Due to the turbulent journey and the heavy load, it was already evening when von Box arrived. Yang Wei had already prepared a meal and welcomed von Box in. He said happily, "This time we really have Mr. Lobox."

Von Box took the towel handed up by others and wiped the dust off his face. He said with a bitter face, "This road is really difficult. How do you say that in Chinese? Stomach and back The backs are almost glued together."

Yang Wei invited Feng Box to take a seat with a smile, and the other party was not polite. It was actually the empty stomach of Feng Box, who soon filled his stomach and was about to pull Yang Wei to the door. He stood up and said impatiently: " Mr. Yang, this Krupp artillery is very rare, and we spent a lot of effort to transport it here, you should check it first, hoping to meet your requirements."

In terms of business, German businessmen are also very strict, responsible and honest. Yang Wei is not worried about this. He took von Box to sit down calmly, poured him a glass of wine, and said calmly : "I am very relieved about the Krupp artillery. This time you came just in time. I have another business. I don't know if you are interested."

The business of ordering Krupp artillery has already made von Box a fortune. Hearing that Yang Wei has other business, he suddenly became excited, as if all the fatigue along the way was swept away, and he looked at Yang Wei excitedly. Said: "Oh? What kind of weapon does Mr. Yang need?"

Looking at the weapons of various countries today, Yang Wei is not satisfied with the comprehensive power and price. In addition to the efficient training methods of the German armed forces, the weapons are also very sophisticated compared to the domestic princes. Most of the troops today use The Hanyang-made, Shuilianzhu, Xiamanli, and Golden Hook rifles cannot meet Yang Wei's weapons and equipment needs, and the large number of calibers means that logistical support is complicated and difficult.

After all, in order to prepare weapons for a regiment of nearly 3000 soldiers, all aspects must be considered thoroughly. After comprehensive consideration of all factors, Yang Wei thought of a perfect solution, that is, to order a batch of weapons with firepower far exceeding the current ones. While ordering weapons, the production of ammunition must also be grasped at the same time.

Yang Wei told Feng Box of his thoughts, and specifically hinted: "I ordered a lot this time, and the reward will be much richer than last time."

I thought this would be enough to make von Box something, but Yang Wei didn't expect von Box to shake his head after hearing this, and said helplessly: "Mr. Yang, although I am very interested in this business, I really don't Ability completed."

Due to the special situation after World War I, most of Germany's weapons production factories were forced to close down or even disbanded, and many weapons factories were dismantled by the Allies.Although Yang Wei also pointed out that this order was a huge business, which made von Box unimpressed, but it was precisely because of the huge demand that there was no way to blatantly produce it.

Yang Wei frowned. Although he could not only entrust the Germans to produce his weapons, von Box is the most trustworthy arms dealer in his circle of people. To customize such a large number of weapons for himself made Yang Wei feel very embarrassed for a while.

Feng Box apologized to Yang Wei in a low voice. Yang Wei waved his hand and said with a smile: "This is not your problem. Business is what you want. It's getting late today, and Mr. Box is here Let’s stay in the humble house for one night.”

After Yang Wei arranged a room for von Box and his driver, he went back to his room to study the design drawings. In this plan to order weapons, Yang Wei's favorite is the mg34 general-purpose machine gun.

Yang Wei thought hard until late at night, and fell asleep lying on the table before he knew it. When he woke up, it was already broad daylight, and von Box downstairs got up, washed and tidied up, and was about to leave.

After one night, von Box still felt guilty, and he said helplessly to Yang Wei: "Mr. Yang, I'm really sorry, your request this time is really beyond my ability, I can't help, I feel very guilty. "

Yang Wei shook his head, and personally accompanied Feng Box to the factory gate, and said sincerely as he walked, "I can't blame you for this matter, the current situation is turbulent, everyone has their own difficulties, but I believe that in the future we will There are many more opportunities for cooperation.”

Just as Yang Wei was saying this, there was a sudden sound of brakes outside the door, and the two strode in from the door. Yang Wei raised his eyes and found that the person who came was Hans Remke, who was also a German. He and Karl Schomke went straight to Yang Wei, and before Yang Wei could introduce them, von Box took the initiative to walk in front of Hans Remke, reached out to shake hands with him familiarly, and said warmly : "Lieutenant Colonel Hans Remke, it's an honor to meet you."

Lieutenant Colonel Hans Remke still had that lukewarm expression on his face, and said in a deep voice, "I'm also very surprised. How is your father recently?"

It turned out that the two were old acquaintances, which Yang Wei did not expect. It seems that this world is really too small.

It was rare for von Box and Lieutenant Colonel Hans Remke to meet here, and the two exchanged warm greetings, but von Box, who was about to leave, turned around and followed Hans Remke The principal returned to Yang Wei's living room together.

As soon as everyone sat down on the sofa, von Box winked at Yang Wei, then turned his head to look at Lieutenant Colonel Hans Remke, and said angrily: "Damn the Treaty of Versailles, Our business has had a lot of difficulty because of it."

Lieutenant Colonel Hans Remke put down his coffee cup and said slowly, "Is your business also affected?"

Feng Box nodded again and again: "Yes, the current situation is extremely bad. I just rejected Mr. Yang's order yesterday."

I heard that there is also a business relationship between Yang Wei and von Box, which made Hans Remke very interested.Only then did Yang Wei understand von Box's intentions. After all, Lieutenant Colonel Hans Remke was an important member of the military, and although Germany is currently restricted by the Treaty of Versailles and cannot produce large weapons, it is similar to the Krupp company. Some companies are still secretly manufacturing weapons for the German military. If Lieutenant Colonel Hans Remke can help, then Yang Wei's order will not be a problem.Blood quenching mountains and rivers 54

The understanding Yang Wei also chimed in, and said with a sad face, "That's right, I recently designed a machine gun with my friend. I originally hoped that Mr. Box would contact the factory to manufacture it, but now it seems that there is no chance."

Yang Wei's words drew Carl Schom's exclamation: "I really didn't expect that Mr. Yang is not only good at designing tanks, he is also good at machine guns?"

Yang Wei waved his hand with a smile and asked Tieniu to fetch the design drawings from the study on the second floor, and handed them to Lieutenant Colonel Hans Remke.

"This is a machine gun I designed, which made you laugh."

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