The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 100 Forging the Blood Furnace Domain


At this moment, with the sky and the earth as the central axis, above the dark sky is the vast demonic body of the evil servant of the bat giant beast, while in the ground, Ye Yun seems insignificant, like an oil lamp that is about to be extinguished, emitting a diligent oily light!

The Demon Realm suddenly paused, stopped flowing, any air flow, or magic power, and halo, all froze between the two.


All of a sudden, Ye Yun was like a star in the darkness, bursting out with dazzling light. With his thin body, holding the spear of blood in his hand, he stood upright. The radiant halo pierced the terrifying palm of the giant bat beast with a shattering force.

This thrust made a sound like a metal wave, and the giant bat's magic hand seemed to be made of metal, unbreakable and as stable as Mount Tai.

"This kid... can actually go against the law of the master..."

The giant bat roared and roared, its evil eyes were full of shock, and there were endless killings: "The domain is broken!"

"Broken...Could it be that he wants to condense the full strength of the domain and fight against me in the end? He can't be allowed to succeed. The domain is broken, that is, the power of the entire domain is completely shattered. In the domain, any matter will be reduced to nothing. The domain Breaking is equivalent to self-destructing the domain!"

Feeling the giant bat sucking in the magic power, Ye Yun suddenly cast the Unbeaten Blood Body.

partially activated...

Ultimate activation...

In less than a breath, the meridians, cells, bones, and pupils of the whole body were filled with blood essence, and Ye Yun blinked into a blood man with blood-red shimmering holy spots.

"How is it possible? How could his strength suddenly increase tenfold...!" The giant bat, which was swallowing the sky and taking the sun, found the weak Ye Yun under the pressure of the magic hand, and suddenly all its aura was transformed into a monstrous wave. Power, with a single spark, suddenly burns and explodes with infinite power.


Ye Yun's body was tall and straight, and he held the blood spear in his hand. Before the giant bat, he spun the gun and pierced the huge magic hand. The magic hand shattered, and it was shattered like a mirror with the surrounding ten-foot-high magic power void. The crack fell off, and at the moment of shattering, the spear of the blood ghost was sharp, and the tip of the spear pierced the chest of the giant bat in an instant.

Awow... the bat monster held the blood gun tightly with both hands, and wanted to pull out the sharp gun, but its body hurt so much that it screamed and screamed. At the moment it was struggling, the blood gun suddenly exploded, and the force directly sent the giant bat to the ground. The beast churned into a black powder.

call out……

A fist-sized devil soul flew out of the powder, Ye Yun grabbed it with his big hand, and immediately, infinite devil energy emanated from it, trying to devour Ye Yun like a beast.

"The thousand-year-old evil servant Demon Soul, it's really terrible..." Ye Yun held the Demon Soul, and all the demon realms around him were shattered, but the void ten feet away was still the Demon Realm domain.

"Huh? The evil servant of the bat is dead, but this demon soul can still temporarily control the demon realm, so that it will dissipate for a while... the demon realm!"


When Ye Yun's head was spinning rapidly, the Mo Po was still exuding amazing power, but suddenly, the Mo Po buzzed and swayed uncomfortably, Ye Yun looked down, and a familiar sacred power was suppressing the Mo Po, making the Mo Po Actually honest.

"It turns out that the power of Daqian Shentu Turing sensed the powerful demonic energy of the demon soul, and the divine figure Turing automatically wanted to obliterate the demonic energy... It is worthy of being an ancient orthodox god, born to be hostile to demonic energy!"

Ye Yun held the Mo Po tightly, at this time the Mo Po lost the surging power just now, and did not struggle, instead, the powerful righteousness of Shentu Turing was devouring the power of the Mo Po.

"Demon Soul... Demon Realm Domain... Domain!"

At this moment, Ye Yun suddenly grasped something, connected everything together to form a straight line, stared at the Demon Realm, and found that after the power of God Turing restrained the Demon Soul, the powerful magic pattern was about to disappear in the weak Demon Realm. Ye Yun suddenly burst out with a determined gaze: "I have the divine figure Turing in my body, which happens to be a natural existence that restrains the demonic energy. If so, why don't I just devour the demonic soul and refine the demonic realm!"

