When Yang Wei and Tieniu were put on the ground, Xiao Yumei's expression was fine, and she didn't even let out a breath, but the two female bandits beside her were already exhausted and collapsed on the ground. It seemed that there was a reason why Tieniu could eat so much, at least In terms of weight, it is very proportional to food intake.For the latest free chapters of this book, please visit www.

After being punched by Xiao Yumei, Yang Wei fell asleep unconsciously, and Tieniu passed out when he left the brothel. The two were carried over step by step by Xiao Yumei and others. The bandit was so tired that he collapsed on the ground, out of breath and said: "Master, this man is really heavy, two dead pigs can't weigh his body alone, isn't this killing people!"

Xiao Yumei looked Tieniu up and down, her expression was very satisfied, she glanced at the two of them with disdain and said, "What is this? A man with a strong body is easy to use. What do you know?"

The two thieves were just over twenty-eight years old, so naturally they didn't understand what kind of man is easy to use, but looking at Xiao Yumei, Xiao Yumei, who was about the same age as them, didn't know anything more than them, this was a very puzzling question.

Under the dubious eyes of the two, Xiao Yumei waved her hand impatiently, took the water bowl handed over by someone else and took a big gulp, took the rest in her mouth, and sprayed it on Yang Wei's face. past.

After a chill, Yang Wei woke up, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Xiao Yumei with drops of water still hanging from the corner of his mouth. At this moment, Xiao Yumei seemed to have calmed down, as if she couldn't even remember what happened just now, she was looking at Yang Wei with a silly smile Said: "Are you awake?"

Yang Wei nodded angrily. Is there any reason why he can't wake up after being sprayed with such a big saliva?Yang Wei pursed his lips and climbed up to look around, feeling a little surprised at the moment. What he saw was not the cottage of Yuzezhai, but a tunnel extending in all directions, like a cave with complex root systems and a huge area. According to the direction and shape of the cave, the walls Beds, cabinets, etc. were also excavated. It looked like a casual and innovative living area. The bandits were scattered around, and some of them were looking at Yang Wei curiously.

Xiao Yumei explained in a timely manner: "How is it? The cunning rabbit has three caves, and I'm not an idiot. You think I only have a hiding place in Yuzezhai, waiting to be caught by you? I'm not that kind of idiot. !"

Looking at the winding village, Yang Wei almost understood the reason for Xiao Yumei's sudden disappearance. Under Xiao Yumei's explanation, Yang Wei finally understood that the tunnel under Yuze Village was actually Xiao Yumei herself. It took people to dig out bit by bit, and it took nearly ten years of work to dig out such a huge system of tunnels. [

Looking at the tunnel in front of her, Xiao Yumei was extremely proud. Compared with this secret tunnel, the complicated mechanism on the mountain is nothing. This tunnel is Xiao Yumei's greatest achievement. She couldn't help but raise her tail and said, "How about it? Is the master's thinking superior to others? There is no one who wants to catch the master in this lifetime." Before she finished speaking, Xiao Yumei, who was walking in square steps, suddenly turned her head and added: "Including you, Yang Wei."

Although these words sounded quite unpleasant, Yang Wei couldn't help but nodded. Xiao Yumei was right. Her consciousness was indeed advanced enough. It was more than ten years earlier than the tunnel war, and the scale was almost empty. After climbing half a mountain, the most rare thing is that with only a shovel and a pole, even Yugong Yishan doesn't have the spirit of Xiao Yumei.

Seeing Yang Wei's expression of approval, Xiao Yumei laughed triumphantly and said, "Don't be surprised, Master has more thoughts than that."

Yang Wei blinked at Xiao Yumei. At this time, Yang Wei's view of Xiao Yumei had changed a lot. In Yang Wei's eyes, although Xiao Yumei was also a bandit, her ability was indeed comparable to that of ordinary bandits. Even an officer at the same level as Yang Wei's combat strategy and plan may not be as good as Xiao Yumei's. Yang Wei even wondered if there was some expert who taught Xiao Yumei the art of war.

Yang Wei, who was more interested in Xiao Yumei, couldn't help being funny: "Master Xiao knows that he is different from ordinary people at first sight. I don't know what other schemes are there. Let's listen to Mr. Xiao one by one."

Xiao Yumei was about to speak, but seeing Yang Wei's attentive expression, Xiao Yumei suddenly stopped the words that were about to slip from her lips, pursed her lips and waved her hands: "Since Commander Yang is so interested, then you can't be so easy I'll tell you. Anyway, if my master's plan is completed, let alone you, even if the Northern Expeditionary Army, which made so many warlords fearful, come in person, I'm not welcome!"

Hearing this, Yang Wei couldn't help being speechless. If you were talking about the Northern Expeditionary Army, then Xiao Yumei's bullshit would be a bit too big. The Northern Expeditionary Army has thousands of troops, even if it is one person with one foot, it can burn Xiao Yumei's Yuze Village to the ground. up.

However, Xiao Yumei waved her hands impatiently and said, "I know you don't believe it, but it doesn't matter if you don't believe it. I don't bother to explain it to you now. When the big thing happens in the future, you will naturally know it!"

Hearing Xiao Yumei's tone, it seemed that there was something else in this big project. Yang Wei couldn't help showing a smile, and felt that Xiao Yumei was more and more interesting.

While Xiao Yumei and Yang Wei were chatting, the underground cottage was extremely busy, Xiao Er, who had just been beaten by Xiao Yumei not long ago with a bruised nose and a swollen face, came forward and said with a low eyebrow, "Master, everything is almost ready. "

Xiao Yumei raised her eyes and glanced at Erdangjia, as if she didn't trust him at all, Xiao Erdao couldn't help but said with aggrieved face: "It's all arranged according to the master's order, it's not bad at all, just wait for the right time!"

"Okay," Xiao Yumei patted her chest and said, "What's the best time to wait? When the Lord says it's a good time, it will be!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Yumei was gearing up, looked at Yang Wei impatiently and said, "That's it!"

The look Xiao Yumei looked at her made Yang Wei tremble involuntarily. He always felt that those eyes looked a little dangerous, like a butcher looking at a live pig on the chopping board. Such eyes made Yang Wei shudder.

After a lot of confusion until now, Yang Wei still doesn't know why Xiao Yumei tied him into this tunnel. He came here to find Xiao Yumei's hiding place. Now that he's done, if he doesn't retreat, Yang Wei feels that he is really More bad luck than good luck. [

Looking around, Yang Wei didn't see Tieniu's figure, Xiao Yumei laughed out loudly looking around, and said incessantly, "Mr. Yang, don't look at it, the environment is indeed a bit unsatisfactory, but you have to blame it I blame you for messing up the master's Yuzezhai, I can only wrong you!"

After all, Xiao Yumei conjured a red silk flower from the side and put it on her chest, but threw the red hijab on Yang Wei's face, patted her chest and said, "Don't look, it's time to get down to business."

Yang Wei looked at Xiao Yumei in astonishment and said, "What's the matter?"

Xiao Yumei had a smirk on her face, looked at Yang Wei with lustful eyes and said slowly, "Get married!"

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