course it's an overnight stay! Pick me the best girl here! The army commander's garrison is just outside the city. , have fun and let all your girls make money!"

As soon as he heard that he was the commander of the army, the old bustard immediately widened his eyes and said shyly: "It goes without saying that the military master is rich. He looks strong at first glance. I'm afraid we girls can't stand it, so I will definitely give it to you." Pick the best girl, who is good-looking, sweet-mouthed, and skillful, please go upstairs, Mr. Jun!"

Yang Wei nodded, and started to go upstairs, but Tieniu seemed to be nailed by a nail. He stood at the door and refused to take a step. He probably saw that Yang Wei planned to have a good time today. Tieniu, who was full of complaints, pouted and turned his head away: "The commander is so fun, I, Tieniu, just guard the gate here."

Seeing Tieniu's stubborn look, Yang Weina sighed softly and said, "I really don't know how to enjoy it. Don't say that this army commander treats you unkindly."

After finishing speaking, Yang Wei was already supported by the girl to go up to the second floor. Tieniu couldn't help stomping his feet fiercely, wishing he could find Fang Shaohua right now. [

Compared with the outside, the brothel is filled with hot air tainted with love, which makes people unable to control themselves. As soon as the soft voice of the young woman hits the ear, the bones of the whole person will be crisp. Yang Wei was helped into the room on the second floor.

In the hazy gauze curtains that shrouded all around, singing and dancing swayed around, and in the dim light, a woman sitting on a soft couch could be seen faintly.

The woman was half lying on the bed, with a pair of slender hands resting on her slender legs, and the other arm resting her head carelessly, she was looking sideways at Yang Wei, her charming posture made the woman's plump and straight figure The whole scene was displayed in front of Yang Wei, full of wanton lust and provocative teasing, even Yang Wei couldn't help swallowing when he saw this scene.

The more half-covered and half-exposed, the more hot and unbearable it is. Yang Wei was a little excited. He pushed aside the veil and stepped forward. When separated by a bead curtain, Yang Wei felt that the blood in his whole body was about to bleed. boiling.

"Commander," the beautiful lady on the bed spoke softly, her voice was a little hoarse but more alluring, and she said like a dream: "Little girl has been waiting for a long time, and I hope that the general will be satisfied tonight."

Before he finished speaking, a pair of Bai Yuxia's slender and straight legs stretched out from the bead curtain, which was alluring.

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