Ye Yun suddenly uttered a shocking sentence, the realm of the demon world, even the gods, cannot fight against it, and the realm is a supernatural power only for the gods, and the earth immortal is still a mortal, unable to reverse the law, cultivate the realm, but now, Ye Yun has a natural restraint It is even unthinkable to use the divine object of demonic energy to refine the demon soul, collect the domain of the demon world, and turn it into an ordinary person.

Soldiers make dangerous moves and practice, sometimes it is necessary to take a slanted sword.

"Blood House Furnace, come out!"

Ye Yun gritted his teeth and decided to do just that, without any hesitation, let Dongtian fly out from the Furnace of the Blood House, and the Furnace of the Blood House suddenly flew out from the Dantian. ability.

"The Furnace of Blood Mansion, help me cultivate the realm, Mopo!"

The bronze color Furnace of the Blood House was suspended between Ye Yun's hands, and then the Mo Po was driven into the Furnace of the Blood House, urging the true energy to make the Furnace of the Blood House burn wildly, so as to refine the Mo Po and let the Mo Po and the Blood House Furnace fusion.

Once fused, Ye Yun may cultivate a realm that surpasses the laws of heaven and earth.


In the melting furnace of the blood palace, Mo Po lost the control of the power of the divine figure Turing, and roared like a giant beast in the blood palace, devouring true energy.

The Furnace of the Blood Mansion itself is formed by the condensation of true qi, an ancient qigong, a powerful method cultivated by the invincible blood body, and true qi is nothing but the true qi of tiny earth immortals and flesh immortals. Mo Po is high-level and evil, and it is extremely tyrannical in itself, even a celestial being cannot suppress it.

What's more, with Ye Yun's low-level true qi, the Blood Furnace can't suppress Mo Po. Now that Mo Po has lost its restraint, he is frantically devouring Xuefu Furong, as if he wants to demonize the Blood Furnace.

"Oops..." Facing the Mo Po struggling to come out, no matter how much power Ye Yun puts into the Furnace of the Blood Palace, the Furnace of the Blood Palace cannot suppress the Mo Po.

Since ancient times, many people have wanted to refine the demon soul, but how many people in the world can do it?

The countless evil servants and puppets in the Heiwu area are all formed by demonic energy. Among them, who is not powerful, but they are also demonized by demonic energy.

Ye Yun is too bold, even a high-level celestial being would not dare to refine the Demon Soul at will, and Ye Yun is still an Earth Immortal, even the first level of the Earth Immortal. If calculated normally, Ye Yun will sooner or later be transformed into the Furnace of the Blood Mansion by the Demon Soul, and then Ye Yun's entire physical body turned Ye Yun into a walking dead.

"At this juncture, there is no retreat, only a last-ditch effort... God Turing, become the heart of the domain!"

Suddenly, Ye Yun made his last bet, that is, Turing, the great thousand gods.

Ye Yun has never been a person who is not sure. Whatever he does, he has considered the interests. If he is not sure, he will definitely not do it. Even if he has a little hope, he will take the risk and give it a try.

The Daqian God Map originally came from a high-level space, and belonged to the supreme god in the high-level world. It suppressed demons and created countless coordinates of planes. For demons, it was inherently suppressed.

And the great thousand god Turing has been forcibly subdued and refined by Ye Yun's mysterious power. After Ye Yun got the god Turing, he hasn't had time to get benefits from Turing. Now, he can finally use the god Turing. As the heart of the domain, the spirit comes to cultivate an infinite domain.

As a domain, a small space beyond the space has reversed the law, and it contains the law of self, so it can be called a domain.

Like heaven and earth, domains need a source of power, the sun is the center of light, blood is the original ability of the human body, qi is the central power of heaven and earth, and domains also need a source, a heart.

"Refine the demon soul and seize the domain of the demon world!"

