Treating different people requires different methods, the old saying is to do what one likes, it is not difficult for Yang Wei to see that what Fang Shaohua needs most now is a person who trusts and recognizes him.

Sure enough, Yang Wei's straightforwardness and the affirmation in his eyes made Fang Shaohua's gaze gradually gentler, Yang Wei gradually began to blame him, looked at Fang Shaohua earnestly and said: "Since Mr. Fang once studied at the Japanese Army University, don't Do you know what you think about the domestic situation?"

Speaking of thoughts about the current situation, Fang Shaohua thinks about it every day. Unfortunately, he has a lot of thoughts, but no one is willing to listen to his analysis. After a few glasses of wine today, Fang Shaohua also let go of Yang Wei. Feeling excited, he talked naturally and eloquently: "Sun Yat-sen's 'Chairman' died in Peiping, and the National Assembly was hopeless, but the voices of the people about launching the Northern Expedition to overthrow the warlords are increasing day by day. The so-called rise and fall of the world is everyone's responsibility. As a hot-blooded man, I definitely hope for peace in the world, but it is a pity that I have more energy than I have. At present, the Northern Expeditionary Army is fighting fiercely with the Zhili Warlords Sun Chuanfang and Wu Peifu, and it is only a matter of time before they fight the warlords."

When Fang Shaohua said this, there was a lot of emotion in his words, Yang Wei couldn't help feeling puzzled and said: "Mr. Fang means that he doesn't support civil war."

Speaking of this, Fang Shao Wharton was very excited and said impassionedly: "Civil war is not about pretending to be a family and riding a horse to fight, but a bloody killing. At present, the current situation at home and abroad is turbulent, and many great powers are eyeing the land of China. It is already a crisis." Many times, the country has been reduced to colonies and concessions, and the children of China are slaves. At such a critical juncture, if the country cannot unite and work together, how can it fight against the robbers of other countries. Although it is too irresponsible for a soldier to say such a thing, But apart from soldiers, I am also one of the sons and daughters of China. The same is true for the Northern Expeditionary Army and the warlords everywhere. They were born from the same root, so why rush each other? Can you have the heart to let the flesh and blood under your command meet your compatriots with swords?" Blood Quenching Mountain and River 61

Yang Wei drank the wine in his glass, nodded and said: "I understand Mr. Fang's meaning, it is indeed inappropriate to launch a civil war at this time of internal and external troubles, but since you are in power and looking for a job, since you can't respond to everyone's orders, all forces will attribute it to you. If you fight against foreign countries with one heart, you can only do the things in front of you. I wonder if Mr. Fang has heard a saying that if you want not to bleed, you can only hold the weapon in your hand tightly. The original intention of wanting to protect your compatriots is correct, but today The current situation is complicated, if you want to fight against the outside world, you must at least quell the "internal strife" first, whether it is bloodshed or sacrifice, the purpose is to protect more compatriots, I don't know if Mr. Fang can understand this reason."

Fang Shaohua didn't speak, turned his head away angrily, why didn't he understand what Yang Wei meant, it was just that his ambition was against the world, and he couldn't get what he wanted, otherwise he wouldn't be willing to accept the position of an adjutant and refuse Yang Wei's invitation .Fang Shaohua is not without ambition, and he will not miss his cause because of the benevolence of a woman. He knows that killing is inevitable, but he must know why he is killing, if it is just for Qi Xieyuan Fang Shaohua would rather hide his edge than the fatuous king.

Fang Shaohua tried to hide his thoughts with silence, but his eyes clearly exposed his heart. Yang Wei took advantage of the victory and chased after him: "Mr. Mr. Fang intends to bury his talent in this way? Hearing Mr. Fang’s opinion today, Yang felt very inspired, but did Mr. Fang never think of letting more people hear these words? Only by standing high enough In terms of position, you can let everyone hear your voice. This is the ability, the thinking, and the power. Mr. Fang’s thoughts can obviously affect many people, and he can achieve a better life for his compatriots. It’s a great cause, but if it goes down in silence, not to mention the name goes down in history, if there is no difference in this world whether there is such a person as Fang Shaohua, then what is life going through once in this world?”

Fang Shaohua tightly clenched the wine glass in his hands, hearing Yang Wei's words, he couldn't help being extremely excited, the veins on his forehead popped out, if it was true what Yang Wei said, wouldn't it make no difference whether he was alive or not?Then why is he so passionate and full of ambition?Fang Shaohua was awakened by Yang Wei's words. He suddenly realized that his forbearance was not kindness, but the greatest cruelty. He clearly had the ability to save thousands of compatriots from suffering, but he gave up. Fang Shaohua couldn't help but ask. Ask yourself, is my retreating to advance is an excuse to hide my strength and bide my time or to be cowardly?

Fang Shaohua was full of melancholy, his eyes gradually blurred and he said: "So, according to Commander Yang, is there really a way to get the best of both worlds?"

The best of both worlds?Yang Wei couldn't help laughing out loud at the moment, and said without hesitation: "No, there has never been anything in this world that can be completely satisfactory. We can only find the best method after assessing the situation."

Yang Wei thought of the Nanjing Massacre in later generations. After more than ten years, this fertile land of peace and tranquility will turn into a bloody land. Do your best to do what you want to do, no matter what price you will pay along the way, just like Mr. Fang, since he wants to protect the Chinese compatriots, how could he give up because of a little trouble and obstruction on the road ahead? Didn’t Mr. Fang himself say that? Well, you can’t stop fighting, you can’t make compromises with the Japanese, if you just give in to an adjutant, what ability does Mr. Fang have to fight? He is clearly a top student at No.5 in the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy..."

Before Yang Wei finished speaking, Fang Shaohua interrupted him with a wave of his hand. He sneered and said, "Commander Yang didn't know something. Back then, his grades in the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy were No. 3 because the instructors favored local students. In addition, they were not willing to be taken over by the Chinese in their own country and school, so they found an unreasonable reason to drop my grade from No.3 to No.5, so I took the initiative to ask for my grade to be returned to No. .7, to show resistance to the Japanese."

Fang Shaohua's behavior seemed extremely stupid in the eyes of others, but Yang Wei could understand his intentions best, and he nodded in praise. It seemed that he had not misjudged this talent. Enthusiastically said: "The Great Wall begins at the foot. If there is no strength, everything is empty talk. I believe that Mr. Fang is full of knowledge and hopes that what he has learned can be applied to be valued. Yang has no other talents, but Yang is willing to use the project. The Supreme Master assures you that as long as I am alive, I will not stop, and I will fight for the world without killing, without tragedy, and without darkness!"

It was already dark outside the window, but a hale and hearty light emerged from Fang Shaohua's eyes, echoing the light in Yang Wei's eyes that could illuminate the dark night.

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