After handing over the matter to Xing Jun and others, Yang Wei returned to Shanghai. The money he invested in foreign exchange speculation quickly doubled. In addition to the capital collected from the merchants in the bank, he earned [-]% per month. In addition, Yang Wei also made a lot of money.Although after Yang Wei's business friend bank raised the interest rate, other banks had to raise the interest rate as well, but most of the merchants looked at Yang Wei's embarrassment and transferred the money again, and the business could only be regarded as barely maintained.

After earning money, Yang Wei came to von Box's firm and handed over part of the money for the weapons to him.

Von Box was still depressed because Yang Wei cheated him of so many Mauser pistols with the wear and tear fee. After receiving the money for the weapon, von Box looked at Yang Wei in bewilderment, That look made Yang Wei feel uncomfortable, and he joked, "Don't look at me with that look, I'm not a woman."

Von Box curled his lips and said: "I'm just curious, Mr. Yang, I once heard from your subordinates that you either drill soldiers or hide in your room every day, but you are so rich, it's unscientific .”

Yang Wei laughed loudly and said, "Because I have a treasure chest, the gold in it will never run out."

"Really?" Von Box looked at Yang Wei in amazement, his eyes sparkled, but he knew that he had been slapped when he saw Yang Wei's smile. Luo said: "Mr. Yang, we have been working together for so long, and we are also old friends. Don't you Chinese always say that you should share your blessings? Can you share some of your ways of making money with me?"

Yang Wei pointed to his head and said, "There are all ways to make money here, if you want it, you can get it yourself."

Von Box jumped his feet angrily, and said angrily: "It's really insincere, I regard you as a friend very seriously, if this is the case, please pay the purchase fee except the weapon wear and tear, hmph, We're not friends anymore anyway!"

Feng Box muttered angrily to himself, but there was no sound at all, and when he looked back, Yang Wei had already disappeared.

After being away for too long, Yang Wei was worried that Hangzhou would not be peaceful, so he hurried to Hangzhou after earning enough money in Shanghai, and it was already late at night when he returned.

Yang Wei didn't notify Xing Jun and others when he came back this time. Everyone had already fallen asleep, and there was no light in the room. Kai himself squeezed in, someone turned on the light, the room was brightly lit, Yang Wei was pushed aside, before he had time to get angry, he saw the person lying on the ground, he was stunned.

It was Wang Xiao who was lying on the ground. He was stabbed in the waist, blood flowed horizontally, and the carpet was dyed red in a blink of an eye.

Xing Jun, Fang Dacheng, Li Tiegang, and Qian Chengshan didn't expect Yang Wei to come back. After seeing Yang Wei, they were stunned for a moment, sweating profusely, and asked, "Why did the commander come back suddenly?"

Yang Wei waved his hand and said, "What time is it? I don't have time to talk about it. Send him to the hospital quickly."

Wang Xiao, who was lying on the ground, covered the wound with one hand, and said with a wry smile on his pale face, "Commander, this little injury is nothing, it's useless to blame on me."

Yang Wei was anxious at the time and couldn't care about anything else, so he couldn't help but sternly said to Wang Xiao: "Stop talking nonsense, just go to the hospital!"

After all, Yang Wei directed a few people to lift Wang Xiao up and sent him to the hospital in a hurry. Fortunately, the wound was on the side of the waist, not too deep and did not hurt internal organs.

Watching the doctor send Wang Xiao into the ward, Yang Wei, Xing Jun, Fang Dacheng, Li Tiegang, and Qian Chengshan stood in the corridor. Yang Wei kept frowning, his gloomy expression was ugly. Those four people even lowered their heads as if they had done something wrong and dared not make a sound.

After waiting for the doctor to clean and bandage Wang Xiao's wound and send him to the ward, Yang Wei finally breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the few people and said in a low voice, "What's going on?"

Xing Jun stood at the front, didn't even dare to lift his head, and complained: "Commander, it's all because we are not as skilled as others. If we had listened to the commander's teaching..."

Before Xing Jun could finish speaking, Yang Wei interrupted him impatiently, and said bluntly: "I don't care about listening to those explanations, please hurry up and tell me, what happened?"

Gritting his teeth, Xing Jun made up his mind and said, "We were attacked by people from the Qingtian Society."

Yang Wei stared and said angrily: "Qingtianhui? Did I ask you to arrest the people of Qingtianhui when I left? When I left, I asked Xing Jun to take care of the affairs here. You only need to Responsible for the affairs of the army, who asked you to take care of the affairs of the Qingtianhui?"

Xing Jun was scolded so badly by Yang Wei that he didn't dare to speak. Seeing their tired and embarrassed faces, Yang Wei couldn't bear to scold them any longer, so he asked Xing Jun and Fang Dacheng to take care of Wang Xiao, Li Tiegang and Qian Cheng Shan went back with Yang Wei first.Blood quenching mountains and rivers 95

Leaving the hospital, Yang Wei breathed a sigh of relief. He was quite at ease with these people when he left, but now he saw that he was far from his expectations.

Just when Yang Wei was feeling emotional, Qian Chengshan who was walking aside couldn't help but said: "Commander, Chengshan shouldn't talk too much, but this matter is indeed not what the commander thought."

Yang Wei raised his eyebrows and looked at Qian Chengshan and asked, "What? You mean I wronged Xing Jun?"

Qian Chengshan and the others have been following Yang Wei since the very beginning, and they have "knowledge" Yang Wei's temper clearly. Although they know that his words are not polite sometimes, they have a good heart, so they couldn't help but nodded bluntly and said: "Commander, Cheng Shan may offend the commander by saying this, but I have to say this, and I really shouldn't blame Xing Jun."

Yang Wei stood still and listened to Qian Chengshan explaining bit by bit from when he left.

When Yang Wei left, he arranged a patrol team to arrest the members of the Qingtian Society, but the members of the Qingtian Society were extremely cunning, they never showed their faces during the day, they were disguised like ordinary people, and they couldn't recognize them on the street.Except for the selected tea farmers whose gates were marked with triangles, no one knew what kind of people the Qingtian Society was like.

Especially after the patrol team arranged by Yang Wei began to patrol the place where the tea growers lived every night, the members of the Qingtian Society did not show up. If the action is taken, the people can feel relieved.

However, not long after that, Qingtianhui, who was unable to do anything, was "forced" into a hurry, and even started setting fires to burn tea everywhere. From the perspective of Qingtianhui, if the tea of ​​other tea farmers were burned, the tea in Hangzhou would be only The prices of the remaining stocks in their hands can naturally be multiplied several times.

Moreover, the Qingtian Society acted very secretly. Even though the patrol team rushed to the scene as quickly as possible, they still couldn't find any clues about the Qingtian Society.

The capture of Qingtianhui was the task Yang Wei left behind when he left. Xing Jun was worried that he would not be able to complete the task before Yang Wei returned, so he arranged another patrol team. The patrol team is divided into a standard combat squad of 16 people to expand the search area.

But from then on, members of the patrol team were often attacked at night, and the people from the Qingtianhui were quick to attack and were more familiar with the surrounding terrain than the patrol team, and they couldn't find anyone in the alley.

Patrols by the whole team cannot guarantee the patrol area, and they will be attacked again if they are divided into groups. Unless they send more troops, in desperation, Xing Jun had to take Fang Dacheng, Li Tiegang, Wang Xiao and Qian Chengshan to carry out the arrest work in person, determined to kill Yang Wei. Arrest and bring to justice all members of the Qingtian Society before returning.

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