The Daqian God Turing is like a bright light, pouring into the melting furnace of the Blood Mansion. Immediately, the flames of the Blood Mansion Furnace ignited again. Tu Turing bound the Demon Soul, and at the same time bound the entire Demon Realm.

The Demon Soul was originally the center of the Demon Realm. The existence of the source, and the source is controlled by the divine figure Turing, so the Demon Realm naturally cannot escape.

"This, this Great Thousand Gods Turing, is worthy of being a god of heaven and earth, and he can easily refine the devil's soul... The realm of the devil world, I am the only one!"

Seeing the moment when the Demon Soul was refined by the divine figure Turing, at the moment when the Demon Realm was about to collapse and disappear, Ye Yun breathed out in one breath, and the Furnace of the Blood Mansion suddenly absorbed the Demon Realm frantically. Heavy condensed techniques were poured into the melting pot of the Blood Mansion.

At the same time, the divine figure Turing controls the power of the Demon Soul, and absorbs the Demon Realm together with the Blood Palace Furnace. Originally, the Demon Realm is in front of the Blood Palace Furnace, like an ancient giant beast. It is completely impossible for the Blood Palace Furnace to completely absorb the Demon Realm. But now, with the help of the original Demon Soul of the Demon Realm, the entire Demon Realm suddenly disappeared into the Blood Furnace World like a black cloud of mushrooms.

Jie Jie...

As soon as the Demon Realm disappeared, countless evil servants continued to attack Ye Yun floating in the void. Ye Yun saw it, and immediately put away the trembling Blood Furnace: "First, go to No Man's Land to completely refine the Demon Realm. Belongs to my domain!"

After speaking, with a swipe, Ye Yun disappeared into the dark land at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye under the state of extremely exhausted vitality.

Just half an hour after Ye Yun left, several secret agents of the Yan family finally came after them, seeing countless evil servants and puppets, they were frightened and frightened.

"That kid deserves to be unlucky. He met so many evil servants. It seems that this kid has escaped. Let's not follow up. We will chase after the evil servants are asleep. If they find out, we will be crippled!"

A few people were discussing, lurking in the dark, not daring to move forward, and there were more and more evil servants in the entire black mist land. After the death of their master bat monster, they lost their backbone and were just a group of walking corpses.

"It seems that there was civilization here before..."

A hundred miles away in the blink of an eye, Ye Yun landed in front of an abandoned palace. After feeling that there were no living things around, he flew towards the palace.

When he found the wide hall, Ye Yun sat cross-legged and immediately offered sacrifices to the Furnace of the Blood Mansion, and immediately floated in front of him, the whole Furnace of the Blood Mansion turned a little black, as if the Buddha's devilish energy was about to overflow.

"There are only two things left. One is to make God Turing the heart of the domain, and the other is to completely refine the magic energy, transform it into pure power, and become the original power of the domain!"

As soon as these words were said, countless techniques were punched into the melting furnace of the blood mansion, and the melting furnace of the blood mansion continuously made humming sounds, as if a wild beast was galloping and howling.

As time passed by, the Blood Palace Furnace was still slowly floating and spinning, absorbing a large amount of true energy from Ye Yun's body, and in the center of the Blood Palace Furnace, God Turing was refining the Demon Soul, and there were countless powers from the Demon Realm .

"There are so many laws... It seems that I also need to have my own laws. My laws are mainly attack!" Ye Yun kept analyzing in his heart.

"And my law is based on the melting furnace of the blood palace. I simply call it the blood furnace domain...the blood furnace domain burns everything and refines the sky. Yes, it is domineering and manly enough!"

Ye Yun showed an excited smile on his face, fidgeting with excitement, and his whole body was full of blood. Once he cultivated into the blood furnace domain, Ye Yun would be No. 1 in the fairyland. The domain, and the heart of the domain is still the mysterious and powerful divine figure Turing. That domain is naturally extremely powerful, far surpassing the ordinary domain, and even surpassing the heavenly domain.

I can't imagine... the blood spurts!

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